Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,127 Praise the little rabbit!

A pair of big eyes that shone brighter than rubies swept around. Bibi's body was covered with a thin layer of mind energy film. She was carefully squatting on a giant tree with thick branches, using the lush leaves around her to give herself a moment of relaxation. camouflage.

With the protection of sister Mo Mei's mind energy, she dared to go to the place where she was unconscious with Ye Lin to capture Rasenia.

No matter how you think about it, it's too abominable, that bad guy Rasenia actually wants to be a parasite on him.

In this pitiful young girl's youth, not only did she still have a lot of delicacies she had not eaten, but she had not even had a sweet or sour love affair.

It was so close that it would be forcibly terminated by Lasenia.

Bibi secretly bit her teeth, and when she caught the other person, she would make sure to make him look good.

This kind of plant with very evil properties must not stay in the Witch's Forest and continue to harm others.

"By the way, Ye Lin~"

Bibi poked her head out from the pile of leaves and asked in a low voice under the tree: "You only said that you have a way, but how do you want to catch it? Rasenia may turn into a leaf or a reptile."

Ye Lin raised his palm, gestured to cut it, and said with a smile: "Don't he like the taste of blood? So~"

"No, absolutely not."

Bibi quickly shook her head, feeling that it was ridiculous and a bit dumbfounded.

When she first came here, she saw Ye Lin's confident look and thought there would be some wonderful solution, but it turned out to be the stupidest and most dangerous method.

Because if you are not careful and Lasenia gets into the wound, you will be in big trouble. There is almost no way to solve the situation of being parasitized by this seed.

It will go straight to the heart along the blood vessels, devouring the host's energy until it dries up and turns into a withered corpse. It is very cruel.

Besides, it would be good if the smell of a person's blood can spread dozens of meters around. The forest is inherently rich in smells, including decay, earth, and moss, each of which has its own wonderful smell.

"Don't worry, I'm a big shot in the demon world. Why bother worrying about such a trivial matter?" Ye Lin raised his head and smiled confidently, giving a thumbs up to Bibi who was squatting on the tree trunk.

Safety pants are a bad form of civilization. Why don't Yuena and Mailu understand?

Bibi does this very well, with her round and pearly white thighs, her upturned and half-exposed fat, and her bunny-patterned headband, which is full of girlish charm.

I sincerely hope that Bibi will continue to maintain the orthodoxy and purity of civilization and carry it forward in the future.

Bibi himself was still unaware, his little heart was pounding, and the other party's confidence was quite handsome.

So he stretched out his small fist from the pile of leaves and gave a thumbs up, "Come on!"

He touched the palm of his right hand with the index finger of his left hand, and a bloody opening opened, and bright red blood beads quickly flowed out. Then, drop by drop, like broken red agate, slid down the fingertips.

The crisp and terrifying move made Bibi cover her red mouth in an instant. Her big eyes were full of pain. Just watching from the side made her palms feel numb.

She held her breath as long as she could while concentrating on searching for any trace of Lasenia.

The main thing is to distinguish the leaves around him, lest any one of them is disguised by Lasenia.

Either he couldn't believe Mo Mei's thoughts, or he was nervous and naturally worried and scared.

Of course, she still didn't notice that she was condescending and her skirt was fluttering.

At the same time, he was completely unaware that the giant tree he was standing on was getting taller and taller, and the branch he was squatting on was getting further and further away from the ground.

"Pa~", Ye Lin snapped his fingers, and a gentle breeze began to blow in the slightly dark and dull Witch's Forest.

From all directions, converging at the foot of this spot, many half-yellow and half-green leaves were raised, as well as skirts like petals in full bloom.

His main purpose was to let Lasenia come on the wind, not Bibi's skirt.

But if Siatt were here, he would look down upon him, don’t believe it!

Ever since the maker's "light" was lost, the environment of the Witch's Forest began to become very bad, and it was no longer what it used to be.

Among the gathering leaves, there was a green leaf that looked like it had been bitten by insects. It swirled and suddenly shot out like lightning, straight into the wound on Ye Lin's palm.

