Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,136 They are all bad women

"Once upon a time, a woman told me..." Ye Lin made a move with his sword, put it away and stood up, with a hint of reminiscence and melancholy:

"She said, I will do her a few favors, and then I will be the supreme controller of Arad. From now on, I can live my leisurely life in the manor, or I can become a tyrant and start a hegemonic rule. Basically no one is. My opponent."

Although he never replied to Belfast's invitation, the memories he suddenly recounted had great similarities with the current scene.

Belfast frowned, not understanding what he was implying. Although she had jumped out of the constraints of time and dimensions, and had looked down at every detail of the ants' lives, she was not omniscient and omnipotent after all.

"Then I turned her down."

"Because you have greater ambitions?" Belfast asked subconsciously.

"No." Ye Lin spread his hands and sighed, shaking his head in denial with a smile: "Because she is a bad woman."

The bad woman he was talking about was the second apostle Held who "missed" in the devil world. The so-called few tasks were to eliminate several apostles who had encountered misfortune.

Held even hinted that I could separate the demon world from Arad and continue to wander between dimensions. From now on, the two have nothing to do with each other.

You can destroy all the countries and become the "Explosive Dragon King" of the Arad continent!

It is true that this kind of temptation is unique in the whole of Arad.

But, she is Held, a pretender, a bad woman.

The scene today is so similar to that of that time. She is also an ambitious "bad woman" and has an unparalleled temptation.

The target has just changed from the apostle to Caroso.

He has also guessed another reason why Belfast invited him.

That is your own fearlessness and your growth.

Whether it is Nimer, the God of Wisdom, or the rulers of time and space, or even the archangels of another dimension, they all firmly believe that when the great will returns, order will be reshaped.

In other words, it seems a bit blind worship and optimism.

However, "He" who has fallen and collapsed can still be called the strongest primordial power and the most noble will even if he reshapes his body?

Ye Lin was noncommittal about this, but he still had some respect.

And Belfast, or all the Transcendents, are trying to make a shocking move and recruit many helpers.

"I think, Belfast, do you want to join forces with Held? Together, you two can probably poke a hole in the universe."

He was partly teasing, but also wanted to make a side comment on whether the other party was really connected with Held. After all, they had a common goal.

If it's true...then there could be big trouble!

"We fought in the stars." Belfast's tone was plain, but the content was astonishing.

She is highly similar to Held, but at the bottom line, she has completely different goals.

Her purpose is to collapse, to kill in reverse, to make the supreme being fall completely into mediocrity.

Held's purpose is to reshape Terra in her memory. Deep in her bad woman face, there is a beautiful and youthful planet hidden deep inside.

Terra, possibly Held, the last bit of tenderness.

Afterwards, there was a long period of silence. His refusal was already obvious, but Belfast still had no intention of letting him leave.

The mysterious regional space created by the Transcendent has very strong barriers. It takes a lot of energy to break through and leave.

"You don't want to try to silence me again, do you?" Ye Lin asked tentatively, with a strange tone.

The Transcendents who were in the Sacred Zone at their peak were certainly so powerful that they gave even the rulers of time and space a headache, but this was a dimension, and the attributes of time flowed through them.

Belfast slowly transformed from his body into his original tall appearance, with a face that Niyali said was pretty, still wearing half a mask.

She seems to be able to change her body appearance through some kind of object.

Transcendents neither belong to dimensions nor time, nor are they naturally fixed and rigid conventional lives.

Counting Sirocco, triple the happiness?

A thought flashed through Ye Lin's mind.

Belfast pointed the light blade spear in her hand, and the black light was twisted like electricity. The meaning was self-evident. She wanted to see if she could kill this confused person in the dimension.

He flicked his sword and smiled, and took the initiative to rush towards the blast of gun light. He was fearless, his eyes were clear, and everything was clear to his heart.

It is true that there are definitely many benefits to joining the Transcendents. Not only does it have a power backer that is comparable to the ancient gods, but after enlightening Wuxuan's origin, he might also be able to ignore dimensions and time and become a transcendent.

