Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,155 Believe in the Holy Light!

Ye Lin currently only has a rough guess at how to solve Hai Yili's very troublesome mutated physique, and it's not using Wuxuan.

The energy of his blood is so powerful that if he takes one sip, Hai Yili will probably turn into a balloon that bursts.

He touched in his pocket and took out a mini silver cross, which contained a faint ray of holy light power and was thrown to him by Yuena when he arrived.

It is said to be very effective in exorcising evil spirits and avoiding disasters, and can be sold for thousands of gold if placed outside.

He held the cross in his hand, his face was calm and peaceful, his tone was soothing, and he was just about to pick up another holy book of the order:

"There is such a god. He is a ray of morning light in the boundless darkness. His believers do not care about their origins, men, women, old or young. His bright revelation will come to those with sincere hearts and save them from despair. .”

It's a pity that Yuena didn't come with her this time. Otherwise, based on her past evangelistic work, she would probably have spoken more beautifully.

I have developed a believer in the demon world and spread the light of God to the demon world. This is a very great beginning. I have to ask the archbishop for some benefits~

"Hey, hey, hey~ You don't think this is possible, do you?" The third princess was shocked and frowned, feeling extremely weird.

He seems to want an evil-sounding vampire to believe in Remedios, the god of light!

Isn’t this feeling of dissonance too severe?

There is a strange feeling of holding a cross to persuade Chaos Ozma to put down the butcher knife and become a life-saving paladin.

"Her condition is similar to that of Blood Curse, so I might as well give it a try. Other than that, I have no other way." Ye Lin shrugged helplessly, saying that this was the only way.

The mutation of Terra Stone that neither Held nor Luke can solve, currently seems to be left to Remedios' revelation to try.

Blood curses and vampires do have something in common in some aspects, such as the unstoppable destructive psychology and the characteristics of high contagion.

Since there are Avengers who can regain light from the darkness, Leia, who has always been gentle and kind at heart, will definitely have the opportunity to gain enlightenment and regain her life.

He really didn't believe it. Just the Terra Stone mutant could make two apostles and a god completely helpless.

Even Kahn, who lives in the Demon World Association Square, may not be able to speak arrogantly!

But he didn't know much about how to obtain "revelation". He had to take Hai Yili back to Yuena.

The rest depends on the revelation of Remedios, the God of Light, whether he will take pity on this gentle and kind girl who always encounters misfortune.


Azov, who suddenly appeared in the shadow corner, was obviously very excited and had a bad look in his eyes: "The master has unlimited potential, far beyond the reach of us ordinary vampires. She will rule the night of the demon world."

The vampire clan is already weak in the demon world, and after finally ushering in a new star with extraordinary talent, it is natural that they cannot believe in any god of light. Night is the eternal order.

Yazov's persistence and loyalty are due to the fact that Hayili once bit his neck when he was mad, and he became something similar to a servant.

The reason why he kept preventing Hai Yili from drinking blood was because Hai Yili gave Azov the order when she was awake.

She is kind and gentle by nature, but she would never take the initiative to suck human blood unless she goes crazy enough to lose her mind.

"This is her own choice. You'd better shut up now, or I'll shut you up forever. But, do you want to try to gain enlightenment together?" Ye Lin shook the cross in his hand.

"I hate the smell up there!" Yazov took a step back, his eyes fearful.

Only Hai Yili was willing to touch this thing for the sake of her sister.

Azov was filled with depression, and finally left the castle with them. It had nothing to do with whether he believed in gods or not, it was purely due to his special loyalty to Hayley.

However, Ye Lin guessed that when Hai Yili received a revelation and was reborn, the master-servant relationship maintained by blood might end and break.

At that time, Yazov will also usher in freedom in every sense.

"Hai Yili, apart from your master and servant, are there any other living people in the habitat?" Ye Lin asked.

"There is a Earl of Cantermere, who is very famous in the demon world and is known as the Immortal Researcher. He has been trying to catch Azov and me, and we are avoiding him." Hai Yili suddenly slowed down, and her sense of smell was extremely sensitive. , and smelled a fishy smell.

Most people are too late to avoid and fear vampires, but Earl Cantelmere has a fanatical mentality.

Not only did he want to use the ordinary vampire Azov as experimental material, he also wanted to take the initiative to let the mutant Hai Yili take a bite.

In the devil world, because of all the wonderful rumors about the water of life, it is not uncommon for ambitious people to have the idea of ​​"immortality".

A long time ago, the Horror Habitat was the residence of residents of a demonic world, and the twisted mutant who caused the destruction of everything was none other than Count Cantermere.

Because he is quite powerful, he has a large number of followers under his command. However, not only did his followers not receive protection, but they all became "experimental subjects" for his immortal research. Their horrific acts were horrific.

Not long after leaving the dilapidated castle, the four of them stopped and looked up at the corner of a dark alley not far ahead.

Under the orange lights on the street, a black shadow tore apart, and an old man in rich clothes walked out with a stooped waist, white beard and hair, and a staff.

"Domina Hayley, and Azov, very good, we are a big step closer to the completion of my immortality experiment." Cantelmir nodded with great satisfaction. The dark and narrow alley behind him was densely packed. Full of horrific mutants.

At a glance, there are at least nearly a thousand of them!

They were once followers of Cantelmir, or they may have been ordinary residents of their original habitat. Their bodies will not be left in peace after death.

Cantelmir has been looking for these two vampires for a long time, but they have low body temperature, low vitality characteristics, and can escape into the shadows, making it very troublesome to find them.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the special explosion today, following the trail of outsiders, I was lucky enough to find two vampires.

"Count Cantemir!" Yazov was startled, still a little panicked.

Being able to treat all followers and local residents as experimental subjects, Cantelmir's strength cannot be underestimated. Otherwise, how could there be no resisters?

The only explanation is that it appeared but died.

The third princess stared at the old man in fine clothes, and then asked, "Earl? Noble? Is there an emperor who canonize him in the demon world?"

"A long, long time ago, there was indeed a king in the demon world, but now, I guess he found an ancient book somewhere and thought it looked cool, so he used it for himself." Ye Lin shook his head and smiled.

Count Cantemere's behavior was very similar to that of Pulitan, a former lord of the Delos Empire. They both conducted cruel human experiments, and that lord eventually died at the stake due to the anger of the people.

"Oh? There are also two experimental materials that look very healthy." Cantelmir was even more satisfied, his voice was slightly hoarse, he nodded and smiled: "I will put your blood, bone marrow, and liver to great use, absolutely not It will be a waste.”

The third princess's face darkened when she heard this. The little earl dared to be disrespectful to the princess.

She turned around to find her gas can, but suddenly she remembered that she had thrown the can into Hai Yili's castle and forgot to take it when she left.

"Forget it, there's no need."

She stepped on her foot, causing the buildings around her to tremble and tremble. She kicked her from the air, causing a strong sonic boom like low-altitude muffled thunder, and a violent explosion in the wind.

Cantelmir's face trembled, and he immediately waved his staff, forming a dark black barrier to block the strong wind explosion.

But the mutants behind him were not so lucky. Dozens of them were smashed into pieces in mid-air, and a smelly rain fell.

Ye Lin took the opportunity to please the third princess who was always dissatisfied because of her injured finger. He quickly handed over a cylindrical canned object: "Here you go, this is very powerful!"


Without looking closely, she kicked the thing towards Cantelmir. When the can exploded, she vaguely saw the thing painted on the surface of the "gas can". Why does it look like a "nuclear bomb" pattern?

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