Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,124 True Pure Blood Dragon Clan

At breakfast time, except for Guyu who couldn't get up due to "illness" and Ye Lin who was in charge of treatment, everyone enjoyed a wonderful start to the day.

The porridge cooked by Siatt is slightly sweet, and paired with a little pickles and pancakes, it will have an unexpected and happy taste.

However, there was a plate of biscuits in front of Mai Lu. Sophie grabbed the beef leg and tore it until her mouth was full of oil. Becky wanted to put chocolate in the porridge.

The day's plan begins in the morning. Ye Lin, who understood this principle well and put it into action, looked refreshed. He arrived halfway through the meal and said, "Good morning, everyone! It smells so delicious."

He first served himself a bowl of porridge, then opened Astra's mouth next to him, poured it in, and then moved the squatting dragon from his position.

Gu Yu was even a few minutes late. It wasn't that she had gone back to sleep like a night owl, but she brushed her teeth carefully twice to make sure there was no heather smell.

However, she still had a bit of nausea, or she had eaten something nutritious in advance to fill her stomach, so she didn't have much appetite for breakfast. She only wanted a bowl of porridge and skipped the pancakes.

"Boss, we did some research in the nearby small villages and towns yesterday and found out about the Witch's Forest. The situation is much more complicated than imagined."

The team planned to return to Wuxuan Town from the outermost territory of the subway center, so the starting point was naturally set at the edge of the subway center and Central Park.


Ye Lin frowned slightly as he thought about this word. There are no relics of the ancient Terra civilization in the Witch's Forest, nor are there any too dazzling resources such as Terra stones, so it has always been relatively peaceful here.

"How should I put it, boss, that forest is very vast, spanning two areas, and it also has three names! The Green Witch's Forest, the Cursed Mist Forest, and the Central Park Forest."

On the other side, Yuena added a bowl of sweet porridge to herself and asked if anyone else wanted to help. Then Mailu raised her small flower bowl high.

After sitting down again, Yuena said casually: "Local residents said that the strange forest was a buffer zone created by Katie and the Green Witch."

As they talked to each other, Ye Lin slowly understood that it was the Witch's Forest. Although it was strictly divided by the eight sides of the demon world, it belonged to the central area of ​​​​the earth's orbit.

However, its current scale and relatively comfortable and natural environment are closely related to Katie.

To put it bluntly, the local residents have a high degree of recognition for Elf Kitty, and they already call themselves "Central Park" residents.

On the contrary, as for the center of the orbit, since there is a wind zone in the middle, their recognition of this area is as ethereal as "Kahn".

When many people mention the "center of the subway," they subconsciously think that the wind zone and the area on the other side are the center of the subway.

Therefore, they wanted to wait for Ye Lin to make an idea on how to deal with the Witch's Forest.

"Actually, I think so~" Feng Ying chewed the delicious pancakes and said vaguely: "If we don't deal with the wind zone, it will be useless to obtain the Witch's Forest. We can't let the residents take a detour for a day and night to go to the haven. .”

In a territory, control is very important. Now that there is a natural barrier between the two places, Wuxuan Town is beyond its reach.

Just like Emperor Lyon, his power in Arad is overwhelming, but the heaven is too lazy to pay attention to him, let alone the devil.

I've probably never even heard of his name in the demon world.

More importantly, the Witch Forest was created by Katie and the Green Witch, and has nothing to do with him~

If you store it casually, it feels like taking advantage.

"But why do you think Katie put so much effort into growing a forest at the junction of the areas? When we were running around yesterday, we found that there is also yellow sand in the Central Park area." Xiaoyu was a little confused.

My initial impression of the demon world is that no one should believe it. There are no good people in the demon world!

As time goes by, many things gradually change.

For example, Elf Katie's reputation among the residents of the demon world is vaguely comparable to that of the second apostle.

The slight difference is that one is "small" and the other is "big".

