Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,140 Monster Girl Doctor

"Doctor, please be gentle and don't ruffle my feathers." Sulfana's voice was magnetic and lazy. She lay on the beach chair with her arms on her cheeks, squinting her eyes and enjoying herself.

However, due to the accumulation of fat, which pushed up the shoulders and back, she stuffed two small pillows under her arms, so that she could barely reach her cheeks.

The evolved six wings are spread out widely, and every feather has a magical luster on its surface.

Ye Lin nodded lightly. He held a soft cloth in his hand, dipped it in a basin with a special green liquid, and carefully and gently wiped every feather on Sulfana's wings.

Looking sideways frequently, he could see half of Justice being squashed into an oblate shape, but still proud.

Who would be willing to hide their identity and do such a time-consuming and laborious task if it wasn't to see such a giant thing?

Inside the pot is a natural plant liquid that has insect-repelling and maintenance effects. It is the essence of a specialty plant in the windswept zone and is relatively valuable.

He gently brushed his fingers over the queen's magically lustrous feathers, fearing that his movements would make him frizzy or uncomfortable.

In the demon world, adult Grouda's feathers are also a valuable material and decoration.

If it weren't for the environmental advantage they occupy in the wind zone, the Goruda clan would probably be like the orcs, causing all kinds of misfortunes because of their very beautiful feathers.

Suddenly, a brown feather fell off the wing and fluttered to the ground. He had only taken care of the two wings, but seven or eight feathers had already fallen on the ground.

"Well, Her Majesty, you are losing some hair."

"Well... you can also treat hair loss?" Sulfana was not angry because of the ridicule. Feather loss is a similar and very common condition to human hair loss, but it has become a little more common recently.

"To treat feather loss, at least add more nutrition."

Although he is a fake doctor, and his medical skills are probably not even one-tenth of Miraz's, he is definitely specialized in the side effects of Terra Stone and can easily grasp it.

However, he still had to show off his appearance. He asked Sulfana about her physical condition in a serious and serious manner, and held her soft wrist, pretending to diagnose her pulse.

"What's your latest meal?" After wiping all the feathers, he took out a notebook called a medical notebook and sat with his legs crossed.

Sulfana opened her eyes sideways and opened a gap. She was confused. She felt that the other person's temperament was different from when she first came here.

However, she didn't think too deeply about it: "Fruits, bread, roasted sand pork, and occasionally some grass."

Ye Lin was pretending to take notes carefully, but in fact he was scribbling with his pen for a moment. Unexpectedly, Sulfana's recipe was quite reasonable and healthy.

At least it's more comprehensive than Sophie's. That girl loves meat very much and only occasionally eats some fruits.

If she was allowed to take a bite of green pepper that didn't smell like meat, it would undoubtedly challenge the Dragon King's dignity and lead to a fight.

He had just seen what Sulfana called "grass", which was actually some fresh green leafy vegetables. However, being able to learn part of human civilization was already her limit, so the vegetables were all eaten raw.

The taste is so-so, it is just used to adjust the taste, so it is called "grass"!

"So, how's your rest status lately?" he asked again.

"It's good. I feel so fat that I can't fly anymore."

Sulfana stood up and picked up a fresh and juicy apple. "Kacha~kacha~", then used her other hand to hold the plump apple in front of her, frowning secretly, why it seemed to be heavy again.

She really didn't understand why these two growths, which were completely useless to Gruda, grew more and more exaggerated, almost as big as her own head.

The Grouda race is oviparous. From hatching to adulthood, it has nothing to do with mammals, so there is no need for it at all.

Ye Lin also knew that asking this question was in vain. As the queen of a clan, Sulfana was still a queen after all, although her environment was a little rough.

The reason why I asked was just to show off.

"Have you ever laid eggs? How many?"

Hearing this question, Sulfana's stunningly beautiful appearance unexpectedly revealed a hint of embarrassment, as it seemed that it had touched her privacy and it was inconvenient to answer.

But Ye Lin had always been shameless, and his moral integrity was as shattered as the sand in a windswept zone, so he frowned slightly as if displeased and said in a deep voice: "This is very relevant and important to your condition."

