Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,113 The “Lonely” Miss Tian Gong

It took a while after he finished changing clothes. Alexandra was still covering her eyes, like a child playing the handkerchief game honestly. She would never open her eyes without shouting slogans.

"I'm ready!"

Ye Lin could only remind her loudly, and then she slowly opened the gaps between her fingers a little, for fear of seeing something impure.

He wears a clean, well-fitting white shirt, has a slender figure but not thin body, slightly tidied hair, and a clean and elegant face. At least on first impression, it is difficult to make people feel bad.

"Hello, I am Ye Lin, an adventurer from the center of the Earth's orbit."

"Adventurer? In this dangerous place like the Demon World, everyone is an adventurer, right?"

Unexpectedly speaking a famous saying of truth, Alexandra gently plucked the bow string in her hand with her fingertips. It was made of her hair. Usually, with a few more strings, it could be used as a simple harp instrument. Come play.

She was still cautious. When introducing herself, she did not disclose the news that she was from Tabols, but only said that she was a follower of Apostle Prey.

As a rare gentle apostle in the demon world, Prey's strength and sense of justice are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Whenever he flies over the Harlem area, the evil Kaxiu sect will hide and tremble.

"Well... since you're fine, I'll leave first. I'm really sorry for scaring you by shooting an arrow earlier. Please don't go inside anymore. There's a good chance that an evil big bat, Rosewall, is hiding inside."

Alexandra held the bow and bowed slightly to apologize, then her lavender translucent six wings fluttered lightly, turning into a stream of purple light and rushing into the sky.

She was actually not a very polite girl at first, and she liked to play pranks on people, such as showing off an arrow to the dandelion elves and hitting an apple on top of their head.

But they didn't seem to like this kind of performance. They all said that Alexandra was too inconsiderate of others.

As time went by, Alexandra, who was not a fool, just played by herself.

The elves in Tabors like to gather and sing at noon, and she never participates, because as long as she is there, everyone's singing will be a little uneasy.

Whenever dusk is approaching and the elves take a rest, she will show off her beautiful singing voice in a deserted place and sing to herself.

Only Bosem knew that she was kind and gentle in nature, but she was a bit naughty, not good at expressing, and very unfrank.

The archery game was actually a way Alexandra could come up with to actively approach the dandelion elves and make friends, but it obviously failed~

That is to say, if someone expresses kindness to her, she will pretend that it doesn't matter, but in fact, she looks at him secretly and proudly.

So in the future, whenever she showed signs of mischief, Bosem would always remind her gently but naggingly, like a mother.

In the end, it even became that as long as she nocked a bow and arrow and gathered energy, Bosem would suddenly appear next to her, smiling and saying: "Don't scare the elves~"

With such a persistent teacher, no matter how naughty he was, his personality was softened.

Later, Bosem gave her branches of the sacred tree Zemakure, made into musical instruments, and pulled her to take the initiative to participate in the gathering of elves.

Although she was a little nervous and uncomfortable, she still impressed all the elves with her beautiful singing voice.

Now, the only thing she likes about the demon world is that she can shoot arrows at will, aiming wherever she wants, and she doesn't have to worry about Bosem suddenly appearing, which is a small pleasure~

Without the blessing of Tybols' will, the Queen of Waves' power is greatly restricted here.

Tian Gong left, and there seemed to be only a faint fragrance left in place, but it was quickly washed away by the rain.

Ye Lin shrugged regretfully, then jumped up and flew hundreds of meters, landing on the highest floor of a skyscraper and randomly looking for a room with a wide view.

The doors and windows here have long been rotten and broken, the interior is empty, and the long years have eroded it. There is not even a piece of garbage, and the cockroaches are crying.

He set up a tea table and chairs in the room, a few fruits, and a plate of snacks. He wanted to make himself comfortable in the desolate ruins.

The previous battle with the Demon King did consume his physical strength, but it was also quite beneficial to him, as he learned some other ways of doing things.

The orthodox magician organization Tarakuta is vaguely disdainful of the Dark Eye of the Kaxiu sect, saying that it is just a machine that can randomly bombard magic power. It is difficult for them to even pry into the mysteries of the elements.

But the Demon Emperor Xia Lefuzi ignored the mystery and only used the explosive and destructive properties of magic to its fullest extent.

For example, the element of fire can burn everything to ashes and can also bring the warmth needed for life.

But in Schaller's hands, there was only blazing burning and endless explosions!

Destructive power is what the demon world needs.

"You are really strong, you can jump so high!"

Outside the broken window, half of Alexandra's body suddenly poked out. Her delicate face was shy, her mouth was slightly pouted, and she was full of displeasure.

Because Ye Lin had just "lied" to himself, and also because of his carelessness.

Only now did she react belatedly. Previously, he was like a meteor arcing across the distance, falling and smashing into the ruins, but he still patted his clothes like a normal person, stood up and moved around freely.

How could he be knocked unconscious by an unaimed bow and arrow?

"Then I apologize. I'm sorry, but I really didn't have the strength at that time."

The very frank and sincere apology made Tian Gong's inner dissatisfaction dissipate and gave him some friendship-related favor.

