Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,087 Rich!

After a quiet night's rest, Ye Lin got up and washed up. He shook his slightly sore arms and ran and jumped in the courtyard a few times to stretch his rusty muscles.

Although he didn't have the unique habit of recognizing beds and pillows, he still felt a little uncomfortable in the new residence, new bedding, and new environment. Mo Mei and the others basically felt the same way.

The room is actually very comfortable, but it lacks a little bit of their different personal styles, smells, and a sense of familiarity.

For example, Mailu and Sophie's room did not consider a nest for Mi Gao. Last night, Mi Gao fell asleep in Mailu's arms.

The next stop for World of Warcraft Atropika is Central Park, where the Katie Spin Demon Club is located.

Moreover, it landed in the last week or so, and then continued to crawl on land for about half a month, and Atropika will once again enter the seabed on the other side.

After breakfast, the team took the tamed Bagur without much delay and immediately headed to Central Park.

Aizela and Reina stayed in Wuxuan Town to work. The former had excellent leadership skills and could freely deploy members of the territory. For the latter, Ye Lin solemnly appointed him as the "Wuxuan Town Security Captain".

Due to an unexpected situation, someone also had no choice but to stay in the town. It was the third princess who had always had a great interest in the devil world and was full of energy.

She seemed to be very acclimatized. Not only did she not get a good rest for her body after a night's sleep, but she felt listless when she woke up, and her pretty face turned faintly yellow.

The team all left. The third princess hugged a down pillow and snuggled up on the sofa in the living room of the new manor to doze off and recuperate. Cyrus was worried about the safety of his princess and stayed with them.

"Dong dong~" Someone knocked on the door politely.

The gentle and considerate Belladir, carrying a bright fruit basket in her hand, brought her sister Skurti to visit the third princess who was in poor condition.

The two of them and the third princess met at the reception banquet last night. They heard from the leader early in the morning that their friend last night was sick.

At that time, the Third Princess still had plenty of energy and strong interest. She held onto Beladir's thick paw without letting go, and looked over it, feeling doubly surprised.

"This is our newly planted fruit. It is very sweet and delicious. It was just picked from the tree and very fresh." Belladir lifted the fruit basket and placed it on the table.

The bright fruits in the fruit basket are actually apples, and they are not too big, about the same size as Belladir's thick and warm paws.

If it had been left in the Delos Empire Palace in the past, such an ordinary-looking apple might not even be qualified to enter the palace.

But in this resource-poor demon world, it is already a very gratifying thing.

"Thank you. By the way, Belladir, can you tell me the story here?"

The third princess reluctantly sat up after thanking her. Her forehead was weak and her body felt faint.

The demon world still gave her some novelties, such as the different-looking orcs and alien faces, but her current physical condition was very bad, and she couldn't get interested in many things.

Therefore, I can only rely on the local "natives" to chat with me and gain insights.

"Well, no problem, Wuxuan Town, it has to start with the sudden appearance of Silent City a long time ago..."

About half an hour later, Belladir's mouth was a little dry, and Cyrus poured her a cup of tea.

Skulti, who has an eccentric personality, could no longer hold back her pounding curiosity. Her big pink eyes blinked: "Hey, Isabella, your special ability is what?"

In the leader's team, everyone seems to have a very special power, such as Nian Qi, God's Revelation, and Shenlong, etc.

Each one is mysterious and unheard of, yet very powerful!

Just now, while her sister was telling a story to the Third Princess, she had a warm and cheerful chat with Cyrus. She never expected that the other party could actually control the devil.

The evil Puno who lives in the Boronx area is cruel by nature and good at cold sneak attacks. Many people are extremely afraid of him.


The third princess pointed at herself, then waved her hand boredly, sighed, and said: "My strength is not as good as Siatt and the others. If you insist on saying that I have any special qualities, well... I am quite rich. .”

To put it another way, to be acclimatized means that you are new to the country and cannot adapt to the local environment and lifestyle.

After all, she was used to being pampered, so the rich third princess silently decided that when her physical condition was better, she would find some orc craftsmen to build a large and exquisite villa with a swimming pool, garden, and playground.


Bagur galloped on the ground, rolling up a plume of smoke and dust behind him. The speed was so fast that Biana and Wanzi, who had just recovered from the upside down dimension, turned pale again and suffered from motion sickness and vomiting.

The team did not choose to traverse from the windswept desert to Central Park, but headed to an "independent" area north of the center of the subway, the safe haven "Springfield."

Haven is a "giant island" with a relatively special geographical location. If divided by the eight sides of the demon world, it belongs to the center of the orbit.

However, there is a wide abyss strait between the haven and the central continent of the orbit, which seems to have no connection. Instead, it has a substantial ground connection with the Brooklyn area.

Moreover, the strategic nature of the haven is extremely important. It is located between the three major areas and is a key transportation node.

If you go from the safe haven to Central Park, it is a quiet and calm harbor, and the risk is almost zero compared to the windy area.

People who go from Harlem or Central Park to the Subway Center and Brooklyn basically pass by here.

vice versa.

Therefore, the giant island haven is considered one of the most prosperous places in the Demon World, but it is currently under the jurisdiction of the first-rate power Talakuta.

Therefore, the team's trip also had an incidental purpose, which was to drive away Talakuta's people and put them under the jurisdiction of the orbital center again.

The meager toll collected by the ferry alone, accumulated over a long period of time, is an amazing wealth. How can Tala Kuta be cheaped for nothing.

Even if the factor of wealth is not considered, its strategic significance is destined not to be surrendered at will. Otherwise, if a war breaks out in the future, it will be attacked from both sides.

Wanzi, who was motion-sick, leaned in the director's arms, feeling comfortable and cushioned. A trace of color slowly appeared on his face, and he explained: "Leave the safe haven and go west for a hundred miles to Central Park. There is the ancient library. I can take you there. Meet Sister Monica, she is also the librarian."

The first-class organization "Ancient Library" headed by Monica is named after this.

The Ancient Library and the Eldin Memorial Hall, as the two core buildings within the organization, have some differences in their nature and meaning.

The former brings together all magicians who are interested in magic, while the latter is a high-end place for magicians who gather after they have achieved certain achievements in the magicology lineage.

It can be simply understood as one is primary school and the other is university.

The location of the Ancient Library is Central Park, while the location of the Aldin Memorial Hall is in the notorious Harlem area.

Monica travels between the two places, but the time and frequency are not fixed.

When the Eldin Memorial Hall was mentioned, Becky couldn't help shrinking her head and clutching the corner of Siatt's clothes tightly. She was taken out of there by the Golden Clown.

The days he lived there were a very boring and blank time for Becky. The only clear memory he had was the sound of rats and cockroaches gnawing.

The team successfully crossed the channel in the center of the subway and officially entered the small regional safe haven.

The sea water in the Demon Realm is deep and dark, exuding a strange, ominous and unpleasant smell, and most of the seafood produced is not good in taste.

No wonder Mr. Luo would rather stay in the sea of ​​​​the sky than return to the sea of ​​demons.

But what they saw surprised the team.

The once prosperous haven is now cold and lonely. Not only is there no demon world traveler near the port, but the seawater is also full of broken boards and various shipwrecks.

The entire port was in a mess, with a damp and fishy smell. The residential areas built nearby were also empty, and most of them collapsed and destroyed.

It seems that there was a big war here, ruthlessly destroying most of the port.

Ye Lin rubbed a little dirt with his fingertips, smelled it, and then said with some uncertainty: "It seems to be the monster from Aiken, Hiero."

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