Katie wants to make the existing demon world more beautiful and peaceful, but Held still misses her Gu Terra.

"The reason is very simple - it prevents wind and sand, and protects the environment." Ye Lin put away the finished bowls on the table. There was a daily schedule for washing dishes in the team, and he was alone for the whole day.

The yellow sand roars all year round in the Gale Zone. Without Bagur, the awakened ones would be completely lost in it and cannot find a way out.

In order to prevent Central Park from being invaded by yellow sand, it is natural that a protective forest is needed to work.

Although it seems a bit ridiculous to bring up environmental protection issues in this world of the devil, where the jungle prevails, the fact is that the devil can't wait to deal with this issue.

There is the Gale Zone in the center of the orbit, the Laguna Desert in the Harlem area, the snowy areas of Quest are cold and barren, and the northern part of Boronx is even more desolate. Lord Diregidi was once exiled~

However, almost no one cared...

When resources disappear, then grab other people's resources, or simply occupy them and replace them. It's simple and feasible. Who cares about protecting the environment?

Therefore, in addition to Katie's awareness of environmental protection, Smila, who made the second promise, also complained about the poverty of Quest. As one of the eight major regions, there is less than one-tenth of the place where you can live.

As for the other big shots, I can only describe them as "haha".

The Demon King dreamed of becoming the god of the new world. The Void Mage Ron violated the original intention of "Tara Kuta" and only wanted to firmly grasp the vested interests in his hands while suppressing new forces and powerful people.

Among the strong apostles, Kahn is just a taciturn "dead man", and Prey is more concerned about Tabers. Could it be that the conqueror, the blood-stained murderer, is allowed to call on the demon world to protect the environment, put down weapons, and let everyone plant flowers and grass? What?

So Ye Lin thought it would be better to wait until he got the title before trying to summon the residents of the demon world.

After breakfast, EX Dornier slowly sailed towards the Witch's Forest. Using Ye Lin's enhanced spatial ability, it was easy for him to refract light and camouflage the airship.

Not long after Dornier took off, a flexible phantom hurried from a distance, traveling an astonishing 100 meters in a few jumps, and then stopped at the place where the team stayed all night.


She gently sniffed the air with her nose, and seemed to be keenly aware of it. She walked around carefully again, and finally stopped at a place where the ground was bumpy and burnt.

If Sophie were here, she would be able to recognize this area, which is about a hundred meters in radius, as the place where she and Astra had a fight early in the morning. Of course, the damage to the terrain would not be small.

"I found it, but I didn't find it completely. Why did the breath disappear?"

The clue was broken. She shook her head with regret, and then stood there with her arms folded in silence, as if she was thinking seriously about something.

The mysterious black dragon that showed off its power during the Warcraft incident in Central Park was different from the dragon survivors and hybrids she had seen. Judging from various signs, it should be a noble and perfect true pure-blood dragon similar to Lord Bakar. !

Completely different from Lord Bakar's magical creation, the true pure-blooded dragon is a naturally born dragon and possesses more powerful power.

After the Dragon War, although some dragons managed to survive in the Demon Realm of Mine, some kept a low profile and even had sparks of love with the demons.

But in her personal opinion, although those giant dragons can be considered pure blood, they can only be said to be pseudo-pure blood. They were created by the Dragon King, and it is destined that it is difficult for them to surpass the Dragon King's achievements.

But now, a true pure-blood dragon has appeared in the demon world!

"It should come from that legendary planet, Trobot, the hometown of the Dragon Clan. It's really fascinating."

After muttering to herself, she shrugged and laughed at herself. Trobot was a world ruled by true pure-blood dragons, and she was just a very low-level hybrid.

There are unique dragon horns on the top of his head, but one of them is broken, and a red-brown dragon tail is trailing behind him. I think one of his father or mother should be a red dragon.

Katerina stretched out, sighed, and rubbed her long, round legs that were tired from running: "Forget it, if you really can't find it, I probably have to go to Wuxuan Town."

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