Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 113 Digging the ancestral grave

"Krent, where are Morgan and others? Have they come back?"

Next to the Afalia camp, Krent was hammering with a hammer. In front of him was a strange and huge machine with a dark shell and two metal skeletons as decorations.

Ye Lin recognized at a glance that this source of all evil was an amplification machine, and it was already more than half complete!

Krent's road to wealth is slowly getting on the right track, and at the same time, the time until he is beaten again is getting shorter and shorter.

"No, I suspect that he may have purple mushroom disease, which is an infection."

Krent threw away the hammer and sighed deeply, his eyes filled with worry.

Noipela is still in a dead state and has not improved, and Morgan has not returned yet, far beyond the scheduled deadline, and is very likely to encounter unexpected events.

"Her Majesty the Queen said that as long as you break through the blockade and enter the Dark City, she will send guards to welcome you."

"Then wish us luck."

Without staying at the Afariya camp, Dornier took off and followed Krent's Namient map to the depths of the Afariya Mountains.

The Dark Elves are a race that lives underground, and they are also a race that is gifted with magic. They set up a magic circle at the entrance. Without the leadership of the Dark Elves, most people would not be able to find the entrance even if they walked around Mount Alfalya.

The light around Dornier suddenly dimmed, and even in the cabin of the airship, one could feel a depressing atmosphere slowly descending.

This is a psychological effect, especially among people with claustrophobia. Fortunately, the people in this cabin are not ordinary people and can barely adapt.

"I've given you the road map. Try to avoid the territory of the Spider Kingdom along the way. There have been some strange movements there recently. I look forward to the voice of peace and the queen's order to allow trade."

After Krent entrusted some necessary matters, he returned on the original route in the Namientu. The Afalia camp needed dark elf officials to sit in and mediate to avoid conflicts with Belmare.

"Isadora, turn on Dornier's lighting."

"Yes, Captain!" Isadora covered her mouth and chuckled.

"The light source is very conspicuous in the underground space, but we don't have the night vision of the dark elves, so we can only choose the lighter one, otherwise Dornier will crash."

Dornier was flying slowly, and Siatt was lying by the window, unable to help but marvel, "I thought the underground space should be narrow, dark, and so humid that you can't breathe, but it's actually quite acceptable."

Under Dornier's light, the average distance between "heaven and earth" is tens of meters above and below. Occasionally, when you encounter a relatively spacious place, the height can even exceed a hundred meters.

The cliffs and rugged rocks are all dark brown, with black moss occasionally growing on the surface. The roads below are rugged and often interspersed by faults or underground rivers.

For the dark elves, such an environment is conducive to using the terrain to fight, but for humans, it is really a big trouble.

A few hours later, Dornier stopped at a relatively flat place. This was a shallow habitat outside the dark elves. It was part of the cemetery. Unfortunately, after Noipela's aura spread, he was originally buried here. The dark elves actually turned into corpse thieves and crawled out!

"Keep this in your pocket, just in case."

Several pure white crystals appeared in Ye Lin's hand, which were props made by Alice to resist the Dirigi virus.

After gesturing to Ishadulla, the cabin opened and several people jumped in like airborne troops.

Just after Ye Lin and others jumped down, Isadura stared closely at an electronic screen in front of him, with a smile on his face and clicked on the small red dot on the edge of the screen.

"One, two, three...five, six, a team of five plus a unicorn, and myself seven, and...eight, nine! They came so fast. Are you humans or animals?"

The thermal imaging machine obtained from Kelly, controlled by Ishadula, is the first means to deal with the Shadow Dancer assassination organization "Death Ball"!


A heartbreaking voice suddenly came from the side. The faces of the few people who had just adapted to the dim light of the underground space changed slightly.

A dark elf with a swollen body and an irregularly twisted and mutated right arm dug up the soil on the ground. It roared silently with its voiceless voice, cracking its rotten teeth that were drooling.

Siatt and Mailu were lucky. They had both seen the elf zombies in the Dark Thunder Ruins, which were not much different from this one. Yuena had already dealt with various mutated monsters. Only Mo Mei covered her mouth. I'm obviously not used to it, it's so disgusting.

"It's very weak. After killing it, run to the end and then kill it back. Pay special attention to whether there is a huge light red corpse stealer. That is Alchemist Morgan. It may contain speculation about Held! "

With a sudden grasp of his right hand, a thorn came out from the ground and stabbed the body thief thoroughly from bottom to top.

Qianqiu Land is just a passing station. If Morgan hadn't been there, he wouldn't have let Dornier stop here, wasting time.

"What is this, a potion?"

The five-man team seemed to be in an uninhabited land, and soon pushed halfway to the shallow habitat. Siatt accidentally discovered a bottle of black potion on a corpse stealer.

"Let me see."

Ye Lin took the potion and shook it, frowning slightly, and then smashed the potion with the invisible lightsaber. The black potion was soaked in the black potion and emitted a fiery red glow due to the enchantment by Benosiu. There was actually another layer of black energy attached to it. Lightsaber blade.

"The dark tendency potion can change the attack attribute of the weapon into a dark attribute attack with a curse effect in a short time. It is a more practical one-time potion. If possible, it can be sold in the store."

Mind cannon!

An upgraded version of the Nian Qi Wave, Mo Mei poured a huge amount of Nian Qi energy into the dark and unknown depths, but apart from a brief illumination, it had no effect.

"Haha, corpse thieves will only wake up when they feel someone passing by. You've wasted your efforts, Mo Mei."

"Morgan, are you there? We are here to help you!"

Because it was unclear whether Morgan was in his current state, whether he had turned into a corpse thief, or was still in the early stages of infection, he could only use the most effective and dangerous method, shout!

After waiting for a while, there was no response.

"Go on, they are all mutated corpses anyway, just clean them up."

The shallow habitat was swept away. Fortunately, Morgan was still missing. This wise man of the dark elf still had a chance of survival.


Mailu hesitated and muttered in a low voice: "Aren't we going to make friends with the dark elves? Isn't this considered digging into someone's ancestral grave?"



"In some sense, it's actually true." Ye Lin said awkwardly.

"Wait a minute, doesn't the Dark Elf have a Dark Elf cemetery? That shallow habitat..." Siatt didn't understand why the Dark Elf treated corpses so casually.

"The Dark Elf Cemetery refers to the battle that sealed the evil dragon. Too many people died. It is called a cemetery. In fact, like the Tomb of Heroes, it is a cemetery and a forbidden place."

Secretly exhaling, Rommel, the greatest hero in the history of the Dark Elves, still has his war spear in his hand, which is enough to be regarded as a sacred object of faith!

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