Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,118 If you guess it right, I’ll give it to you directly~

"Watching a movie? Am I not more important to you than a movie?"

The sadness in Ye Lin's eyes was like the bleak autumn wind, and he was faintly grief-stricken.

"Don't get me wrong, dear~ Of course not."

Naiyali's soft little hands were warm and comfortable, caressing his cheeks on both sides, and whispered softly: "You will get tired of watching the movie once or twice, but the image you have imprinted on my heart will not be there until the universe dies. Bored."



Ye Lin was secretly startled, then his old face turned red, and his body felt faintly numb. It seemed that there was a feeling of excitement running from the back of his head to his back, and then spread to all his body. The warm heart in his chest was very unsatisfactory now. Beating violently.

This girl has always been naughty and out-of-the-box, and is good at pretending to be cute, but when she suddenly started talking about ambiguous and earthy love words, I really couldn't resist it.

"Oops, your heartbeat suddenly became so fast. Are you being aroused by me? But no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, the love between gods and humans is as taboo as Monkuluzi, we can't eat that fruit secretly Oh~"

Niyali giggled with satisfaction, her little feet in clean white socks rubbed against his heart, and messed up his hair.

His shoulders were one of Naiyali's favorite seats.

However, if you look at the shadow projected on the ground, it seems to be a demon with wings and horns, opening his head.

Yelin Zengtian was shameless and suggested that you sit in front of me like a facehugger to block my sight. Then Naiyali threw her to the ground and punched her violently.

"Hurry up, hurry up. If you have anything to convey to them, or some specialties from the Demon Realm, I'll bring them back to you. However, I guess there's nothing valuable."

Naiyali's vision was extremely far away, and there was basically nothing interesting or worth visiting in the huge planet fragment demon world.

The only advantage may be that due to the law of the jungle here, it will be easier to establish faith.

For example, if a great Nyari cult is established, believers will gain the power of chaos, distortion, hypocrisy and all other paranoid powers!

However, the gods here, such as Memit and Remy, probably would not allow her to wander around and spread various beliefs.

"Yes, diluted water of life, please bring some back."

Yelin handed a bottle of water to Naiyali on his shoulder. Although it had been diluted many times, it still had a certain drinking value.


Naiyali held the water bottle and studied the liquid for a moment. She sniffed it gently with her pretty little nose, then unscrewed the cap and took a sip, licking her thin lips as if she was savoring the aftertaste.

"It's just so so. It feels like it's not as powerful as your blood."

Lalo, who had been holding his breath for fear of being discovered by the hunters of the Kaxiu sect, looked increasingly weird.

Although this little girl suddenly appeared, she was pretty, but not only did she have devil-like horns and wings, she could actually drink human blood!

Could it be that the person who bought himself the Terra Stone was an enthusiast who made deals with ancient demons like the once-famous Demon Sword Beyaro?


Naiyali burped and handed the empty bottle back, "This bottle is gone, is there any more?"

"Didn't you say it was just so-so?"

"But I'm thirsty."

There was less energy but it was better than nothing. Naiyali raised her head and drank from the second bottle. The evening breeze happened to blow by. When she had only drank half of the drink, she immediately covered Ye Lin's eyes with her little hands.

"Three-legged cat's little trick, I'll sue you for spying on a sixteen-year-old girl~"

The refraction was casually interrupted by Naiyali, but not all was lost.

"Why don't you wear energy-formed underwear?"

"Because the energy bra looks too much like a bikini, and I have long expected that you will be restless, so I put on safety pants in advance. Are you disappointed? But hey~ Guess what color and style it is today. You guessed it. I Just give it to you directly now~"

She put an emphasis on the words "now" and "directly."

With such a restless beautiful girl (old lolita), I can only say that prison is my home.

Among the many colors and styles, it is almost impossible to hit it perfectly in one opportunity. He is not Xiaoyu and can use the power of the oracle to divine it.

As a result, his body gradually glowed with light, and his eyes were as blazing as lava. A trace of green light suddenly flashed through, and space cracks as fine as fish scales appeared around their bodies.

