Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,176 Three dogs versus one dog

"Boss, please go out first. I still have some finishing work." Mai Lu's eyes were still shy, but she pushed his shoulders hard and walked out of the Garden of Life.

If he stayed in this field for another half day, he might not be able to stand up and would have to lean on his back.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you outside."

After she was very sure that he had left the Garden of Life, Mailu recalled her weapon "Great Nature". At this moment, her eyes were extremely serious, her expression revealed, and she adjusted her breathing rhythm.

Although the beautiful world of Gran Forest suffered terrible invasions and fires, the elves resisted bravely and under the call of Cromwell, the leader of the Imperial Knights, the epic and glorious war lasted for thirty years. It has ended perfectly.

Now the Grand Forest has not only been restored to its original state, but is also guarded by the powerful Tree of Peace Yudia. The tyrannical emperor was directly executed, and Arad ushered in true peace.

However, Arad in this dimension and the Grand Forest...

There was a bit of sadness in Mailu's beautiful big eyes. She still clearly remembered that night when she forgot to bring dry food and went to buy bread from the boss who was passing by.

Before that, she had been wandering around the Grand Forest. All the peaceful and kind elves disappeared, and the beautiful forest was actually occupied by evil cat demons and goblins.

She thought she could see the elves in this world.

That sadness has always occupied a soft spot in her heart, and she really wants to do something for Grand Forest.

Her pink hair gradually turned into dazzling gold, her pointed elf ears, a pure white flower bloomed on her temples, and her shy tight-fitting combat uniform replaced her skirt and shirt.

The innocent and cute girl has become mature and beautiful, and can be sweet or sweet, and can be switched freely.

Soon the combat uniform automatically changed slightly. A grass belt was added to the graceful waist. The faint light shone down, forming two layers of thin lace outer lining, covering half of the thighs as soft as snow.

Although the overall style hasn't changed much, there are at least two more layers of tulle lace, which can barely cover up the shame of being attracted by the hot attention.

With a gentle step, Mailu flew to the sky above the Garden of Life like a nimble swift. With a calm breath and firm eyes, she stood at the top of the treetops and raised the sacred weapon in her hand, the great nature.

"Yudya~ Lend me your power!"

Projecting a concrete tree of peace, every leaf suddenly glowed with gleaming green light, with endless and extraordinary charm, echoing the great nature of the divine object in her hand, making it shine brightly and rippling with a rich breath of life.

If the rice cake is there, it can transform into a spirit, making the power of the great nature even stronger.

But now, it is estimated that you can only find it in a certain tavern, and it is hard to say even if you are sober.

Clusters of bright flowers bloomed at the handle of the great nature. Mailu held the divine object and fell into the sky. Nervously but with firm eyes, it suddenly stabbed from the sky to the earth without enemies.

In the process of falling from the top, she condensed every bit of Yudiya's power in the field, gathered it all at the tip of the spear, and followed the towering Tree of Peace, falling like a meteor, and the breath of nature surged.

"Law of Life·Shenmu Qingtian!"

If there are evil spirits and demons below, they will be directly dispersed and annihilated by the strong natural breath. However, there are no enemies in the land of Gran Forest, so the breath of life spreads rapidly, causing the forest to undergo magical changes.

The clear spring water seems to be getting clearer. The stubborn boulder next to it that was just two people tall is now covered with vines, and some unknown fresh flowers have bloomed. The trees in midsummer have sprouted new buds, and a few more flowers have bloomed. A flower bone.

The most important thing is that Ye Lin, who was watching quietly, noticed that the land under his feet had a mysterious spirituality. The magic circle that was once burned in a fire seemed to have been completely restored.

The meaning of Gran Forest in Elvish language is the flowing and ever-changing jungle!

Satisfied, Mailu put away her weapon, patted her little hands, and quickly resumed her red short skirt, her hair waving in curves.


Yelin clicked his tongue and shook his head, as if something bad had happened. This made Mailu give him a look, thinking that he was teasing her again.

"Look at the Gran Forest returning to a flowing jungle. The adventurers who pass through it will probably get lost. What should we do?"

