Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,164 Worshiping Mailu’s Sacred Relic

He should have thought of the special situation, or noticed it in advance, but it was indeed a secret.

He always thought that Mailu's shields and weapons were "great nature". The reason why they had extraordinary natural power was because the origin of Yudia's body was truly extraordinary and miraculous.

Countless heroic spirits gathered and sprouted, and the heart of peace grew enthusiastically. He did not find it strange that Yudia, who was regarded as the "World Tree" by both the elves and humans in the beautiful world, was comparable to the silver holy tree itself.

However, after careful calculation, it turns out that Yudia's fragments can be connected with the main body.

Just like the river basins on land, no matter how heavy the rain pours, they will eventually converge into the ocean, where they will end up.

Ye Lin held his forehead and remained silent. After working hard all day and night, it seemed that he had gained something, but it seemed that he had not achieved anything at all. Now he felt extremely complicated.

On the other side of the dimension, in the beautiful world of another dimension, Erdar, the most powerful elf knight, looks up at the green and tall tree of peace, Yudia, and is filled with joy in his heart.

The girl who shoulders the will to find greatness seems to be living a good life in another world, and she has not forgotten the goodness of her hometown after being away from home for many years.

At this moment, Eldar still doesn't know Ye Lin's purpose. As a glorious warrior who has drank the "essence of nature" five times, she has the right to enter the courtyard of life where Yudia grows at will.

"Eldar, you seemed to be talking to yourself just now. Are you revealing some little secret to Yudiya?"

An eccentric red-haired girl walked into the courtyard and nudged her affectionately with her shoulder. Her beautiful big eyes were full of teasing.

"No, Elector, I contacted the elf knight in another world through Yudia."

"The other world, could it be Mailu? Wow!"

The elf knight profession exists in many dimensions, but in theory, there may be only one elf knight in other dimensions, Melu, who possesses the bark and branches of Yudia.

Although there are other elf knights who have stayed in this world, their purpose is obviously not for Yudia.


"Really? How is her life? Has she lost weight now? Now that she can communicate with Yudiya, she must have become very powerful, right?" Elector asked many questions in one breath, and Mailu was considered hers. juniors.

I still remember the child's pitiful and tearful appearance when we were leaving.

"This... seems to be pretty good, but the person on the other end, claiming to be Mailu's boyfriend, said that Mailu went to play." Erdal sighed and smiled softly. At least the child was doing well.

"Oops, my junior Mailu has already found a boyfriend? Our most powerful elf knight, Eldar, is still single~"

After teasing his friend for a while, Elector said to her seriously: "Because of Yudiya's amazing changes, the elven elders are preparing to hold a meeting outside the Courtyard of Life. We have to ask the people and Arad Mainland China should come up with a reason."

Eldar nodded slightly. She wanted to explain that it was because of Wuxuan, but her intuition told her to wait first, because this world has benefited, but the person in the other world is still waiting for something.

"Elector, I will go to the parliament, you go ahead and do your work first."

"Ah? Then, let me go brush the unicorn's fur. These guys are playing with water by the stream. It's a good time and opportunity."


Ye Lin calmed down his somewhat depressed mood, tapped the shield with his fingertips, and asked: "Eldar, can you make this fragment of Yudia cut off the connection with the main body? Then I will try to regenerate a tree of peace. tree."

The elf knight on the other end seemed to be shocked by his whims, and after a while he cautiously replied: "I'm not sure whether I can be reborn, and once the line connecting the body is broken, it can never be connected again. That means Mailu will no longer be able to borrow our power."

There is a chance that it will work, but there is also a chance that it will be completely ruined. The risk is extremely high, and it can be called an extreme gamble.

"Excuse me, are you in any trouble? Do you need more power from Yudiya?"

Although they are two worlds apart from each other and may never meet each other once in their lives, no matter how you say it, they have inherited a huge favor from each other. Regardless of emotions and reasons, they must try their best to see if they can be of help.

"Well, it's a big trouble. To be precise, I need Yudiya's dew, the essence of nature, to improve my compatibility with Wuxuan." Ye Lin said frankly.

