Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 115 It’s a pity that he is not an orthopedic expert

"Now the continent of Arad is undergoing rapid changes and sudden changes. The last spider king, Babu, was wise and powerful, but he only coexisted with the dark elves and dwarves. You two finally recovered from the dead, so stop making trouble."

Ye Lin said it more tactfully. Nicholas was devoured by the power of the dead and turned into a dead body. He was often summoned by the necromancer and was not given food or water. He had to work and be beaten.

As for Angelina, she is not even qualified to become an undead body. It can be seen from the spider legs on her back that her level of evolution is far behind Nicholas.

"Human, are you provoking me?"

Nicholas was angry because he was bluntly pointed out. He was indeed an undead body. He was resurrected because of Derich's terrifying ability. He still retained the thoughts before his death, unified the underground world, and even spread to the earth!

"I just don't think it's easy to be resurrected, and to fight to the death for a useless throne..."

He shrugged and expressed helplessness. In fact, he didn't have a good impression of Nicholas. At the peak of the Spider Kingdom, there were thousands of spider warriors. In the underground space with strange terrain, the spider warriors relied on their unique ability to spin silk and hang upside down. Under the leadership of King Babu, It can even make the dark elves feel a little afraid.

After Babu's death, Nicholas and Angelina competed for the throne, and the kingdom was divided into the prince faction and the princess faction. The former took the lead in using the forbidden power of the dead, and the latter followed closely, not to be outdone, and finally led to the complete overthrow of the Spider Kingdom that had been prosperous for two hundred years. .

Nicholas was completely reduced to a wage earner for the Necromancer until he was mysteriously resurrected after the plague.

"By the way, let me see. If your route bypasses the shallow habitat, it will pass through an underground river, and then..."

He looked at the simple map given by Krent, and finally clicked on a place marked with a red cross. He smiled and said softly: "The few remaining warriors of the Spider Kingdom are still in the Spider Cave. They are still a group of people." It is a force that cannot be underestimated. Whoever masters this power may be able to unify the kingdom."

Nicholas' expression changed. Yes, he was right. He and his sister did think so. To unify, we needed soldiers.

"You help me unify the Spider Kingdom. I swear in the name of the princess that I will be grateful."

Angelina was the first to speak, what if you can't beat this team? Then find a way to join.

"No, help me, I am stronger and more qualified." Nicholas was secretly anxious and asked the same.

"I'm sorry, we still have something to do. I'm not interested at all in whether to join the princess faction or the prince faction. You can handle the affairs of your kingdom on your own."

He made a landing gesture to Dornier in mid-air. He had already done his best and had said all he could. As for whether the brother and sister wanted to continue fighting, they didn't care about their own business.

Nicholas and Angelina looked at each other, and then ran madly towards the spider cave, but Angelina seemed to be slower, and the route gradually deviated.

On the airship, Isadora flipped through an ancient book, pointed to one of the pages and said to Mailu: "The symbol of royal power in the Spider Kingdom is an epic equipment [Spider King Scepter]. Who can get the scepter? Who can command the spider people."

"Sister, where is the scepter?"

Mailu took away the wine bottle from Mi Gao, then took out a small pendant from its neck, confiscated it and put it in her pocket.

Alice specially made a small space prop for rice cakes, which can hold more than ten bottles of wine.

"I don't know. It may be at the ruins of the Spider Kingdom, or it may be in the Spider Cave where it was collected by the spider citizens."

After smiling, he controlled Dornier to descend slowly and picked up the team members.

Yuena looked at the princess and prince running further and further away, showing a bit of confusion, "I didn't expect that Di Ruigi's death plague would actually bring about a new life in a certain sense."

Ye Lin shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "The two of them are exceptions because they have enough undead power in their bodies. You see, those dark elf corpse thieves are not so lucky."

Dornier continued to act, but Ye Lin suddenly had a doubt in his mind, that is, Nicholas was now resurrected, what about the necromancers who summoned him to fight?

