Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,112 Pretend to be dead on the spot~

The once luxurious and magnificent Demon King's Manor has now been mostly reduced to rubble, and the towering Spiral Throne has been broken into four sections.

The huge and heavy body of the monster also left a very conspicuous footprint inside, silently but mockingly.

"He is so arrogant and courageous. Before we could seek revenge on him, he took the initiative to die!"

Duoheide was furious, his mouth was ferocious, and his eyes that looked like a lone wolf shone with a cold light.

After receiving the news, the members of the Kaxiu sect who followed trembled and kept silent. They lowered their heads and remained silent. They did not dare to breathe even once, and even wanted to temporarily stop their heartbeats.

The overall status of the orcs among the races in the demon world is at the bottom. Not to mention living with dignity, even their bright and soft fur is still one of the hottest commodities in the demon world.

Although Duoheide is originally an orc, he is a very different "mutant".

First of all, the orcs are often good at agility or strong strength, but excluding mutants like the Alien Clan, the entire orc tribe is almost an "insulator" when it comes to magic elements.

But Duoheide is extremely friendly to magic and can use very powerful dark magic, which is the evil black magic that the Kaxiu Sect was based on before discovering the Eye of Darkness.

According to some rumors, the Demon King was originally interested in an "orc who could use magic", so he personally hunted down the Dohhead tribe.

He can cause a huge magic explosion with just a raise of his hand. The orc's strong body will be shattered in an instant, which is worse than a soap bubble.

The magic that Duohead usually trusted was like a candlelight to the blazing sun in front of him.

The fear of his own race dying around him, as well as a collection of Schaller and a whole bottle of blood-stained eyes of his race, completely overwhelmed Duohead's reason and stance.

From extreme fear, to extreme adoration.

Up to now, Duoheide has become the distinguished deputy leader of the Kaxiu Sect and the Demon Emperor's secretary. When she goes out, she represents the Demon Emperor's will. No one in the entire Kaxiu Sect dares to disobey his words.

Her die-hard loyalty makes it possible for anyone in the Ka Xiu sect to betray the Demon Emperor, but Duoheide will never do so.

Duohead raised his hound-like head and stared at the majestic figure in front of him. Since the return of the Demon Emperor, he saw the ruins of the manor, but he still said nothing.

She wanted to take the initiative to kill Ye Lin, who didn't know what "fear" was, but her intuition told her that the Demon Emperor now had his own unique plan.

The man's body is not very tall, but he exudes the majestic aura of a towering mountain. Everything in front of him will become extremely small and crushed into dust.

His face was cold and expressionless, his cheeks were as handsome as a knife, but he was so pale that there was no trace of blood at all. His snow-white hair was combed back and carefully taken care of.

Especially those black eyes, which are more mysterious than the night and darker than the abyss...

No, that position used to be the eyes!

Duohead put a coat on the man, and then gently stroked the man's hard chest. There were few hot weather in the demon world, and it was always cool or cold.

"Chief, I will use a dog chain to lead him to crawl at your feet, right away."

She stepped back and took out her weapon, a spear, and drew a circle on the ground. Dark magic filled the air, and the space was about to be pierced.

The man's body finally moved, like a ferocious hunter waiting for an opportunity to show off its incomparable fangs.

He no longer paid attention to the ruins of his mansion, and threw the extremely expensive coat he had just put on to the shivering subordinates beside him.

"The person he is waiting for is me."

The voice was cold and indifferent, so cold that no trace of emotion could be heard. The Demon King had always been like this.


"There is a saying in the devil world that the only people who do not tremble in front of Charles Foz are the dead."

Ye Lin spoke slowly, while slowly wiping the sharp sword blade with a soft cloth. The cold metal light reflected the man and woman behind him.

A serious demon and a magical partner of a kobold.

Although Duoheide's race is slightly unique, she does have a good figure. She is tall and graceful but not thin, with slender legs and a full collar.

The man appeared at the edge of the sea with a burst of black light. His figure was majestic, and the endless pressure made the sky freeze. The roaring sea seemed to be silent due to fear.

"Then why aren't you shaking?"

A compelling light flashed across Demon King Schaller's eyes. Although his face was still like a sculptured stone statue, Duohead beside him could already feel the suffocation of overwhelming power.

The leader is the sharpened edge that will pierce the hearts of the apostles one by one and become the savior of the demon world and the supreme god of the new world!

"What do you think?" Ye Lin asked instead without answering, with a hint of disdain.

"Then you will never tremble again."

