Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1101 Let me do some research for you first!

"Monica, if this mysterious stone tablet was created by an ancient powerful person from the demon world, who do you think it would be?"

"This...I don't know."

Although she is known as one of the most knowledgeable people in the demon world, when faced with this question, she was unable to give even an inferential and vague answer.

There are definitely many powerful people who can flatten a mountain and turn it into a stone monument in the long and endless history of the demon world.

But first we have to guess at its motive. Why is it doing this? Is it hinting to future generations about the hidden dangers in the devil world?

In fact, there is a very big contradiction in the rumors about Atropika.

Legend has it that the stone tablet on its body records the secret of the water of life, which is a magical thing that can make the drinker eternally youthful and immortal.

According to legend, the demon world will perish because of Atropika, leading to final destruction!

Although these are unconfirmed remarks that are only spread by others, the two completely opposite attributes of life and death always reveal a strange feeling that makes Monica shiver.

It seems to imply that when the demon world is in great destruction, only Atropika's stone tablet is the only glimmer of hope, like a lone boat carrying all hope in the flood, a ticket to the new world.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why many scholars are so fond of Warcraft.

As the earth-shattering shocks after the landing of Warcraft tended to subside, the people of the Demon World, who were already timid and adventurous, began to gradually approach this direction, wanting to find out what was going on.

The huge roar when the monster walks can be heard dozens of miles away. If Atropika is still running madly, there is no reason why the sound cannot be heard.

" going on?!"

A fast-running demon was stunned, looking at the majestic mountains that suddenly appeared in front of him. It took him a long time to realize that this was actually the magical beast Atropika.

It is not that Warcraft never sleeps and rests, but the times are very few and the duration is very short. Moreover, its body is so huge that it always stands up when resting.

Some scholars have analyzed that once it lies down, it will be difficult to stand up again.


An unbelievable thought came into many people's minds, and they were immediately shocked.

If Atropika dies, then the person who killed it must be so powerful, perhaps invincible!

"Sister Katie, there is sword power left here."

Niwu was also stunned. As a "big shot" in the demon world, she had a higher and further vision, so she knew better how difficult and terrifying Atropika, who had the effect of disrupting elements, was.

She had always believed that only the apostles could defeat this monster head-on!

"Don't look at me, I didn't summon the Conqueror." Katie waved her hand and breathed a sigh of relief, but she was also secretly ashamed and blushed.

There were some words she couldn't say out loud, and she might keep them in her heart for the rest of her life.

At that time, when she saw Atropika rushing towards the ancient library, she felt a sense of luck slowly arise in her heart.

If by chance, this magical beast does not pass through the territory of the Spin Demon Society, then the only one who will be unlucky is the Ancient Library.

"I'm really a selfish and bad woman." Katie laughed at herself.

Although in her position, anyone might feel a little lucky that "it's not me", just like the subtle feeling of being watched by the teacher in class, but clicking the name of the classmate at the same table.

But she still felt a little sorry for Monica's friendship.

Because Luke's disappearance caused the "light" in Central Park to dissipate, and she was running around in a hurry, Monica always provided friendly assistance.

Niwu didn't notice Katie's changing expression. He held the war spear tightly in his hand and couldn't wait to say: "I feel that the influence of the elements is much weaker. Should we go and take a look?"

There are many people who have the same idea as her. Atropika was mistaken for a "dead" state, so many demon races approached it crazily, trying to climb onto its back to see the true appearance of the mysterious stone tablet.

water of life!

A magical word that makes your blood boil just by hearing it.

Looking back at the history of the demon world, more than a thousand years ago, the ruthless tyrant Dragon King Bakar, in order to seize the eternal water of life and rule the demon world, brazenly launched an earth-shattering war of destruction.

Except for a few apostles, the most powerful ultimate life forms united for the first and only time, and jointly defeated the arrogant and domineering Dragon King, expelled him from the demon world, and shattered his dream of rule.

At least, that's what most people in the demon world think.

Everyone in the demon world despised the Dragon King's arrogance, and even the alien clan who sided with the Dragon King were implicated. The influence lasted for thousands of years, and the alien clan was discriminated against and almost annihilated.

But how many people secretly dream that they can become as powerful as the Dragon King?

They spurn and despise the powerful just because they are not strong enough!


When someone was running and approaching, he suddenly bumped into a star in his eyes. The bridge of his nose almost collapsed, and he fell to the ground, dizzy and bleeding.

At a distance of about 100 meters around Atropika, there was an invisible wall that was invisible to the naked eye. It was indestructible and hindered their ability to get close to the monster.

"what happened?"

This question with a wide range of implications has popped up in the minds of people in the demon world more than once today, but there has never been an answer.

"Is this the domain of Atropika?" someone asked eagerly.

