Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1079 Ice Queen Little Rose

As the season approaches summer, the temperature in most areas of Arad is gradually getting closer to hot, and people tend to wear light single clothes.

However, there are many fashion-conscious girls on the street who have put on beautiful and refreshing short skirts. This is especially obvious in the heaven.

For example, Taylor, a certain blonde princess, has long since put on her iconic short hot pants. She has beautiful legs and wants to drag the conservative Feiyan to wear them too.

But in Amroth, known as the Snow Capital, where the weather is cold all year round, everyone is still wrapped in thick cotton clothes, and some of the weak are wearing warmer snow mandrill fur coats.

The cold wind and snow howls from the eternal frozen soil in the far north, with few breaks throughout the year. Ordinary people cannot endure it for too long and hide in their houses shivering, but the Bantu people are used to it.

Some warriors with strong physiques only wear a single coat and a jacket, so they are not afraid of wind and snow.

He and Skadi came as tourists, rented a quieter place, did not bother the Bwanga chief, and behaved no differently than ordinary couples.

"It's so cold here."

Scardy's pale lips were trembling, and he was wearing a thick coat. He felt that the wind and snow were pouring into his neck, and the boots on his feet felt as if they were not worn at all.

As for the original idea of ​​​​going to visit the Bantu sacred mountain Kanak Peak in person, it quickly became like a flame under the heavy snow, lingering for a few times and refusing to be extinguished.

"I think about it, actually in the year 502 of the Arad calendar..."

Skadi held a cup of hot tea, his delicate little face turned pale by the wind, and now there was a trace of blood. He recalled: "In the name of Lord Mar, the late king founded the country of Belmare only nineteen years ago. This ushered in a large-scale invasion by the Bantu tribe.”

After she finished speaking, she smacked her lips and stuck out her tongue. The tea was a bit hot.

The first Snow Battle took place more than 400 years ago. The ice dragon Skatha suddenly arrived. It occupied Kannak Mountain tyrannically, and when it fluttered its wings, it set off an endless blizzard that filled the entire Ston Snow Region.

The Bantu people, who already had a poor living environment, almost suffered annihilation. Unable to deal with the arrogant ice dragon, they had to migrate as a family, heading south to warmer places to seek new living territories.

At that time, the Principality of Belmare had only been established for 19 years, and the Peruvian Empire had also split into multiple vassal states, leaving only an empty puppet of the royal family.

The Bantu people who went south to seek a new place to live were bound to have disputes with Belmare and various vassal states. One side had to invade to survive, and the other side had to defend its territory.

As a result, the first snow-colored battle in nearly thirty years broke out.

In fact, in the second half of the war, Skatha fell into a deep sleep and the ice and snow stopped, but the Bantu people did not know it at the time, so they fought for four more years.

"Although I sympathize with the Bantu people now, regarding the issue of territorial integrity, the late king was unable to make concessions at that time."

Skadi took a sip of hot tea, exhaled a stream of hot breath, and looked at the snowflakes fluttering on the curtains. It was beautiful, but also very cold.

In 968 Arad, the Second Snowy Battle was forced to break out fiercely. Emperor Leon Hainrich, who was only seventeen years old at the time, ruthlessly tore up the lease of the small town "Chatli" that the emperor of the empire had signed with the Bantu people. "Peace Treaty.

They dispatched a sophisticated army and the notorious assassination group "Purple Mist Group" to sneak attack the Bantu tribe who were completely defenseless because they thought the empire would keep their promise.

In that battle, the number of Bantu people dropped sharply by 70 to 80%. Even the capital Amros was lost and was renamed "Kunanti".

Seventeen-year-old Leon is high-spirited and successful, and wants to continue to press forward. While exterminating the Bantu clan, he will hunt the terrifying ice dragon Skatha and achieve the fame of Kazan and Ozma in the ancient times.

As a result, a well-equipped and powerful imperial army was forever buried deep in the snowy mountains by Skatha, with no survivors left.

The Bantu people and the principality have now reached a reconciliation and have begun to gradually trade and trade. There are also children like Mintai who go to the principality to learn knowledge.

But for the ferocious Delos Empire, the bloody hatred more than 20 years ago is still desolate in the snow, harder than the ice of the eternal frozen soil, and absolutely cannot be melted.

Ye Lin went out, bought a snow mandrill fur coat, wrapped Skadi into a cocoon, and then flew to the vicinity of the Holy Mountain to satisfy her wish to enjoy the beautiful snow scenery.