But for him, it’s not necessary~

Although he has never met the gods, he relies on one of the seven holy names, Safiir, that is Yuena, as well as Mavis, the spokesperson of Hades Usiel, and Melu Sophie, etc... It can be said that the impression is definitely good. .

That is, Venus, the goddess of beauty, and Caron (Rong), the gatekeeper, are not very happy with him.

On the Beyonder's side, Belfast was the only one who was talking nonsense, which was almost like prostitution, and he was going to pull him to kill Caroso.

All I can say is that it is excessive, that is, the benefits are not enough.

Joining the cosmic demon, you are also equipped with a top-notch special equipment. A transcendent with a higher comprehensive personality, but you can't bring out any treasures.

In fact, he is rather covetous of those weapons in Belfast. They are made by transcendents, and each one can affect space and time.

The green lightsaber and the spear collided, and the sword body shattered into crystal green pieces all over the sky. In the next moment, it reunited, passed by, and pointed directly at the opponent's snow-white neck.

"You used it very clumsily and wasted everything!" Belfast's voice came from behind, and all that was left behind was a lifelike afterimage.

"If you teach me, I will sincerely call you master."

Without even looking back, he immediately held the sword in his backhand and slashed backwards, shocking the world like the beginning of the world.

"Follow me to the sacred area, and I will teach you the second secret of Wuxuan, the second one that even Bosem doesn't know."

"Second type? Huh?"

His mind was in a trance for a moment, and his flaw was revealed. He would rather believe that the other party was deliberately lying to him, and that he had a lot of treasures but no use for them. It was simply maddening.

But there is a vague intuition that Belfast does not seem to be guilty of lying.


A beautiful bright red blood spurted out from his shoulder. The opponent's extraordinary weapon suppressed part of Wuxuan's recovery ability.

"Well, is it still too late for me to join the Transcendents?"

He said he was going to rebel, but his attitude of fighting back never stopped.

The long, narrow and delicate Wuxuan sword was infused with more powerful power, and the sword glow surged like a scorching summer sun.

"Belfast, this is your domain, but the entire Demonic World is my home field."

Holding the sword with both hands, the tip of the sword fell straight to the ground, three points into the ground!

Taking the place where the giant sword landed as the origin, uncontrollable green light burst out in all directions, like the winding roots of a giant tree, breaking through the surface of the earth and penetrating into the deep layers.


The mysterious space was shattered into pieces, and the gloomy and dark light became brighter again.

Belfast seemed not surprised at all by his power. At the moment when the space was shattered, her figure was as thin as the wind, passing by Ye Lin, whispering softly: "You want to maintain balance, but you yourself are the biggest variable! Chapter 1 The clue to the second mystery is Mailu, I look forward to your more chaotic side."

The unique smell of dry yellow sand in the windy zone instantly poured into the nasal cavity. Compared with the coldness of the mysterious space, this smell was actually a bit better.

But what was very unexpected was that he was tied up. He was tied to a long, curved and rough stick, and his hands and feet were tied up.

"Uh, what the hell?"

Ye Lin's eyes began to turn around, like a skewered squid, being laid flat and ready for barbecue and smeared with seasonings.

In front of and behind the long stick, there was a Goruda that was about the size of an ordinary person and covered in reddish brown. It was jumping up and down against him, not knowing where to take it.

"Hey, how did you tie me up? Could it be that the space in Belfast is just a spiritual world?"

The Gruda race, classified as "orcs" by the mainstream of the demon world, is closer to insects in appearance.

The form is oviparous, and most of the juveniles have auburn carapace, their legs are powerful, and their sharp claws can easily destroy the prey's body.

Their heads also look like insects, with vicious mouthparts and terrifying eyes.

Its basic appearance will not change much after adulthood, but it will grow a pair of wings behind its back, giving it the ability to fly and stir up wind and sand.

Relying on the natural environmental home field advantage, adult Grouda is a relatively feared hunter in the wind zone.

Among the entire Goruda group, it is said that there are outstanding ones who will evolve closer to the appearance of humans. Not only does the carapace on the body surface recede, but the head is also the same as that of humans, with regular facial features.

Not only can he understand the written knowledge of the demon world, but he also has a more powerful ability to control wind and sand.

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