Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,157: Stay safe, Held

"Desertification has become serious again~" Hai Yili suddenly sighed, feeling a little sad.

There are some vague memories in my mind. The area nearby should have been a field where crops could be grown.

Although the soil is not fertile and it is often droughty, if you take more care of it, it will still be fine to provide food and clothing.

But as far as I can see now, the land is almost deserted. It looks like lumps of soil but it breaks into pieces at the touch of a touch. In a vast and distant area, not much grass grows.

When I raised my head, I saw the gray and hazy windswept area in the distance. Just looking at it made me feel frozen and suffocated, as if my nose was filled with dry sand and I couldn't breathe at all.

Things have changed, people have changed, and the changes that took thousands of years to complete seem to have been compressed into just a few years.

Apart from her sister Ronnie, Hai Yili didn't know how her friends who played with them were doing well, and she didn't want to find out.

I still remember that on the other side of the wind zone, there was a girl with fair skin and pretty appearance who often came to play. She once pretended to be mature and sighed: "In the devil world, there is no news, but it is the best news."

Yes, life is so difficult for everyone. Good things don’t go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. No news is often good news.

If you want to completely stop the spread of wind and sand in the wind zone, you must use an amazing "Witch's Forest" to block the other side of the wind zone, like the joint work of Katie and the Green Witch.

There are only a few people who can accomplish such a feat in the demon world.

Among the "few", only Ye Lin came to help. The others were either too busy to take care of themselves or didn't care much.

At the same time, there are two problems that are difficult to solve. One is that the environment here has always been dry, making it difficult for conventional forests to grow, and the other is the problem of random felling.

The Green Witch spent a lot of effort and used a large number of magic traps to make the Witch's Forest a "forbidden place" that ordinary people dare not break into at will.

After all, even acquaintance Bibi accidentally fell into the trap~

If he simply grows trees without the threat of traps or strong men, it is estimated that the forest resources he created will be secretly cut down in less than half a month.

Ye Lin closed his eyes gently, and touched the barren and arid land of the Demon Realm with his palms. Except for stones, the dirt lumps were basically broken into pieces with just a scratch, and dry palm prints were left on the ground with just a little force.

And just like what Mailu said, the fragments of Terra seemed to have completely turned into an empty shell, without feeling the spirituality of life at all, and completely unlike the characteristics of a living planet.

It would be difficult for ordinary grass and trees to survive here, so he had an idea and targeted those few clumps of weeds that could take root deeply and grow strong in dry land. He used Wuxuan's ability to replicate and spread, blocking the growth of weeds in the windy zone. erosion.

As Hai Yili's eyes gradually widened in shock, the barren soil suddenly sprung up like mushrooms, and large and dense weeds sprouted up, spreading to a distance that she could not see.

There was no sensational, dazzling, earth-shattering splendor, and no sound was even made. A wasteland covered with sea buckthorn weeds was born in front of our eyes in an incredible way.

Barren grass and sea buckthorn are completely worthless even in the Demon World. However, Hai Yili was once a nearby resident. She fully understands the importance of this "green belt". It plays the same role as the Witch's Forest and can save lives. The center of the Earth's orbit is in dire straits.

It can also prevent many people from making her tragic mistake again.

Ye Lin didn't know that because of his magical and extraordinary abilities, Hai Yili's originally low expectations for cure and mutation began to show an optimistic and positive attitude.

Maybe, he really can!

Hai Yili clenched the cross tightly in her palms, and for the first time, her eyes showed an urgent expectation and burning hope.

She wanted to live a normal life, very much.

Ye Lin slowly breathed a sigh of relief and estimated that there would still be some time before Sulfana would hatch and break out of her shell. He couldn't wait any longer, so he prepared to go back to Wuxuan Town.

However, just as he was about to board Bagul, a strange phantom suddenly appeared ten meters away. She looked down at the newly grown sea buckthorn grass on the ground with unclear eyes.

Is it meaningful? It is just a drop in the bucket for the revival of the entire Terra.

The moment Held appeared, Ye Lin was already aware and vigilant. He secretly glanced at the Third Princess and signaled you to step back.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I am OK, you?"


More than half a year has passed since the battle in Silent City, and the two are now barely reunited after a long absence. They exchange plain greetings, unexpectedly revealing a bit of harmony.

Suddenly, a purple light flashed in Ye Lin's eyes. On the other side, Held's expression immediately turned cold. With a quick flick of his fingers, a wisp of black light brushed the hair beside his ear.

It was indeed a substitute, and the Held in front of him was not the real Held.

This is the unique mark he left on his substitute with Naiyali's divine power to tell whether the woman with a demonic mind is real or "fake".

"It's meaningless." Held looked at the wind zone, the never-ending whistling wind and sand, and it was very troublesome for her to deal with it.

She was saying that the green belt created by Ye Lin has no meaning to the entire demon world, just like the green witch's forest. Everyone knows that the forest is dangerous and the witch is evil.

There are a few people with clear eyes and minds who can see through the painstaking efforts of Katie and the Green Witch.

"Huh... You are still the same annoying person as before. You think you are strategizing and cold, and it seems that not even an ant can escape your eyes. If you are gentler and smile more, people will like you." Ye Lin shook his head helplessly. , directly mocking the "savior" of the demon world.

To him, to the demon world, to Held, the piece of wild grass and sea buckthorn under his feet was something not worth remembering deeply, it was just a casual thing.

But for the people who are being helped unintentionally, to them, that's what it's all about.

"Ye Lin, you are not a resident of the demon world, why bother?"

"Then you are a resident of the demon world, why don't you do something with a little help?"

He was immediately sarcastically retorted as soon as he asked. He looked calm and composed, but Herder was slightly startled for a moment.

She and the elf Katie are a very obvious pair of long-sightedness and short-term thinking.

Katie's idea is that since I was born here, I will do my best to make the devil world a better place.

And she had been thinking about the beautiful Terra day and night, looking too far and too far away, and many things happening at the moment would inevitably be ignored.

"If I were as nosy as you, I would be exhausted a long time ago." Held's eyes moved away, his tone was calm, and he did not comment on his rhetorical question.

Ye Lin couldn't refute this. In this devil world, it was not easy to be a good person.

Held's principle is to take care of things when you see them. For example, she saved Erica and prescribed medicine to Hai Yili. However, miserable people who are mocked by fate happen every moment in the devil world.

Even if there are thousands of clones, there will still be times when they are ignored.

After a moment of silence, Held probably didn't want to continue talking on this topic and asked: "You have been in the Demon World for a while, how do you feel?"

Both of them wanted to stab each other to relieve their anger, but at this moment, it felt strangely like old friends meeting and chatting over a glass of wine.

"In the past, it was very glorious."

The implication is that I came from Arad, and the environment in the demon world is not even worthy of an "average" evaluation.

But the ubiquitous ancient ruins and buildings, such as the Night Skyscraper, the Ancient Library, and the majestic building collapsed in the yellow sand, all silently tell the story of the glorious history of Terra.

But that glorious page is, after all, history that has been turned over.

It is inevitable to understand that Katie wants to make the devil world a better place, but Held's longing for Gutera, after so many years, is still unforgettable.

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