Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,109 Brother Diao, do you still want this egg?

Siatt was also too lazy to pay attention to the strong man who blocked the way before. Instead, he frowned, seemingly having other thoughts.

After a while, she asked Ye Lin directly with eyes full of suspicion: "You suddenly want to go straight to Harlem. Do you have other purposes?"

"No, I just want to send Atropika to sleep. He wants to go to the Main area. After all, we are friends and we are reluctant to part with each other." Ye Lin gently touched Mailu's head, and there was still a pain that could never be suppressed. Slightly curvy hair.

Warcraft's body was too big to knead it as hard as rice cakes, so he first touched Mailu's head, and then asked Mailu to pass on his feelings.

Regarding his behavior that was almost obviously taking advantage, Mailu, who was good-tempered, well-behaved and cute, also gave him a slightly annoyed look.

"I believed your ghost. We were so aggressive all the way that we rushed into the center of East Harlem. For those who didn't know, we thought a regional war had started."

Atropika had been running wildly, plowing about a quarter of Harlem.

For example, in the outer areas of Harlem, the "Desperate Killing Town" where a large number of Kaxiu sect hunters were stationed, was almost all crushed into dirt.

Those hunters often go out to plunder supplies, and can even reach into the Central Park area, and the types of "materials" include people!

The "Hunter" of the Kaxiu Sect is the most hated being in the demon world.

Ye Lin still pretended to be unpredictable. He put his hands behind his hands and looked at the light wind and clouds in the distance. He said confidently: "It's a small purpose, but it's not important. You just treat it as a trip to see the customs and customs of the devil world."

"Really?" Siatt still didn't believe it.

If his fierce commotion is not handled well, a regional war is 80% likely to break out. How can the arrogant Demon Emperor be able to swallow this breath?

"Of course! What I say is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood. Just like how many times I say it, have you ever sung less of a song?"

Siatt and the others didn't react at first. After a moment, their cheeks turned red, and then they all had evil eyes on their faces. They punched him with their pink fists, and their fingers were like iron pliers, pinching his skin until it hurt.

Ye Lin blinked his slightly blue eyes, then covered the corners of his mouth and said bitterly:

"Well, when we were here last time, didn't Rousselot say that there were sparks falling from the sky in the Harlem area, which was mysterious and extraordinary? Sophie also said that she saved a pheasant~it was actually Lu Fusong, the mother of Qing Yan."


Siatt said coldly, and at the same time intentionally or unintentionally wiped the giant sword Leiwodin, which probably means you will continue to show off and give it a try.

"The sparks falling from the sky are actually Brother Eagle's eggs. I don't know if they hatched or not."

"Is Pui a female? No, a female?" Gu Yu suddenly interrupted and asked in surprise.

There are eggs, but they shouldn't be female.


Suddenly choked by Gu Yu's question, Ye Lin rolled his eyes and quickly explained: "Brother Diao's eggs have degenerated from adulthood to the state of being born, not the ones that were born."

"Can I eat...?"

Sophie swallowed, seeming to miss Mr. Luo's delicious food.

Apostle-level bird egg~

"I don't know. It is said that the shell is hard and cannot be opened. Otherwise, I would like to try it."

As the absolute and only leader of the Kaxiu Sect, a powerful man who is regarded as a god by all members, the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor-Shaler Foz enjoys the satisfaction that power brings him in all aspects, including the material aspect.

His luxurious manor is located in the center of East Harlem, covering an extremely vast area. The various buildings are magnificent and exquisite, reflecting the ingenuity of the craftsmen.

Schaller's private residence, the Spiral Throne, is like a tower to the sky, faintly touching the clouds of the demon world, standing in the core of the manor.

Standing here, it seems that you can have a panoramic view of half of Harlem.

The manor is planted with rare green plants on a large scale, which is fresh and pleasant. The four directions of the throne are guarded by the four core facilities of the Kaxiu Sect, just like the palace of the emperor, where hundreds of officials worship!

The Demon Emperor's palace is so majestic that even in the royal entertainment area which is quite far away from the manor, you can still see the Demon Emperor's unique Spiral Throne from some places.

And every observer from a distance can hardly contain his or her amazement. Only big figures in the Demon World can live in such a magnificent, noble and luxurious place.

As for Royal Entertainment, to put it bluntly, its main business is the casino.

Some people become rich overnight and have everything they want and enjoy all the benefits.

There are also some whose eyes are red and their heads are red. They try to turn over but owe huge amounts of gambling money. In the end, they are secretly dealt with by the Kaxiu sect and never see the light of the next day.

