Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,159 The Bumpkin from the Demon Realm

Ye Lin himself guessed that this key was originally supposed to be given to Smilla, the second promised person, or Niwu of the Oathkeepers, but now it was given to him.

Because the current situation of these two top organizations is relatively delicate.

Due to an unfortunate "lunar eclipse incident", the former's top management in the organization was damaged and its combat power was severely divided. Later, the arrogant Tarakuta interfered, causing no peace. Now it is all up to the leader Smilla. Hold on.

The same situation is almost the same for the Oathkeepers. The leader is far superior in strength. Although the members can barely support the middle structure of the organization, they cannot reach the real core, the top of the pyramid.

In other words, these two organizations now have basically no cadres like the Kaxiu sect who are not leaders but are well-known.

The three core cadres of the Ka Xiu Sect are definitely well-known figures in the demon world, and each of them has extraordinary talents!

As for several other first-class organizations, their strength is very strong and no one dares to underestimate them.

Even though from the surface, it seems that the ancient library is just a gathering place for scholars, as the director of the library, Monica also hides her strength deeply. Although she was defeated in a duel with the conqueror, she remained elegant and calm in the end. Exit.

There are only a handful of people in the demon world who can calmly admit defeat under the sword of that fighting madman, which is enough to frighten most of the powerful people who originally looked down on the library.

Except for the time when the conqueror came to the door and had to deal with it, no one had ever seen Monica take action.

Even in the very important Demon Realm Alliance that snatched information about the Water of Life and divided the Demon Realm's sphere of influence, Monica only asked Iqi, who liked the excitement, to participate.

As a result, he was defeated by Niwu in the first round~

"The key in your hand originally belonged to Tarakuta." Held's tone was very calm, and he turned around to leave.

It turned out to be not those two organizations, but Tarakuta, the most powerful force in the demon world at present.

Held's weird behavior naturally made Ye Lin extremely puzzled, and he even slowly frowned.

Could it be that she felt that Void Mage Ron was still useless, so she wanted Tarakuta's representative to become Alice again.

After all, once the winner of the first league appears, he will definitely be the favorite to win the championship, and his popularity will be several levels higher.

"Are you really giving it to me? To the Wuxuan organization instead of letting me hand it over to Alice or Reitz?" After making random guesses, he wanted to confirm it uneasily.

"Oh, is it because of me that you became so good at being suspicious?" A faint sneer was left behind, and before the voice dissipated in the wind, Herder had already disappeared before his eyes.

Ye Lin was choked. He couldn't see the target even if he wanted to fight back. He was helpless and depressed.


"Is that strong man just now Lord Held?" Hai Yili asked cautiously after he came back.

It seems that any louder voice is disrespectful.

Just now, she was far away and could only see him vaguely. Her intuition seemed to be Lord Held.

But looking at the clothes he was wearing, he felt vaguely suspicious. Mr. Held always wore cool clothes, and the exposed skin was even more so. Why was he wrapped up tightly now?

She has lived in the habitat for too long and is completely ignorant of the current situation and changes in the demon world.

"Well, it's her. She asked about your condition, and I said there was hope." Ye Lin nodded and smiled, which was a white lie.

Held just mentioned it casually, but it was definitely not a deliberate question of concern.

For Hai Yili, Held is definitely the greatest and most grateful apostle in her heart.

Although the medicine Held gave her didn't have much effect, the psychological comfort it provided made Hai Yili feel extremely satisfied and happy.

The most noble apostle in the demon world actually took her, a small character, to heart~!

Seeing her joy, Ye Lin shrugged and said nothing more. In her dark and desperate life, Held was her ray of light at a critical moment.

Riding Bagur, the ride was a little bumpy but very fast. There was no incident along the way and we returned to the small town of Wuxuan in the evening.

Although she is an aboriginal resident who grew up in the demon world, Hai Yili acted like a "foreigner", with various surprises and exclamations along the way.

She was even more surprised that the atmosphere here was peaceful and peaceful, which was no less than that of Katie's beautiful Central Park town.

Hai Yili's news has been kept secret for too long, and she doesn't even know about the Battle of Silent City that swept across all sides of the Demon Realm.

Azov, who had always considered himself Hai Yili's servant, received a solemn warning from Ye Lin after arriving in Wuxuan Town.

Since you don't want to believe in Remedios, then find a dark corner and stay there until Hai Yili gets the revelation and will naturally let you go free.

If you can't help but want to drink blood, you can buy some chickens and ducks to see if you can deal with it, or if anyone is willing to take the initiative to sell blood, you can do it, but you must not allow panic in the small town.

Otherwise, just tie it up and give it to Lucille.

It was already evening, and there were not many pedestrians on the main street of the town. Smoke began to curl up from the chimneys of the houses. If you smell it carefully, you might even smell the aroma of cooked rice.

Hai Yili felt more and more fond of it, and her mood was full of expectations. This peaceful and peaceful town was exactly the place she longed for.

If I could cure my disease, find a job and settle down in a small town, and live with my sister Ronnie, I would probably smile with my lips raised in my dreams at night.

"If Yuena hadn't left, you could have trained directly in the Demon Realm. Otherwise, you would have had to come to Arad with me."

Hai Yili nodded vigorously subconsciously, but she didn't really listen to what he said.

As she approached the manor, her mood suddenly became very uneasy, like a ball of yarn that was tangled together and could not be untied.

She was worried about her lack of qualifications, what if she couldn't get God's revelation, and there was also the conflict of wanting to see her sister urgently but not daring to see her.

Otherwise, just take a sneak look at Ronnie.

"Yue Na, I brought you a believer who needs your guidance. Great Miss Seraph, are you there?"

"Stop shouting, they are going back to Arad at noon." At the tea table in the living room, Cyrus, who has a habit of having a cool and indifferent face, brewed a cup of warm tea with skill and grace.

Ye Lin was stunned when he heard this, then frowned and looked at Cyrus carefully, circling her around and around, until Cyrus almost couldn't help but want to throw tea in his face, he was surprised and said: "You passed the level? Congratulations!"

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly with pride but immediately calmed down. Cyrus's eyes were still cold and piercing, and he was stiffly modest: "Well, it's just a fluke."

It was lukewarm and perfunctory, but for Cyrus's extremely unfrank and slightly troublesome character, it was already a commendable behavior.

There was a note left by Mo Mei for him on the tea table. He wrote a line of small words and drew a cute smiling face.


After all, she had been running around all day, and the third princess, who was always energetic, also yawned, rubbed her thighs, and dozed off on the sofa.

But at this point, it seems like a waste to just sleep, but if you don't sleep, there's nothing to do.

If Hai Yili wasn't there, she wouldn't mind dragging Ye Lin upstairs to fill her free time and sing a few songs for him.

But that vampire who was quite powerful and so fast that she couldn't see clearly was now like a bumpkin in the demon world. He was curious about everything in the living room, even a soft pillow stuffed with cotton, and he would hold it carefully for a while.

"Many, many, beautiful things." Hai Yili was dazzled. This was much better than the habitat.

Skurti, who is flexible and naughty, never enters the manor through the front door, and always jumps over the wall in various ways.

She was slightly out of breath while running, and after taking a few breaths to rest on the spot, Skurdi hurriedly said: "Chief, Captain Rena wants you to go over now. There is a dragon, uh, a half-human, half-dragon woman. ~Eh, how should I describe it?"

"Female half-dragon?"

"Well, she wants to join Wuxuan, but she keeps clamoring to see the Dragon King."

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