"No, some scholars approached it while it was sleeping. Through research, they learned that the monster only has the effect of disrupting the elements. Also, wasn't there someone who used some kind of machinery to get behind it?"

It was noisy and chaotic, like a vegetable market.

The "Water of Life" seems to be right in front of you. Everyone feels that they have received the blessing of good fortune and are those with great opportunities. They will immediately obtain the Water of Life, achieve eternity, and become the next Demon King and the next Kahn. !

But an invisible wall has blocked their dream of becoming stronger. How can they not be anxious and angry?

A relatively strong man tested it for a few times before nodding and asserting: "This is a man-made field, created by a strong man, to separate us."

The scene suddenly became chaotic, with people scorning, insulting, and spitting on him. Some people thought they were some eternal sinners in the excitement of the crowd.


Of course Ye Lin could hear the insults. He twitched the corners of his stiff lips, laughed coldly, raised his sword and leaped into the air.

"Don't..." Monica wanted to dissuade her, but quickly swallowed the words.

She was grateful to Ye Lin for saving the ancient library, so she was worried that he would arouse public anger and repeat the mistakes of the Dragon King.

After all, the rumors about Atropika are no less than those of the legendary apostles.

"Don't worry, Director Monica." Mo Mei slapped her hands to get rid of the smell. There were too many grilled fish and chili noodles on this skewer, which made it taste a bit choking.

"The reason why the boss doesn't completely trigger a regional war is because he is willing to farm for pleasure and because we don't have many follow-up talents to manage it. It's not because we are not afraid of it because we are not strong enough. Let me put it more seriously. If the boss can start a dragon war now, why not? Definitely lose."

Dragon war, war in all eight areas!

"Is there something wrong with the barrier I set up?" Ye Lin held the sword with a cold expression, and the sword energy was overwhelming.

If he hadn't knocked out Atropika with one punch and allowed this monster to riot randomly, it's unknown how many demon races would have been killed or injured next.

Not to mention he is the savior, at least he should be the benefactor of the Central Park area.

But now, half of the people below who are yelling and swearing are ethnic residents who came from nearby.

His momentum was as oppressive as a landslide and a tsunami, leaving some people speechless for a moment. It was as if they were being strangled by the throat, tightly blocked in their mouths, and rolling their suffocating eyes.

But there were still some people with weird thoughts and unwillingness to ask angrily: "Ye Lin, do you want to swallow the water of life for yourself?"

Although the mystery of the stone tablet is just a legend that has never been confirmed, at this moment, the man seemed to be sure that the legend was a fact.

I believe that with the experience of "Bakar", even if Ye Lin is a new "big shot", he would not dare to be arrogant and presumptuous.

"Yeah, I want to keep it all to myself, do you have any objections?" Ye Lin deliberately picked his ears with his little finger, looking disdainful but also revealing his calmness.

If another "big shot" asked, he might think about it and use a more euphemistic way of saying it, such as: "I'll do some research for you first."

But a flea who has barely awakened to the realm of being is not in the mood.

"Atropika is a creature of the demon world, and the secret should belong to the entire demon world! Are you an enemy of the demon world?!"

"Go away, you are talking nonsense. When I was sniping at the monster, you were so scared that you ran away with your hands in your hands, fearing that you would accidentally be trampled to death. Now that I have subdued the monster, I jumped out on horseback and shouted that the secret has returned to the demon world. An hour ago, you Do you have the courage?"

Ye Lin's face was full of impatience, and he shook his hand, and the ground rumbled.

A majestic arena rose up from the ground, with the platform a hundred meters above the ground, like a pillar supporting the sky.

"You said this is the wealth of the demon world, so I am not a reckless person who does not understand the rules. I still remember the rules of the first demon world alliance. The only winner will enjoy the status of the first organization in the demon world and the water of life information. For Bar?"

Suddenly everyone's expressions changed slightly, as if they had guessed something.

After all, the stone tablet is just information. In a sense, it is on the same level as the championship prize of the first Demon Realm Alliance.

"Astra!" Ye Lin shouted behind him.

The dragon's blood boiled with excitement and she couldn't wait, but Astra still looked at Sophie, but her master was busy eating, with a greasy mouth, and waved her greasy hands, saying that she had no time to pay attention to you, just go and play.

So the black dragon soared into the sky, covering the sky and the sun. The vast dragon power overwhelmed him, and his majestic body once made people think it was the return of the Dragon King!

"Go to that arena. Whoever can beat it, I will invite him to come here and see the true appearance of the stone monument."

Impromptuly, he simply held the "Second Demon Realm Alliance Meeting".

The prize is still information about the water of life, and the person connected is still a black dragon. It has to be said that it seems to be a subtle "reincarnation".

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