However, the atmosphere in the casino was a little weird today. Due to frequent earthquakes, many projects had to be suspended, and the business was greatly affected.

A gambler who accidentally won a small amount of money and was in a good mood lit a rough cigarette for himself and sighed: "That's the Spiral Throne. It's really majestic. This is where the big shots live."

The ground was still shaking frequently, the chips on the gambling table were about to jump, and the dazzling chandeliers were also shaking violently.

Parts of the Harlem area also use convenient and fast electric energy.

However, the current state of the gamblers around them is that they are either jealous and crazy, or hesitant and hesitant. They are all focusing on the gambling table, and few people care about the earthquake at all.

As long as you still have money and chips, Royal Entertainment will do everything possible to protect its customers from participating in table games with peace of mind.

Of course, if you lose everything, it will be a different attitude.

A casino employee who happened to be passing by, who was also a member of the Kaxiu sect, said intentionally or unintentionally: "If you are envious, sign up for the Eye of Darkness transplant. You will also have the chance to become a big shot."

Risking everything to make a desperate move is nothing new here.

There are too many people who have not only lost everything, but also owe huge sums of money. They can only consider transplanting artificial dark eyes and make one last big gamble with their own lives.

Otherwise, there is no one who owes Ka Xiupai money and can refuse to pay it back.

The gambler smoked a cigarette to the end and exhaled a puff of misty white mist. A trace of reason told him that it was the best choice to stop and leave now.

He was lucky enough to make a little money in the casino.

However, the various chips on the table seemed to have a mysterious magic power that firmly adhered to his eyes and even his soul.

Every soul here is dominated by greed and desire, and they all want to get all the chips that symbolize wealth into their pockets.

Perhaps, only by becoming a big shot like the Demon Emperor can one regard wealth as dirt.

Thinking of this, the gambler became even more envious of the Demon Emperor and the luxurious mansion where he lived... Wait, where is the Demon Emperor's mansion?

The gambler was stunned and rubbed his eyes vigorously, wondering if he was dazzled.

It is said that the towering throne was built after the concept of the legendary dimensional city. The Spiral Throne, known as one of the landmark buildings in Harlem, is extremely luxurious and noble.

But, what about the Spiral Throne?

With an exclamation, the entire Royal Entertainment suddenly went into chaos, and then half of Harlem exploded with excitement.

The Spiral Throne, the residence of the Demon Emperor, collapsed!


"Hey, the Demon Emperor is not at home?"

Ye Lin raised his eyebrows in suspicion, but his vigilance never let up.

The monster kicked violently, accurately stepping on the center of the manor. Even the Spiral Throne was not spared, and was directly knocked to the ground.

Some senior combat specialists who were responsible for daily maintenance were restrained by the Warcraft Domain and had no room for resistance.

However, the leader who was regarded as a god by the Ka Xiu sect and who loudly called him "fear even death itself" never appeared.

Ye Lin indeed rushed straight to the center of East Harlem with the mentality of taking the initiative to stir up trouble.

The threat of Demon King Schaller himself is certainly one aspect, but more importantly, is the power of Isis!

Living in the Association Square in the center of the demon world, the proud and undefeated first apostle, Destiny Kahn, was the only one who could fight with him for three days and three nights without a winner, the third apostle, the Prodigy Prey.

Twins, as long as Isis is reborn from the egg, half of Prey's power will be taken away.

So Ye Lin is a bit whimsical. Brother Diao, do you still want the dark half that contains the power of the apostle? If not, can you give it to me?

I have ancient science and technology from Genesis, and I want to try to accommodate it ~


Atropika ran all the way to the edge of the Harlem area. The sea was vast and seemingly boundless, but in fact it hid murderous intent.

After crossing the sea further south, there is the Mein area, which is famous for its viciousness in the demon world. Most of the demonic beasts and alien creatures live there.

Mailu communicated and learned that Warcraft's idea was to cross the sea to Mein and then sleep and rest there.

After circling the demon world for countless years, Atropika is now very tired and wants to find a quiet place to sleep for a while.

Ye Lin used his powerful space power to move the stone tablet and the mountain that recorded the information about the Water of Life.

Like a long mountain in the plain, it shocked the nearby demonic residents.

"You guys think, can I do something to the stone tablet?"

Ye Lin tapped the stone tablet recording the story of the Water of Life with his fingertips, and said with evil intentions: "I tried to use a special way to lure the Demon King to solve the mystery of the stone tablet. Of course, the answer to the mystery was set by myself, such as Said~ If you want to solve this mystery, you must first commit suicide or something."

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