"No... never gave birth."

Sulfana seemed to feel shy because of this. She lowered her head and did not dare to raise it. She directly buried her charming cheek deep inside her.

"Ah?" Ye Lin was stunned.

"That's right, the previous queen would do this. When I accepted the throne of Gruda, the previous queen also told me to hunt powerful food and then lay the best eggs."

Sulfana's charming cheeks were slightly red, and she flapped her wings unconsciously, whipping up a strong wind that almost knocked Ye Lin to the ground.

The supreme ruler of the Gruda clan has always been the queen.

Firstly, it is because there are fewer female Groudas and they shoulder the responsibility of breeding the race. Also, the most powerful ones in the tribe are often female Groudas.

Just like the four evolved bodies of their race now, all of them are female.

"At first, I thought so too. One of the talents of our race is to be able to convert the energy of food into the foundation of the next generation. The better the food, the better the talent of the eggs we lay."

Evolution occurs through reproduction, and as long as the mother exists and the food is high-end, there can be multiple talented offspring.

Compared with the stone-bone beast's method of evolution, which relies purely on mutation and is almost unique, the Gruda family is at least two levels more advanced.

"However, when I went hunting for food with great interest, I found that the weak could not catch my eye, and it was difficult for me to hunt the strong. I refused to make do with those inferior energy, so so far... I have not had a single offspring. .”

Sulfana's strength is probably barely second-rate in the demon world, but if she has the home advantage in the desert, she can be slightly stronger.

The evolution of the race should be constantly getting stronger, rather than standing still. The average strong person is not qualified in her eyes, and the strong person with a name in the demon world cannot wander to the wind zone in idleness.

So her strength was neither up to nor down, so Sulfana was embarrassed. Later, her mind was liberated, and she wanted to complete the last step of her evolution, which was to remove the sharp claws on her calves and become more perfect and powerful.

She has an outstanding appearance and a particularly plump and voluptuous figure, but the calves under her plump thighs still look like bird claws, with a layer of semi-hard skin.

If you can complete the last step of evolution, not only will your strength become more powerful, but your posture will also be completely perfect!

Ordinary food energy was of little use to her, so Sulfana turned to the high-energy Terra Stone.

After that, he pretended to ask some things, such as the frequency of using Terra Stone, the amount each time, the time each time, body measurements, etc.~

"Your poisoning is still within a controllable range. I recommend you to take a medicinal bath, but it will require a particularly large wooden barrel."

Ye Lin stared at the numbers written on the notebook and secretly marveled. It was probably because the Queen's race was larger in size. Even compared to Fat Yat, they were obviously plumper.


Fa Jialu flapped her wings next to a huge stove, with blazing fireworks, boiling a pot of agarwood-smelling medicine.

"Will his medicine work?" Xiu Jialu's eyes were strange. She always felt that the boiling liquid in this large pot was like the chicken soup that was about to be put into the main ingredients. It had a strong sense of déjà vu.

"Hmph, if he dares to lie to us, he can just stuff it under the stove and cook it." Fa Jialu took a step back. The fireworks were so strong that the beautiful feathers on her wings were slightly burnt.

Ye Lin, who was playing with the ingredients on the other side, heard the sound of grilling himself, but just smiled.

In fact, the pot full of medicinal materials is really useless. The only thing that is useful is a Wuxuan leaf that was secretly put in.

He held an iron pot in his hand and skillfully put some vegetables in and stir-fried. This time, he got the seasonings just right.

"Try it and eat some, otherwise you will feel dizzy if you don't have food in your stomach after taking a medicated bath."

Ye Lin put some fried vegetables on the table and invited Sulfana to try them.

Her eyes were suspicious, and she tentatively and clumsily picked up a chopstick, accidentally dropping it halfway. Finally, feeling slightly annoyed, she simply replaced it with a fork.

It seems to taste pretty good, much better than eating it raw, but...

Sulfana only now slowly realized that the other party's autonomy was too high, and it didn't look like he was being manipulated by her at all.

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