Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,153 Go home, can’t go home

Despite his reluctance, Yazov could only accept his fate and lead the way under Ye Lin's intimidation, his face as pale as a dead man's, with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

The other party wants to blow up the entire habitat. Do you have such ability~

Of course, he didn't dare to say it.

The tunnel twists and turns, and after walking for a long time, I stepped onto the stairs leading to the ground, and my vision suddenly opened up.

It was a gloomy and bleak old castle, with broken walls and incomplete doors and windows. The iron-barred security door was full of rust and a little dry dark red.

There are some demon flowers, called Coats, planted in the yard. It seems that the fertilizer they feed is mutant. The flower disks of these Coats are huge and extremely strange and blood-red.

The third princess nudged him with her elbow, pointed at the ruined castle, and asked with her eyes, why didn't you notice each other when we were on the ground before.

Ye Lin thought about it and thought that maybe the other party's vital signs were too low. He accidentally mistook it for a mouse and ignored the mutant.

"Wait, why are you holding this thing?" He suddenly came back to his senses, a little stunned.

Although the strength of the third princess is not to be said, the strength of the God of War is still real. Now she is dragging a gas tank found from an underground tunnel and has not let go of it all the way to the surface.

"If they are not good people, I will just give them a shot." The third princess patted the mysterious explosive, very satisfied with its destructiveness.

The structure of the castle hall is very monotonous, with dusty carpets and patches of cobwebs, a black hardwood table with various insect holes, and a very clean red carpet soft seat.

Azov was also stunned when he entered the hall, and then ignored the two "guests" and quickly walked through the castle to search. Could it be that the owner ran out without authorization.

But Ye Lin lowered his head and stared at the gorgeous seat. The cushions on it were as red and sad as blood.

"Come out," he said suddenly.

"Who is it? That male vampire?" The third princess looked left and right and shuddered. How could there be a third person or a second vampire?

A faint chill suddenly covered the ground with a layer of white frost.

The bright red soft cushion began to ooze blood beads one by one on the surface, and soon gathered into a pool of blood. Then, a slender pale arm protruded from it, and then the entire slender body with beautiful appearance.

"Ahem~ Who are you?"

The female vampire has the same scarlet eyes, pale complexion, and sharp teeth as Azov. The only difference is that her aura makes the Third Princess feel more uncomfortable.

If it were Azov, she would have kicked him to pieces, but this woman with a strange appearance was quite unsure.

Otherwise, just blow up the gas tank and destroy them all. They don't look like good people.

"I am the lord of the orbital center. Places like habitat are not allowed to exist in my territory." Ye Lin could detect that the other party's signs of life were as dim as a candle in the wind.

It seems that if it goes out the next moment, you won't be surprised.

"Lord? Lord, shouldn't it be Luke?" Hai Yili raised her head in confusion, her eyes scarlet, which made the third princess subconsciously grasp the mysterious explosive.

She didn't call Luke "my lord," but instead called him by his first name, which was a bit surprising.

Of course the most surprising thing is...

"Luke, you have been missing for more than half a year, don't you know?" Ye Lin asked.

Hai Yili was startled, seemingly surprised, and shook her head: "I'm sorry, I never went out again after I came back from Silent City."

Later, Ye Lin explained his purpose of coming. He wanted to completely annihilate the horror habitat. The result was not surprising, and Hai Yili became very excited.

"Why don't you even want to give me a chance to survive?" Hai Yili slapped the seat with her palms, her nails were growing rapidly, and her gray hair was curled up at the ends without any wind.

There was blood in her eyes, and she was still trying her best to suppress her anger. She covered her face with her hands and choked with tears: "No one is willing to help me. Except Lord Held, no one is willing to help me. Even those who are touted as bright creations Luke, the author, also said that my body has no value in transforming it."

A line of blood suddenly crossed, and the woman who had been sitting in her seat crying just now appeared at the gate of the castle at some point, looking up at the cool and reddish Demon Moon!