"The essence of nature!" Eldar's heroic face changed slightly. This material that embodies the life breath of Yudia is no longer just a treasure of the elves, but the entire Arad attaches great importance to it.

The new imperial emperor Crowell ordered that anyone who approaches the Court of Life without the permission of the elves will be guilty of a felony.

If you are bold enough to touch the Tree of Peace, you will be punished by death!

The Tree of Peace is the budding will of countless heroic spirits, including of course human warriors fighting for peace, so the commemoration is of great significance.

"The essence of nature does have a way to send you some across dimensions."

Before Ye Lin's face showed joy, Eldar's voice continued, saying: "But according to the laws of the elves, only those recognized by Yudia are qualified to drink the spring water."


Ye Lin couldn't help but rolled his eyes. How could he have the time to try to pass through the realm of nothingness and then travel to the beautiful world to gain Yudiya's approval.

Over and over again, the concept of time may be ignored, and maybe the future prince in Queen Skadi's soft belly will inherit the throne of the duchy.

"Then I tried to use the shield to deprive Wuxuan of his power! What a waste of my whole day." He understood the laws of the elves in that world, but he had nowhere to vent his depressed heart. Who could he find to complain to? .

"Huh? Wait! I can try to help and ask the elders for help." Eldar also felt blushing and ashamed, accepting help from others, but we couldn't help at all, which is unreasonable.

However, a new question arose. Erdar asked cautiously: "Have you practiced black magic? How can you still draw back the power of Wuxuan?"

"Black magic? That's too cheap. Wuxuan's origin is in my body, but I stole it. That is to say, it was a little reluctant to merge with me..." Ye Lin explained some key points, Didn't say much.

"How can it be!"

Eldar murmured for a while and was lost in thought. He held the flower crown on his head and couldn't accept it.

She originally thought that the other party was recognized by Wuxuan (Yudya) like herself, so he could use part of his power.

As a result, the other party actually used an incredible method to incorporate it into his body.

His mind was a little confused, and after a moment of silence, Eldar replied: "The elders are going to hold a meeting, and I will make your request for you. Please wait patiently for a while."


Finally having a hint of possibility, Ye Lin felt at ease and slowly removed the vines wrapped around him. Alice was very precious to it and couldn't break it.

Because the plants were growing wildly all day yesterday, the various furnishings in the courtyard were somewhat messy. While waiting for the news, I stretched my muscles and tidied them up.

"It's broken! I remember that there was a pot of craft cactus growing in Mailu and Sophie's room."

For example, the narcissus in Fengzakura's room, the pot of mimosa specially raised by Shia, and the various flowers and green plants in other rooms. If they are overgrown, it is okay. If something like a cactus breaks out, it will be difficult to clean it up. .

Familiarly, he took out the door key from the drawer in his room. When he opened it, it turned out to be a bit horrible. The originally delicate and small cactus had now expanded into a large ball, filling half of the room.

Not only were the tables and chairs damaged, but some cacti had reached the bed, leaving needle pricks. It was impossible to rest unless they were cleaned up.

Ye Lin shrugged helplessly, then snapped his fingers, virtually annihilating all the cacti, and then tidied up the things in the house.

By the way, I opened the drawer intentionally or unintentionally, trying to find the storage place for the protective cover and hair tie.

"The desk has been damaged by roots. It looks like it needs to be replaced with a new one."

Taking a broom and carefully cleaning up the remaining garbage, Ye Lin's eyes kept drifting away while cleaning the balcony, and he was unconsciously attracted to some delicate items on the clothes drying rack.

There are several long-sleeved and half-sleeved vitality shirts, but both skirts should be from Mailu, and a pair of girly pink and childish-style cotton underwear with a small bow, all hanging on the clothes drying rack on the balcony.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Lin nodded solemnly and gave himself a very unreliable reason: "I think it's going to rain today. Fold your clothes and put them away as soon as possible."

With slightly trembling hands, he took off the girl's pink and white stripes on the clothes drying rack. Before he could appreciate it, Ye Lin's body suddenly froze.

At the door, Mai Lu held rice cakes in her arms and looked at her boss in shock. He was holding up the hair tie she forgot to put on as if worshiping some kind of holy object.

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