Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,170 Mailu’s Knee Pillow

The air in the forest is humid, and there are many mosquitoes at night. Large mountainous forest areas are prone to rain at night. It just so happened that the Grand Forest met all kinds of harsh conditions after the elves disappeared.

Mailu sat cross-legged in the waterproof tent, holding a bag of tomato-flavored potato chips in her arms. The sound of rain hitting the tent kept hearing in her ears. It was a bit noisy, but the good thing was that there were fewer mosquitoes.

She opened the zipper on the corner of the tent door. Not far away, Ye Lin was still silently maintaining the passage. A huge lotus leaf blocked his head, and the whole body was filled with fresh natural breath.

"It looks like it's stabilized."


The potato chips were crispy and delicious. Mailu waited until about eleven o'clock, then she couldn't resist her tiredness and fell asleep holding a pillow.

next day

Mailu got up and washed up in a daze. Because it rained last night and it was already cold in the morning in the forest, she put on an extra coat and bit her toothbrush in her mouth, dazedly.

I didn't sleep well last night, the bed was not soft, and there was a heavy rain early in the morning. After I woke up, I felt dizzy and couldn't fall asleep even if I wanted to. My hair was all soft now.

The smell of a pure forest is actually not very good, and may be mixed with the smell of rotting branches and leaves, but overall it is much better than the demon world.

I stopped eating breakfast because I surprisingly had no appetite, maybe because I didn’t sleep well.

Mailu carefully walked as silently as possible, stood up on tiptoes next to Ye Lin, and was surprised to find the "essence of nature". After one night, she now had five cups!

The initial goal has been perfectly achieved.

The thing that surprised her the most was that there was a silver-gray energy ribbon, like a beautiful cicada wing veil, floating from the depths of the forest in a corner, and its final destination was his heart.

It was the silver holy tree sapling that Tana brought before. Now it has grown into a small tree and has a lot of magic power.

If it were a towering and burly silver holy tree, its power would definitely not be inferior to that of Yudia, and it could withstand world-destroying energy impacts.

"The boss's fourth preparation is to communicate with the Silver Holy Tree to provide his own magic power."

Seeing this, Mailu was completely relieved and patted her collarbone and collarbone. The lower part was full of fat, and it felt weird when she patted it.

Since he has not yet escaped from the state, any additional "essence of nature" he can obtain in the future will be completely extra money.

In the beautiful world, Erdar, including all the elders, also had dull expressions on their faces. After getting used to the emotion of shock, they would become stoic.

After waking up, the warrior from another world was still absorbing the essence, and it seemed that he would not stop until he got it clean.

"Wow, he took at least six copies." Elector tsked softly, and then asked: "Eldar, in a normal natural ceremony, how many people can drink spring water at most?"

"Nine, but including the cup that was directly given to me yesterday, there are probably ten servings."

Eldar also had a strange look on his face and didn't know what to say.

She believed that Ye Lin must be bearing a big burden now, but he had already taken six copies and still didn't stop. She could only guess that the other party either felt that five copies were not safe, or... he was simply greedy.

If the other person was born in a beautiful world, maybe he could hold Yudiya and chew the bark of a tree~

Until the last drop of green essence in the white jade Taichung disappeared like the rain rushing against the sky, and the dense mist gradually dispersed, everyone felt relieved.

It's not heart-stopping, but it does make people sweat.

An elder inspected the clean jade platform and was silent for a long time before looking up to the sky and sighing: "This month's natural ceremony will be postponed for one to two months depending on the situation."

It’s impossible not to postpone it, there really isn’t a drop left now.

The usual natural rituals range from nine to two or three people, and there are always a few warriors recognized by Yudiya, but now there are none. No matter how recognized, there are no rewards.

They never force Yudiya's gifts, they use as much as they have, and they will never ask for more than one.

The elves waved their hands and dispersed. No matter what, at least this cross-dimensional exchange has a very special commemorative significance, which can be recorded in the literature.