He does not have a clone like Apostle Casillas, nor does he have the ability of Tyrant Barak to echo the call of every Necromancer.

"Is this guy going to die? Uh... I still remember that the boss of Spider Cave, Ekloso, is a spider mutant, a light attribute monster, and he and the dark attribute Nicholas are at odds with each other."

"Then... he and Ekloso died together? Then he was summoned and trained by the necromancer sister, and when he attacked, Ekloso's soul was also pulled out? Is that what happened?"

After thinking about this, he looked at Nicholas's leaving figure with sympathy. This handsome little prince might not be able to escape the clutches of the necromancers' elder sisters.

"Well, if you are a German orthopedic doctor, don't be so aggressive. Maybe the Spider Kingdom can be saved... But that's right, your sister's evolutionary level is not at the same level as you."

"German Orthopedics, boss, what is that?" Mo Mei, who has sensitive ears, heard it.

"Uh..." Ye Lin choked and said hurriedly: "He is a kind of doctor who specializes in treating patients with broken legs. He has superb medical skills."

"It's really amazing. The healing of bones is troublesome even for us priests." Yuena nodded in appreciation.

Dornier moved forward slowly. After about an hour of touching, Siatt patted his red face and said, "Have you noticed that the temperature has become higher?"

"Yeah, there is."

Mo Mei waited eagerly for Ye Lin to make a fruit cold drink with strawberries, apples, yogurt, and ice cubes. The first cup was given to Mai Lu, and her eyes narrowed as it was cool and comfortable.

After passing down several cups of cold fruit drinks, Ye Lin pretended to be serious and said seriously: "Drinking cold drinks can cool you down for a while, but dissipating heat from the body surface is equally important. Look at you, ah, robes, cheongsam, long sleeves, what do they look like? Heat stroke What should I do? Come on, I have cool swimsuits here, everyone should change quickly..."



"It's enough for me to have a cold drink."

"Boss, why do you bring these with you?"

"Give me one."


In an instant, everyone turned around and stared at Isadora in surprise.

"We GBL teachers are accustomed to wearing robes and masks to cover our faces. The giant beasts in the sky are naturally very cool at an altitude of 10,000 meters. We have little or no thin clothing."

Isadora gestured innocently to his purple robe. The thick robe was a disaster near the site where the lava was flowing.

After careful selection, a purple gauze dress was handed to Isadora, and then she turned around silently, even covering her ears.

"Wow, sister Isadora, this skin is really enviable. It's like a little girl. How can I share it with you?"

"Where is she? She is an old woman. She has devoted all her youth to the blue truth. How can she have time to take care of her skin?"

Isadora is wearing a long purple gauze dress, and her proud figure has a more mature charm than the youthful Mailu, but she is almost the same as Alice.

"We are approaching the lava cave. There are fire-throwing zombies and low-level fire elemental elves in it. After landing, fight through it and you will be close to the final shadow maze and the entrance to the Dark City."

Below the airship, the darkness, dampness and underground river flow of the shallow habitat have been replaced by patches of orange-red lava. Heat is rising from the earth. Bubbles occasionally pop out of the lava pool, and some magma explodes. .

"There is such a magical place in the underground space." Siatt was a little surprised.

"Because it's not natural, it's man-made."

"Boss, who can brave the hot magma to open a passage? It must be very difficult for the awakened ones."

"It is the sixth hero of the dark elves, the firebender Bolen. He has a special physique and can ignore high temperatures and even swallow sparks. He dug a channel from the Kayak volcano, the Holy Land of Fire, and used the energy of lava to supply the dark elves with the life needs and magic power. .”

Ye Lin secretly admired that even if they lived underground, even if the environment was harsh and they experienced disasters, the dark elves still gave birth to famous figures one after another.

The seven heroes of the Tomb of Heroes are Aragorn, the Lord of the Holy Spirit, Hareth the Mistral, Eled the Holy Lord, Luxi the Berserker, and... Money Krent, the Death Pit.

Even Xia Plun is a necromancer with unfathomable strength.

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