With a tap of the palm, an igloo was quickly built, with soft and warm blankets spread inside. The door faced the towering snow-capped mountains.

Skadi's face turned red from the cold, but he still rolled a snowman with his own hands and stood it up next to the door like a beautiful snowman guard.

The snow mandrill coat is very loose and can fit two people in it without any problem. The two of them are wrapped together like a fat and silly snow bear.

"The snow-capped mountains are so beautiful."

Skadi sighed long and long, with a kind of contentment in his beautiful eyes. The snow was falling heavily, and the only sounds in his ears were the roaring of the wind, as well as each other's heartbeats and breaths.

The snowy area of ​​Ston can also be crossed out satisfactorily.

Soon, Skadi frowned, his cheeks turned slightly red, and he twisted his body, feeling something licking his fat.


A trace of nervousness appeared on Skadi's delicate face, and the pure cotton edict was opened, and he was about to enter the national highway.

"Your Majesty, it's your golden words~" He blew gently next to his red ears and whispered: "Anytime and anywhere."


Skadi wrapped up his snow mandrill coat and leaned on an icicle. His pretty face was rosy and her beautiful eyes were blurred, as if she was in a trance.

Although she knew it wouldn't be that fast, she couldn't help but touch her belly with good expectations.

Suddenly, a pair of legs stopped at the door of the igloo, kicking away a piece of snow and startling Skadi.

Because these calves were as crystal clear as ice, there was not a trace of human skin color, and there was not a single blood vessel flowing through them.

It seems like an ice doll made by some exquisite craftsman out of large pieces of ice.

Ye Lin also stared blankly. He didn't think whose prank this was, because as far as he could tell, there was no other person nearby.

And when the other party appeared, the cold wind that had been whistling in the mountains outside actually stopped and disappeared.

The pair of crystal calves slowly bent up, and the hardness of the ice could not be seen at all. At the door of the igloo, a little girl whose body was completely made of ice squatted down.

She is about the same size and shape as Biana. Her whole body is crystal clear and almost transparent. Her whole body and clothes are made of ice, but her body is very flexible.

Although the lines on her face were very stiff, Ye Lin still felt that the other person seemed to be in a curious state. She suddenly blinked her big eyes and tilted her head to stare at the two people.

But most of all, he seemed to be looking at Ye Lin.

The little girl made of ice is very different from the ordinary advanced ice elf Aquilis. She seems to be more spiritual and humane.

Slowly, the little girl stretched out her little hand tremblingly in the direction of Ye Lin, seeming to be testing and remembering something at the same time.

Ye Lin hesitated for a moment, then slowly stretched out his hand, and placed the delicate palm in his palm. Strangely, her body temperature was not cold at all, but very gentle.

Not cold ice!

At this wonderful moment of contact, when he looked into the other person's crystal eyes, a bright light suddenly flashed in his mind, and a feeling of joy surged into his heart.

He cleared his throat, and then with a voice not much better than Heyman's, he slowly sang:

"White flowers fall in the white sky, and there are many changes in the dream. I don't know where the clouds are in the mist, and the palace of ice and snow shines with the moonlight..."

The little girl made of ice seemed to be very comfortable and intoxicated. She nodded her head vigorously and opened her mouth but no sound came out. Then she could only look downcast and distressed.

"Don't be anxious, just wait a little longer. Rose, I'll give you something."

He made a piece of ice element Holy Spirit crystal into a necklace and hung it around the little girl's neck. He touched the little girl's head and warned: "It's best not to get close to humans before you grow up. You should feel my power." , just ran here."

What he just sang was a famous taboo song among the Bantu tribe, "Song of Los."

The lifelike and exquisite ice girl in front of her is the ice and snow queen, Rose, who was once materialized by Skatha in the song.

Lose was originally a Bantu girl who dreamed of being a queen. She was very innocent and kind.

In the dream, there was a large palace, exquisite tables, chairs, wall clocks, and all kinds of rare fruits from the Bantu people.

As long as a girl has a dream in her heart, the song of Loth will never stop.

However, the Snow Queen, who was materialized from the nursery rhyme by Skatha, inherited the memory of the girl Rose, but her personality was also affected and became ruthless.

I still remember that in the end, Lose, who had lifted the influence of Skatha, fulfilled the last dream of Thunder Sword Cruise, and dissipated into the ice and snow with a smile.

"Lose, Mo Mei would be very happy if she knew that you were born again and loved by Bingxue. She was the most reluctant to let go of you at that time."

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