"Eldar, aren't you going to rest?" Elector asked curiously, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Wait a minute, that warrior, let me wait before leaving~ There is a gift for me." Eldar looked up, his beautiful face was as quiet as the moon, with the blue sky and covered leaves above.

The crown of Eudia is not like an ordinary tree with a cover like an umbrella. It is close to the appearance of a cypress tree, more like an upright umbrella. The lush and lush one is its domain of life garden.


Elector also raised his head and stared straight at the sky. Since the essence of nature disappeared like this, then if something came, it must have fallen from the sky.

A few minutes later, both of their necks felt a little sore. Just when the last bit of mist dispersed, an emerald green crystal Wuxuan leaf rolled and fluttered on Eldar's forehead.

Ye Lin originally wanted to send a Wuxuan fruit, but he was still a little reluctant in terms of magic power, so he only sent a leaf as a real substance.

Ten portions!

Fortunately, the Silver Holy Tree has extraordinary abilities, otherwise he would have to resort to the last fifth insurance and call the "Invincible Beautiful Girl" to come over and help.

Mailu clapped her little hands and thoughtfully handed over a wet towel to wipe her face and wake up.

"The body was hollowed out, and there was no trace of magic power left." Ye Lin drank a bottle of magic potion, feeling that it was useless at all, and poured a glass of water into the desert, hoping to create a lake.

Ten flowers were neatly placed in front of him, the essence of nature, hard-won and full of feelings.

If he had a choice, he would rather fight the Black-Eyed Demon King ten more times than to collect these essences, which would lead to mental exhaustion but a headache.

"Boss, take a rest."

"Well, thank you Mailu."

"You're welcome~"

Mailu thought he was thanking him for staying vigil last night and helping to expel the stray cat monsters and goblins. She smiled sweetly, and her stupid hair stood up in spirit.

Ten minutes later, inside the tent.

Ye Lin felt tired and fell into a deep sleep. He gently rested his head on a pair of soft and white thighs. The faint floral fragrance of Mailu became the best scent to help him sleep.

Mailu puffed out her cheeks and looked dissatisfied. It turned out that she was thanking her in advance for the knee pillow.

But shouldn't the knee pillow have the face turned upward? Why does the boss turn his head sideways and turn inward? Is it really comfortable to sleep like this?

I wanted to pinch his nose several times, but I couldn't bear to see him sleeping soundly and tiredly.

"Forget it, forget it, I'll humor you, boss, just once~"

She understood that part of the reason why Ye Lin went to great lengths to take away ten copies was for her own reasons. Although she had drunk the essence when she was in the beautiful world, it was less than five times.

I won't be able to go back to my hometown for a while, so I feel a little sweet in my heart.

Tiredness is also contagious, and she really didn't get a good rest last night. Mailu covered her mouth and yawned, got herself a soft pillow, and slowly lay down to rest for a while.

From early morning until noon, Mailu woke up because she was hungry. She had not eaten breakfast.

As soon as she opened her eyes, a blush appeared on her pretty and delicate cheeks. She quickly turned her head to the side and said shyly, "If you have rested well, go and try to break through. What do I do? There are flowers on my face?"

They were very close to each other, so close that she could feel Ye Lin's shallow breathing and his burning eyes with heat on her sideways cheek.

He gently stretched out his fingers to reveal a pretty and shy face, a touch of red lips as moist as cherry blossoms, and a nervous and slightly pursed movement that made the girl panic.

"What flower can be as beautiful as you?"

Mailu's nervous eyes glanced here and there, her breathing shortened, and the arc of justice fluctuated astonishingly, but her sweet words seemed to have a magical power, and she lost a little strength in her body.

They slowly touched each other, kissed slowly, their long and curved eyelashes trembled a few times, and a pair of soft arms had nowhere to put them, but instead unconsciously hugged his waist tightly.

It may only be two minutes, but it seems like two long days.


Mailu's stomach screamed at the wrong time, and she suddenly woke up and pushed his shoulders away in shame. She covered her slightly numb lips and said with embarrassment and anger: "I...I...I'm hungry. You break through first." It might not taste good if it’s stored for a long time.”

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