Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,106 Racing all the way to Harlem

There are still mysteries, and some have not been fully solved, but for now, they are no longer important and can be put to rest for the time being.

The stone tablet on the giant beast still stands majestically, reaching into the sky, and the characters and symbols carved on the surface are still obscure and abstract, difficult to understand and decipher.

The monster Atropika has awakened, and it will move its heavy body again, rumbling and trembling.

But since all the cracks in its abdomen have been healed and the defective wooden barrel has made up for the last shortcoming, it no longer needs to continue to cruise around.

Therefore, in the future, this magical beast used by the demon world to mark the years may lose its meaning.

In order to reduce the energy loss of the body, it may learn from Antoun and lie down in a certain place without moving.

After all, after running for so many years, it is inevitable that I will feel tired.

Ye Lin gently touched the stone tablet with his palm, repairing and blocking the internal space, including the cracks cut by Siatt's previous sword, and asked casually:

"Mai Lu, please help me ask Atropika, is the huge mountain it is carrying on its back necessary?"

The space field he arranged separated the area. Nowadays, more and more demonic races have gathered outside, including some cadres and spies of large organizations, or indifferent loners.

If we delay for some more time, maybe this place will really become the second "Central Arena", and an endless bloody battle will begin for the information about the Water of Life.

Astra can be powerful for a while now, but it can never stop the covetousness of those really big shots.

"Of course it's not necessary. This mountain is not the black volcano on Antuen. It can produce powerful energy through chemical reactions to feed itself. The stone monument and the giant mountain are just a mere burden to it."

Mailu is still a little angry now. Atropika has a long history in the demon world, and it has even become an ancient proverb passed down orally. It is very powerful, but it has never given birth to a spiritual consciousness of wisdom.

She wondered if the mysterious person who erected the stone tablet forcibly suppressed this light of wisdom.

Of course it's just a guess on her part. After all, there is a precedent, Arad's Heavenly Curtain Beast. Its mental power is strong enough to resist Mr. Luo, but it still has no intelligence at all.

With the wisdom and power shared from the beginning, Nimmel illuminates the universe, breaks through the hazy chaos, and brings freshness and clarity. As a loyal person to Lord Nimmel, she instinctively hates the behavior that hinders the birth of wisdom.

"In that case, Mailu, please contact Warcraft, and then we can divert the trouble to the west and race all the way to Harlem~"

Ye Lin rubbed his cheeks hard with both hands to make his expression richer, then nodded and jumped into the air, curling his fingers at Sophie.

"Girl, punch me to make it look like I'm falling due to force. I'm going to show you some textbook-level acting today to disgust the Kaxiu sect... Hey, Sophie, it's acting, it's acting..."

Dragon Fist!


Ye Lin hadn't finished speaking yet, or maybe Sophie deliberately pretended not to hear.

He was hit by a fierce punch and flew backwards, like a meteorite falling from the sky, hitting the ground and opening several circles of spider web-like cracks.

"Well, you also heard that he asked me to punch him just now. I guess he was shaking his pussy."

Sophie curled her lips, and then spread her hands innocently to them. There was only a hint of smugness on the corner of her mouth, which she couldn't hide.

She is not as thin-skinned as her elder sister Mai Lu. She is more bold and open-minded. A little ambiguity can make Mai Lu's face blush and make her steamy, but she doesn't care.

For example, she fully knew that Ye Lin was her "fan". Of course, he was also the "fan" of many people, but the Third Princess was an exception.

Sister Mailu felt half annoyed and half ashamed about the rice cake holding her underwear in her mouth and giving it to Ye Lin in exchange for drinks. The girl was angry and fragrant.

She was very carefree and not shy. As long as it wasn't the underwear she was wearing, he could take it away as he liked and buy new ones for herself afterwards.

"Ahem~my lungs..."

Lying in the crater made by the ground, Ye Lin felt that his entire chest was numb, his energy and blood were disordered, his arms were sore and weak, and it was quite difficult to hold himself up.

"Speaking of which, that girl won't be retaliating against me. Just watch her morning practice on time every day. At least I will hand her a towel after watching the game."

He quietly unlocked the space field near Atropika, exposing the previously hidden scene to the eyes of the demon race again.

"Eh? Look!"

"The realm is actually broken up!"

"Just now, it suddenly felt like a dark night inside, with no light of fireflies. What's going on?"