Although it was an indelible regret that there were no elves here, the once dangerous Poisonous Cat King and the Hundred Years Change Luo Leikainuo were both dealt with by him and Siatt.

But if someone is walking here alone without a companion, and is accidentally trapped in the changing jungle, there are many evil cat demon goblins in the forest, I am afraid that it will be difficult for ordinary professionals to get out.

"Ah? I forgot! What should I do?" Mailu scratched his head in embarrassment, feeling a little embarrassed. In the past, if someone entered by mistake, the elves would send the lost person away.

But now, the elves...

"If I help you solve this problem~" Ye Lin whispered into Mai Lu's pointed ear with evil intentions: "Can you transform for me once..."

"Huh! No! Let's settle it quickly and then we go home. I haven't eaten well these days." Although she has gone through a major transformation in her life, Mailu is still a coquettish girl. She grabbed his wrist and shook it. Eyes bright and flashing.

Ye Lin couldn't stand the girl's annoyance, so he stepped lightly on it. His powerful magic control instantly stopped the operation of most of the magic circle, leaving only some places with special meanings.

For example, the place where the elves sacrificed themselves to repair the great magic circle.

"Eh~ That's it?" Mailu pouted, thinking she had some good ideas.

"Can you look down on me in the blink of an eye?" He scratched his straight nose with his finger, held Mailu's soft little hand, sighed and recalled: "I am also very sad, but the fact is that some things really can't come back. ”

Nowadays, Gran Forest has become one of the most popular places for low-level adventurers because of its rich natural resources and lack of many powerful monsters. Occasionally, some lucky ones can find some inheritance blessed by elves. equipment.

The Principality of Belmare has also vigorously revitalized the tourism industry here, prospering the residents of the Principality on the border and increasing the Principality's income. Tourism popularity in Arad has always been high.

There are no elves living here anymore, and the changing and flowing jungle has lost its original protective significance.

Continuing to maintain the status quo is the most appropriate choice.

Mailu was a little silent and low-spirited at first, but soon she raised her head and smiled brightly. The Grand Forest and the world remembered the greatness of the elves, and their deeds would not disappear with the passage of time.

"You left the forest, but left your souls in Arad. From now on, we will protect Arad together until the end of the world~"

She sang the song of the Earth Goddess again as crisply as an oriole, praising herself, Eldar, and every heroic spirit and warrior fighting for peace.

Before leaving Grand Forest, the two decided to go back to the medical center to say hello to Miraz. They didn't know if Sauron was back.


Woof woof...!

As soon as I walked near the medical center, I heard the vicious barking of dogs. They were very familiar. They were the three dogs brought from the top-secret area.

He and Mailu have become completely psychic and sympathetic to nature, and can clearly detect the threat, expulsion, and strong intention to attack in the cry.

After looking at each other, they were all surprised. Although the three dogs were as strong as ice tigers and could kill cat demon goblins at will, under the training of the gentle Miraz, they were basically not as ferocious. Human behavior, unless someone is cheap enough to disturb them.

Vaguely, there was also Miraz's anxious voice.

Mailu was worried about the safety of Sister Miraz and whether the dog had accidentally caused trouble, so she hurriedly ran and shouted: "White Fox, Junior Sister, Spike, have you gotten into trouble?"

As she hurried to the front of the medical center, what she saw in front of her made Mai Lu a little confused about what to say and held her forehead in silence.

Miraz kept scolding the three dogs in a low voice, but these three guys seemed to have a stubborn temper. They did not retreat even if the brooms were placed on their heads. They stared at the enemy with fierce expressions on their faces and bared their teeth.

The enemy~or should be an enemy dog, should be some kind of hound, with a streamlined body and a well-proportioned body. The fur on the body is brown-black, but the color of the limbs is obviously lighter.

The enemy dog's tail was very short and it was probably injured. There was a bright red streamer tied around its neck. It was obvious that the owner wanted to dress it up.

But what surprised Mailu and Yelin was that a hound did not flinch when faced with three big dogs. Instead, he lowered his figure, leaned back slightly, and whimpered in a low voice, clearly refusing to give in.

It turns out to be racial infighting!

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