Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1076: Hooking up with the Queen

"It's amazing. The construction area on the back of this giant beast is the size of a province!"

Baloan stepped on the spot a few times, but it felt unreal and incredible.

Before boarding the Sky Veil Behemoth, although she had heard a lot about this big guy, she subconsciously felt that it was not too outrageous.

At most, it is just a "Hutton Mar" suspended in the air.

But now the huge beast of the Heavenly Veil was beyond her expectation, and the nearby mountains centered on "Jishi" alone were enough to rival Hedunmar.

"Ye Lin, when was the GBL religion founded? The buildings here are man-made miracles!"

"Let me think about it... According to the curator, it should be more than a hundred years ago that Leslie, an explorer from the Delos Empire, accidentally boarded the Sky Veil Behemoth and discovered the ultra-ancient ruins here. The idea of ​​collecting wisdom came up.”

These contents are not top secret, and if you ask GBL believers, they will be happy to spend a few minutes telling you more detailed information, and will also ask you if you want to join the religion.

But the most straightforward question derived from this is who built the ancient ruins here, and when did they build them?

And because there is almost a world of its own behind the giant beast of the sky, there are not only low-level elemental elves such as Leivos of Light, but also dryads and centaurs with great wisdom.

When did they exist?

This question was difficult for Ophelia, the learned curator and leader, to answer.

If you don't deliberately look up at the sky among the huge ancient ruins and buildings, walking in them is no different from an ordinary city.

The ground is paved with neat stones, and the buildings have unique styles. In particular, there are many exquisite murals, sculptures, etc. that symbolize "faith".

Under the special circumstances of giant beasts taking off, what kind of vast manpower and material resources can build these buildings?

Even though Ye Lin felt that the big guy at his feet should come from the devil world and might be the work of Held, what happened in that ancient era is still an unsolved mystery.

Although Baroan was very curious, she didn't want to go into details. She was here for fun, and she was not a senior scholar like the curator. She just wanted to be happy.

It took more than half an hour to cross the outskirts of the temple. The natural breath of the dryad jungle and the occasional centaur running past gave the queen a great sense of novelty.

"If, well, I mean if, this big guy turns into a mobile war fortress..." Baloan seemed to be a little excited.

Just falling rocks from a high altitude can cause great damage. If the Sky Curtain Behemoth can be manipulated into a mobile fortress.

After she finished speaking, she covered her mouth in a playful manner. Before, she said she was "Baroan" now, not Skadi. By accident, she assumed the identity and thoughts of the queen again.

Ye Lin shook his head and smiled, then spread his hands and said: "If the GBL cult had ambitions to invade, then they would have been gone long ago, and the giant sky-curtain beast cannot be controlled."

No monarch would tolerate a big threat flying around overhead. Skadi wouldn't allow it, and neither would Leon.

But he remembered another thing. Although "Ji Zhou" is the highest point on the back of the Sky Curtain Beast, it stores various war weapons such as dragon head cannons and Dorniers.

With its large number and powerful effectiveness, it is no problem to create an army of 10,000 elite soldiers.

So where did these weapons come from? In other words, what did the creators of the ancient ruins think of keeping the weapons?

As for Baloan's fantasy, it is naturally impossible to realize it, because the mental resistance of the giant beast is extremely tenacious. Even the apostle Mr. Luo could not completely control it at the beginning.

From the outside of the temple, through the tree spirit jungle, when you reach the first spine, you can see the endless sea of ​​white clouds, which look like fish scale clouds that seem to be within reach.

It is raining or cloudy in most areas of the Principality of Belmare, but the current location of the Sky Curtain Beast is the Dark Elf Kingdom, and there seems to be no sign of rain.

While climbing the Jishi, Baloan, who had always been in a state of excitement, finally suffered from physical exhaustion.

She is the queen of a principality. She is busy with affairs and rarely exercises, so she is inevitably delicate and frail.

Ye Lin wanted to give her some Wuxuan breath to relieve her fatigue, or simply carry her on his back, but Baloan stubbornly shook his head and refused.

"My king...cough, I, Baloan, can't climb this small mountain?"

The sun at noon is shining brightly, dazzling the eyes, and it is extremely bright, which means there will never be night.

It can be said that in the continent of Arad, except for the city lord's palace where Seghart lives, no place is closer to the sun than Jishi.

Sunbathing is one thing, but due to the extremely high distance, the overall temperature is quite cool.

Baroan was lying on the ground panting in a very shameful manner, with sweat on his forehead. He regretted his black elegant long skirt and leggings, which may be suitable for walking on the beach, but not suitable for climbing mountains.

"You carry me when you go down...down the mountain. I'm exhausted. You say... Phew, do you want me to take time to exercise every day?"

After lying there like a salted fish for a while, Baloan supported his arm and stood up, drank some slightly salty water, and then touched his flat and soft belly.

For the future heir of the duchy, she had done enough homework, not only hired several experienced midwives, but also communicated with some noble ladies who had given birth to children.

He also asked people to search for relevant books and experienced people from heaven.

She maintains a happy mood and less anger, a good sleep schedule, a balanced menu, etc. Even in the past, red wine was required at banquets, so she also started to pay attention to the small amount.

Ye Lin took out the wet wipes, slowly and considerately wiped off the sweat on Baloan's forehead, nodded gently and said in a gentle tone: "Okay, but only in the first few months, it should have good results."

The sun was bright in the sky and the weather was cool. Baloan slowly opened his arms to the sun and took a deep breath and a long breath.

They visited various places and looked around. Baloan kept taking pictures of the scenery and taking group photos with his camera. The Jishi area was filled with cheerful laughter.

For lunch, Ye Lin had prepared a lunch box in advance, a long checkered cloth, spread out on the spot like a picnic.

It wasn't until about three o'clock in the afternoon that Baroan thought about going back. She drew a cross on the "West Coast" on the map, which meant that she had been there and was satisfied.

"Ye Lin, how about we make a promise?"

Baroan moved her little finger, her eyes shy but more expectant, wanting to pull the hook.


He didn't even ask what the agreement was, and just pulled the trigger. Now all the requirements of the future mother of the child must be met.

Even if Baloan wants a star, he will find a way to go to the realm of nothingness and explode a dead planet to get the core stone.

"Well, the agreement is that before our future prince or princess turns one year old, we will come here again and take a group photo of the three of us at this location!"

Baloan stepped on it and blinked secretly. She just left two deep marks on the floor tiles under their feet.

When she holds her child and steps into this position again, recalling the hook agreement made a year ago, she must be the happiest woman in the world.

"I promise! But..." He suddenly came closer, hugged the elegant black dress Baloan affectionately from behind, and teased in a low voice: "If they are twins, they are not three people."

"Twins...that's a blessing from God, so let's just hold one each."

Baloan turned around gently and took the initiative to give him a deep kiss. After pulling a strand of crystal apart, she put her soft arms around his neck, which meant that I didn't want to go down the mountain because my legs hurt.

Now it's finally time to have a chat with the beautiful girl with twin ponytails. Maybe it will be interesting too.

Moreover, the GBL professor once sent books and teachers, opened various subjects, and provided outstanding talents to the principality. It was also a good opportunity to express his gratitude in person.

After bending down, his arms were strong, and he picked up the soft body horizontally. Amidst Baloan's exclamation, he took long strides down the mountain.

The walk was deliberately stumbling, as thrilling as a roller coaster.

By the time he reached the foot of the mountain and asked the believer for directions, Baloan was already dizzy and grabbed him by the collar and shook him around. This was considered pre-pregnancy sickness.

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