"It's raining outside the window. Do you want to come in and sit down? You can enjoy tea and snacks as you like."

"Does this count as inviting me?"

"Of course! It's my honor to be with this beautiful lady."

After Alexandra flew into the room, she simply sat down and moved the chair a step further away vigilantly. She did not touch the delicate and tempting food for the time being.

The other party feels very close to you, but you cannot let down your vigilance.

"Did you fight with anyone before?"

"Well, I had a fight with a strong man, but I was slightly better."

A plate of crispy sesame biscuits inevitably made a sound when chewed. Ye Lin felt really hungry and didn't pay much attention to the image.

"You are so strange in the demon world. You always fight and kill no matter where you are. Why?" She leaned against the armrest of the chair, holding her cheek with one hand, and kept looking at the continuous raindrops outside the window.

Afternoon tea in the ruins is quite poetic.

"Well, how do you put this?" Ye Lin opened another bag of bread and gestured: "If two people are locked in a place and can't get out, a piece of bread and a bottle of water will appear every day, which is only enough for one person to survive a day. What do you think they would do if they didn’t starve?”

"Share the bread equally and let's go through it together."

"But what if the locked time is forever?"

Alexandra opened her mouth several times, trying to say some more beautiful expectations, but finally fell silent.

She now understands the situation in the demon world a little bit, because her hometown, the rich and beautiful golden planet, has also encountered a very terrible disaster.

A long time ago, Tabors encountered a very terrible evil purple rain. Everything was severely damaged and lost its spirituality. The duration of the day was decreasing, and the dandelion elves were worried and afraid.

Lord Prey, the greatest warrior of Tybols, went to investigate the truth about Purple Rain, but never came back...

To this day, Tabors has not been able to fully restore its former peaceful and prosperous scene.

Now, Master Prey's followers are arriving to help him investigate the truth about Purple Rain, and then return to Tabors as soon as possible.

Chatting here and there, Alexandra enjoyed this leisurely time very much, and the human being beside her was surprisingly not annoying.

After eating the bread, it wasn't enough, so I made myself a bucket of beef noodles, but of course there was no meat.

If he hadn't run out of ingredients, he might have been able to cook two more dishes for himself.

"Alexandra, let me tell you a secret. I am not from the demon world. I come from a very beautiful planet, Arad."

She was stunned for a moment, then silently stared at his ears, the expression on her pretty face showed that it was indeed the case.

"How beautiful can it be?"

"Green mountains, green waters, blooming flowers, all the beautiful things you can think of can be found in Arad."

Suck it~

Alexandra sniffed the small Qiong nose and looked slightly sideways. She had never smelled this unique smell called "instant noodles" before.

She raised her arm, pointed at the thick clouds outside the window, and showed off a little: "Then let me tell you a secret. I come from Mr. Prey's hometown, the golden planet Tabols! If it's a sunny day, are you there? There’s a chance you can see it from the highest point here.”

It turned out that none of them were "people from the demon world", and they all came from a beautiful planet. The little things they had in common made her feel a little closer to each other.

"By the way, do you know about the Trial Blade?"

She saw that Ye Lin was not weak and should have a small status in the demon world. Maybe she would know more information.

"There are actually rumors in the demon world that the Trial Blade will pierce the chest of the apostle. Master Prey is also an apostle now. He is really arrogant and arrogant. I can penetrate him with one arrow without Master Prey!"

Ye Lin lowered his head to eat the noodles in silence, wanting to avoid this slightly awkward question, but Alexandra, who was in full swing, with scorching beautiful eyes, drew her bow and arrow several times to gather energy, and seemed to be impatient to give the Trial Blade a try. For a moment.

"About Trial Blade, ahem, I have only heard a little bit about him. I heard that he is not only handsome and charming, but also very caring. He helps elementary school students with their homework, helps old ladies cross the road, and warms the bed for beautiful girls."

"Huh??" Alexandra tilted her head slightly, her eyes suspicious.

"I mean, I can't bear to fight. It's so rude. If you have some free time, why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea and a meal together?"

"Yes, I think so too."

Ye Lin peeled an citrus and pointed to the fruit plate on the table: "You can taste it as you like. You're welcome."

"No... don't eat."

"They're all very sweet." Ye Lin threw a red apple over.

"Then...thank you."

Her thin red lips took a small bite, and she chewed gracefully and quietly.

The formation of this habit was taught by Bosem. Otherwise, if she was a little indecent, the other party would smile and touch her head: "This is not okay, Alexandra, girls must act like a lady. "

"Want to eat cookies? Fragrant sesame cookies."

"No... don't eat."

"Eat some, it's very crispy and delicious."

In the refreshing drizzle afternoon, Alexandra felt very happy during the afternoon tea chat. At the same time, she would shyly refuse whatever Yelin offered her, and then said she was just tasting it.

Apples, biscuits, cola, potato chips, etc., and a bucket of instant noodles...

Of course, he was also very happy to feed him.

Putting down the instant noodles and wiping her mouth, she touched her belly a little embarrassedly. She was already eighty percent full. Bosem could skip cooking tonight.

"By the way, do you want to become Lord Prey's follower?"

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