There was an even louder explosion in the sky above their heads, making Laluo and the Kaxiu sect hunters jump in shock.

Although Naiyali's big eyes were still smiling, her small face gradually became more serious, and she clapped her palms in front of her body to smooth out those terrifying space cracks.


The wind suddenly rose up, roaring like a shocking hurricane, and condensed into a whirlpool. Except for the space within ten meters of itself, it was still quiet. There was lightning and thunder outside, and trees broke and rocks flew.

From beginning to end, Naiyali's floral skirt never lifted up.

After a few minutes, everything suddenly calmed down and returned to tranquility, as if the previous vision was just an illusion.

Ye Lin lowered his head and sighed secretly. No matter how he used his space power, even if he could increase his power even slightly, it would not be able to reflect the color and style Naiyali wore today.

So I could only make a casual guess with a look of regret on my face: "Blue and white stripes?"

"Bah! No!"

Niyali bit her silver teeth lightly, stretched out her slender middle finger with her right hand, and opened his eyelids with her left hand, waving her middle finger in front of his eyes to express her strong contempt.

She deeply suspected that if a drop of water of life and a hair tie she had just taken off were placed in front of him and asked him to make a choice, there would be a 90% chance that he would go directly to prison.

After putting away the "local specialties" he wanted to bring back, Nayali rolled her big eyes, raised the corners of her mouth quietly, and a mysterious idea came to her mind.

She supported Ye Lin's head with both hands, and slid halfway down his back, from riding him to carrying him on his back. Her delicate little arms hugged his neck from behind, and she leaned forward slightly.


Naiyali blew hot air gently into his ear, and used the end of her braid to brush his neck intentionally or unintentionally, and chuckled: "I guessed wrong, don't you feel very sorry?"

"Yeah!" Ye Lin nodded fiercely.

"Dear, you know, you can never win this game~"

"Because you can change the color and style at any time?"

"No, no, because~" Naiyali moved her wings and quickly circled in the air, saying proudly: "I wore safety pants to prevent refraction."

"I know, what next?

"Then? Then you only wore this." Naiyali blinked innocently.


"Hahahaha, that bastard looked dull after being deceived by me."

When Naiyali returned to the manor, she rolled on the carpet holding her stomach, almost crying with laughter.

As the weather in Arad became increasingly hot, she, Heman and others went to Tianjie Island for vacation during the day, catching shrimps and fish, and came back in the evening.

Because Alice reminded her that to enjoy human life, you should behave like a human being, be normal, and don't always use magic to make it convenient for yourself.

So what she was wearing was actually a one-piece girl's swimsuit.

Pinocchio came from the kitchen carrying a plate of cut watermelon and asked casually: "Niyali, how is it in the Demon Realm?"

"It looks like there's nothing wrong with him. He's so leisurely that he bought a slave, and he's still a pitiful and beautiful girl~~"

"Huh?" Celia, who was watching a movie, raised her eyebrows and turned her head slightly.

"Well, it's an artificial human like Becky. It seems that his life experience is quite mysterious."

"Then did he say that Bellemare would be back on National Day?" Krach asked again.

"Uh, this, I forgot to ask~ Hehe!" Naiyali wanted to be sweet and cute, but then Krach caught her little feet and scratched them, twisting them into twists on the carpet.


Ancient library, entrance

Lalo was wearing Ye Lin's coat and raised the collar to block the marks on her neck.

She finally gave up her plan to escape, firstly because her body was too weak and her conditions did not permit it, and also because the "master" who bought her seemed to have an invisible mystery about her.

Maybe it will be of great help to your plan!

The distance from the Harlem Total Eclipse Market to the Ancient Library in Central Park would take two days and one night, even if we used Bagur non-stop.

But now, it seemed that only ten minutes had passed, or just one minute, and she was already standing at the door of the library. It was simply incredible speed.

Those cadres of the Kaxiu sect with unlimited magic power will never be able to do this!

"Lalo, Curator Monica, she is a very gentle and tolerant scholar. Her attitude towards Hemeng Cruz is not supportive, but she will not be extremely destructive."

Yelin gave a warning, which was considered to comfort Lalo's uneasy heart.

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