The races in the demon world were confused. They had been separated by the space barrier before. They were scratching their heads and scratching their heads anxiously. They watched the "dead" monsters right in front of them. The stone tablet recording the information about the water of life was vaguely visible, but it was out of reach, as if So close to the end of the world.

Not long ago, the entire area inside suddenly became dark as night, and strange phenomena occurred frequently, which made their hearts burn with fire. They wanted to dig a hole and try to see if they could get in.

Now, the realm suddenly falls apart.

"Run! It's awake!" Ye Lin stood up and shouted at the gathered race.

Some people heard his shouting and subconsciously glanced sideways at him, then immediately froze, eyes full of disbelief.

Is this still the strong man who wielded a sword and set up an arena to challenge the entire demon world with ease before? Why is his lips now white and sluggish, as if he has been deeply traumatized?

Moreover, what does it mean when it "awakens"...


The ground suddenly shook, sending up a layer of flying dust, and all the stones on the ground jumped up and down three inches.

"It's Atropika, why is it still alive?"

Suddenly, the scene was filled with panic, like a flock of birds frightened by explosives. They fled in different directions, fearing that if they were a step too late, they would be trampled mercilessly and become part of the soil.

They always thought that the monster was dead, so they boldly wanted to see the secret of the stone tablet, and even made rude remarks to Ye Lin.

Because according to records, when Atropika occasionally rested, he would stand without moving his limbs and support his extremely heavy body.

"Why isn't it dead? Yelin, you liar!"

Some people were so frightened that they almost lost their wits. They were so panicked that they were still complaining when they ran to Ye Lin, with expressions on their faces that almost made them cry.

The leader of Wuxuan was at least reasonable and wanted to compete in an arena. After all, the strong will naturally be respected, which is an unchanging law in the demon world.

But the monster has no brains. It shakes the earth with its kick, changes the flow of rivers, and causes mass destruction.

Hearing this, Ye Lin put his hands on his hips in displeasure and said angrily: "When did I personally say that it is dead? You blame me again. If anything happens, blame me. Do you want to lose face?"

The birds and beasts were all gone, and they ran for more than ten miles before stopping out of breath.

"Look, the stone tablet is still there!" A strong man stared at it in shock and confusion.

"The stone tablet, hehe, rubbish, useless." Ye Lin's face suddenly darkened, he muttered, greeted Astra, and left towards the center of the subway.

Seeing him looking like he was deflated, many races in the demon world were stunned for a moment, and then laughed, feeling refreshed all over their bodies.

I'm afraid that the leader of Wuxuan got very angry because he got close to the stone monument but the secret was not solved.

The demon world is full of talented people with amazing abilities. There are definitely many enthusiasts who are interested in the "Water of Life" information. They risk their lives and climb up to Atropika's back to study it while he is resting.

After all, even the "Eye of Darkness" with a very high mortality rate has many people who dare to be transplanted, in order to become cadres of the Kaxiu sect, to be superior to others, and to escape from the tragic fate of the lower class.

The water of life that can achieve "immortality" in one sip is so tempting.

But the stone tablet is still the same stone tablet. It is made of unknown material and is indestructible. The words and symbols are like ghost drawings, which are completely inexplicable.

Every path that Atropika took around the Demon Realm was littered with the corpses of losers.

At least 90% of the people thought that Ye Lin was short-changed. After spending a lot of effort, what he got was rubbing runes that could be bought casually in the Demon World Market.

There were still some cautious people who felt that the previous situation in Black Sky was vaguely strange, but the runes on the stone tablet had not been damaged. They took out the rubbing drawings to compare, and it seemed that there was no difference.

But even to be bold, he really got the information about the Water of Life, and his behavior just now was just a cover.

Then...what can you do.

Not long ago, he said frankly that he could beat the black dragon. I invite you to take a look at the stone monument.

Besides, there is also the information about the first Demon Realm Alliance, which is exclusive to the winner.

Therefore, even if you want to regain the water of life, that is a matter for other big figures in the demon world and has nothing to do with ordinary salted fish.

Although there were tens of thousands of people present, they were probably not enough to fill the gap between the black dragon's teeth.

Soon, new anomalies attracted the attention of many races.

That's it, Atropika, let's go..., no, it seems to be running a little faster!

Four legs followed one after another, and the ground vibrated at a high frequency, making people stunned on the spot.

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