Once touched, it will immediately follow the blood vessels, flesh, and move to the heart or brain to tear and devour the energy in his body.

"You are really greedy and cruel."

Ye Lin's chuckle was full of ridicule. In an instant, the wound on his palm healed as before and was coated with a layer of Holy Spirit crystal. Rasenia directly hit the palm.

A series of events happened in an instant. Bibi didn't react directly. When she saw Ye Lin waving to her, she asked blankly: "Caught it?"


Opening your palm, you will see a seed about the size of a small fingernail, with many mysterious seeds like dandelion fluff growing around it, firmly trapped in the Holy Spirit Crystal.

Lasenia seemed to feel aggrieved and bumped against the crystal, but she couldn't break through the blockade.

"Wow, how did you do that!"

There was already a hint of admiration in her tone. Even Sister Ingrid said that something troublesome could be caught so easily.

Before Sister Ingrid was affected by the transferred aura, she was also an incredible magician.

But Bibi immediately discovered something strange. He was so far away from the ground.

"what happened."

Her pretty face was astonished, and she rubbed her bright eyes vigorously. Far away from the ground, Bibi felt that her legs and calves suddenly began to tremble.

There is no flying course in the summoner skills, and she can't climb trees. What's more, she is still wearing a short skirt...

After being stunned for a moment, Bibi hurriedly covered the hem of her skirt, and her pretty and delicate cheeks suddenly became flushed and started to turn red and hot.

The smart and smart girl suddenly realized that Ye Lin had raised his head and gave him a thumbs up. It turned out that it had a special meaning.

Praise the little rabbit!

The girl who was lively and cheerful just now is now shy and bowing her head, turning into a budding flower.

However, Ye Lin was thick-skinned and still pretended not to know anything. He waved to her and said, "Lasenia is caught, Bibi, we should go back."

"Yeah~ But, um, I..."

She was anxious and shy now, feeling flustered and a little bit angry. When she came up before, she stepped on Ye Lin's palm and was lifted up by his arm before climbing up.

Now the tree suddenly became much taller. Even if he let go of the hem of his skirt with the thought of "the same as his underwear and swimsuit" and hung on the branches like a monkey with both hands, his toes would probably not be able to reach his hand.

"How about you jump down and I promise to catch you?"

"No, I seem to have gained a pound recently. What should you do if you can't handle it?"

"Why are you so fat? I guess you are taller and slimmer. You are growing normally."


Bibi was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled happily. Why didn't she think of this possibility?

A round magic bubble wrapped around Bibi, who was holding her skirt, and supported her as she slowly landed on the ground.


The bubble burst, but Bibi still lowered her shy head, holding the hem of her skirt tightly with her little hands, and then slowly let go after a while.

There should be no need to cover it anymore, but the girl's keen sixth sense seemed to indicate that something was wrong.

"This is Lasenia, noisy as a fly."

She came over and took a closer look at the plant in his palm, then looked disgusted and immediately shook her head and shuddered. She really didn't have a good impression at all.

"Although it has evil attributes, it is quite rare and precious. If sold to the Botanical Research Institute and the scholars who need it, it can be worth a lot of money."

It seems too wasteful to just crush it to death, so Bibi suggested keeping it for a while.

Just when he nodded in agreement, put away Lasenia and prepared to return, Bibi circled around the suddenly grown tree again and again, and even the surrounding weeds were now growing particularly lush.

"Strange, how could this happen?"

Her face was dignified and serious, and she had already noticed that this was extremely unusual. It had only been an hour, but the trees had doubled in height. It was incredible.

As the almost designated successor to the next leader of the Spin Demon Society, he is the next generation of big figures in the demon world~

Bibi's outstanding talent is not only the ability to understand contract magic, but also a very delicate mind.

Although she is a bit naughty and playful, for example, when she begged Katie to send her to Arad, she had no travel funds, so she tried to rob the goblins and go to Grundy to mine~

But as long as you are not like the eldest daughter, Siatt, who has been very strict in her upbringing since she was a child, as a teenage girl, it is normal for her to be willful and naughty.

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