The Demon King raised his eyes and stared slightly, his eyes were deeper than the darkness, as if they were the entrance to hell, absorbing all souls.

Ye Lin tapped the blade with his knuckles, and the sound was clear, breaking the pressure of the Demon Emperor: "You mean, will you die today?"

"Death? Even death itself must fear me!"

"That's it, then..."

Ye Lin finally turned around and said in a teasing tone: "Have you swallowed the Spark Egg?"


After saying coldly, the ground beneath the Demon Emperor's feet cracked like a spider web, and sea water poured in. A hint of anger finally appeared on his expressionless face.

In the past, he was hunted down by the most powerful being in the demon world until his body was broken, his eyes were nearly blind, and his mind was blurred.

He obviously put in all his efforts, but the other party seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll, and with a flick of his finger, all his subordinates were shattered.

Then he collapsed and had a long dream...

There was an extremely mysterious being in the dream who told him that he would be given a new life and that prophecies about the future would follow him. All the pain and hardships were to achieve the ultimate version of him!

One of the contents of the prophecy is that if you swallow the spark egg falling from the sky, you can end the long journey and all the pain so far, and then... become a god!

However, the apostle's egg was missing.

The prophecy went a little annoyingly wrong.

The other party named the apostle's egg so bluntly. Sure enough, he was a sharpened blade like himself. He also received the revelation of the prophecy, so he could know it so clearly.

"In your next sentence, do you want to ask me what the prophecy is for me?" Ye Lin took the lead and took the initiative in speaking.

Demon King Schaller thought that he was the real blade of trial that would penetrate and devour all the apostles, and then become one of the only existences in the prophecy of the new world, or the only supreme god.

However, Ye Lin had no interest in this name at all. The reason why he used it was purely because of its relatively high reputation.

As for prophecies, Xiaoyu usually uses them to figure out whether he can make a fortune.

"Prophecy will never go wrong!"

The Demon King is determined, and the disappearance of the Spark Egg is only a matter of time.

The trial blades from the Demon World and Arad launched an earth-shattering showdown at the edge of Harlem!

The sword light split the air, magic power surged, the earth was shattered by the impact of the battle, and the ocean spread inward for 100,000 meters, forming a huge man-made bay.

The energy surged and washed away wantonly. Large parts of the sky that had been gloomy all year round were cleared away, and the sky was blood red. A violent tsunami hit the Main area on the other side, and countless monsters roared in shock.

The strong battle fluctuations first attracted the attention of the Harlem area, and countless Kaxiu sects and people with weird thoughts cheered up.

Finally, a "big shot" took action boldly. Was it the Demon Emperor who was "fearful of death" and punished the arrogant leader Wuxuan?

But in the secret, those ordinary people living a hard life in the Harlem area prayed silently, hoping that there would be a sword, Shuanghua, so that the Demon King would fall and Harlem would usher in the "dawn".


"It's raining, but it's not acid rain, which is rare."

Ye Lin stood with his sword in his hand and looked up quietly. He didn't know when the thick clouds in the sky had accumulated again, and the rain was refreshing.

All around him are now towering skyscrapers. Each building structure has dozens of floors. They stand majestic but empty.

This place was once a glorious place on the ancient planet Terra. You can get a glimpse of it from the towering buildings. However, it has been so long ago that this place has long been deserted.

Except for strong people like Schaller who have a spirit of enjoyment, the demon world is actually not very enthusiastic about living in high-rise buildings.

Skyscrapers at night!

But the embarrassing thing is that he didn't actually want to run here on his own initiative, but was hit by Schaller's final blow.

That battle was more like a battle of life and death than an indeterminate outcome.

The Demon King's eyes were blazing, and he was knocked from the edge of Harlem to a skyscraper in the night with one blow. His chest was injured, and his mouth was bleeding from the pain.

But as a price, the Demon Emperor's forehead was split into bloody seams and he lost one of his arms.

However, due to the powerful vitality of the Eye of Darkness, it won't take long to grow back.

"It seems that Schaller's heart hasn't been replaced by Richard's yet. It's not yet the peak of the third transplant, but he's quite patient."

Shaking his head and muttering, he immediately reached behind and grabbed a rapidly shooting feather-tailed arrow: "Miss, a sneak attack is very rude."


The arrow exploded slightly and turned into a circle of restraining vines, locking his body tightly and preventing him from moving.


Ye Lin hesitated for a moment, then immediately fell to the ground, deliberately pretending to be dead.

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