Dang rang~

The iron sword in Ye Lin's hand that was blocking was broken~!

"Huh? What happened!"

The third princess holding the gas tank didn't react at all, and Ye Lin seemed to have been fighting with her for a round.


Ye Lin exhaled, casually moved his fingers and reshaped the blade, saying calmly: "If I want to destroy the habitat, it only takes half a minute. The reason why I came here is to see if there are anyone alive."

"A living person?"

Hai Yili, who had her back to the two of them, looked at the moon for a while and then slowly turned her head. Her originally pretty face had the corners of her mouth curling up towards her ears, but her small cherry mouth suddenly occupied most of her cheek. It looks like a smile but not a smile, with two terrifying fangs.

This kind of terrifying grin arc is definitely something that only ordinary people can achieve.

The Third Princess felt as if she was getting cold from the soles of her feet to her Tianling Cap. Although the other party was still in human form, could it really be considered a human being~!

"Then look at me, do I look like a living person?" Hai Yili's eyes glowed red, but immediately faded away. She covered her forehead and staggered to hold the door, struggling: "You guys leave quickly, I can't control myself. The thirst for blood and Lord Held’s medicine no longer work on me.”

The only wooden table in the hall had a porcelain bowl with some grey-green mysterious liquid on it, which was probably the "medicine" in the other party's mouth.

Surprisingly, this medicine was prescribed to her by Held. Could it be the gentleness behind her disguise?

She didn't want to suck human blood or hurt others to satisfy herself, so she took the initiative to hide in the Horrible Habitat.

What made Hai Yili feel the most complicated was that the cruel mutants were also frightened and trembling in front of her.

You must know that she used to be an ordinary person who had no magic and no special talents, and could only make a living by digging Terra stones.

"I wonder if I can help you." Ye Lin frowned and said.

The opponent's sanity is gradually collapsing, and if nothing can be done, he may turn into a savage monster who only knows bloodthirsty.

"There is nothing that can be done about it. Lord Held's medicine and Luke's expulsion, the two apostles can't do anything about my illness. Haha, in a sense, this can be regarded as my privilege."

She was laughing at herself, full of helpless sadness and desolation.

She finally found the Silent City in a test, but was judged by Luke to be of no use. Fortunately, she met Held, who prescribed medicine to her.

I thought I could recover physically and go home to visit my long-lost sister, but I never thought about Herder's medicine, which only managed to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

It can suppress the bloodthirsty desire for a while, but after a long time, the effect of the medicine is no longer effective.

The bitterness can only be suppressed in the bottom of my heart. I want to go home, but I can't.

"Nothing is absolute. You are like this now, why not try again?" Ye Lin pulled the third princess closer. Hai Yili's reason was already on the verge of collapse.

"I want to go home..."

She lowered her head and murmured, full of sadness.

"No, no, I can't go home, I will hurt Ronnie's...blood...blood!"

Hai Yili suddenly raised her head, staring fiercely at the two of them, but two lines of clear tears flowed down her delicate cheeks.

She instinctively wanted to stop herself from hurting others, but the Terra Stone's mutated physique and bloodthirsty desire made her whole body's bone marrow and flesh itch.

Ye Lin sighed, and then gently held the hand of the Third Princess, as if to tell her, don't be afraid, I am here.

Just when the third princess was so moved, secretly thinking that she was worthy of being the consort chosen by this princess, Ye Lin suddenly cut her fingertips and dropped a wisp of blood accurately into Hai Yili's mouth.

"Ouch~ What are you doing? It hurts so much."

The third princess quickly threw away her hand, holding her fingers in her mouth with a resentful look in her eyes. She was so moved that she fed all the mutants.

"My blood is too strong and she can't bear it, so I'll use your blood to hit her first..." Ye Lin said confidently, while also addressing the issue of the Third Princess's strength.

He spends all his time thinking about spending money, taking risks, and having fun. He studies under the god of fighting Zara Maya, but he never brings glory to his master's face.

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