Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1180: None of your children will have your last name

Was he gifted with a stamen of service and glory by the queen, or was he an equal and loving partner, or was he simply a power bank for the queen...

The night forest was blank, the sage mode was world-weary and indifferent, and he began to think about some philosophical principles.

Shilok has left with nutritional satisfaction. There is also a sect that worships and believes in her in the Arad continent, called "Invisible". It is currently led by a prophet. She went to take a look and grant some favors to the believers.

The meaning of intangibility is freedom, being unfettered, traveling between heaven and earth, and...playing with Remedios over the believers.


Ye Lin crossed his legs and meditated on the spot, with a slightly bitter look on his face. It wasn't until the evening was completely enveloped that he opened his eyes leisurely, and a ray of full energy flashed through him.

"My life is all given by the resurrection coins~ Alas~"

Looking back at the past, he had been defeated by Tana many times. It was purely because of his physical strength that it was difficult to compare with the dragon and his back hurt.

When practicing with Sirocco, his recovery ability will be significantly reduced due to the mutual exchange and tempering of each other's origins. The most important thing is that the Queen does not understand mercy and appropriate intermission.

This resulted in that even if he became a transcendent, he is now like a withered medicine dregs.

The only small consolation is that the Queen understands his little thoughts very well and often looks for some flawless bodies in his memory.


The lanterns have just come on, but the hustle and bustle is still going on in the evening. In the first half of the night at Hutton Mar, the residual warmth of festive excitement remains everywhere.

The fireworks are bright and fleeting, just like the holidays.

Ye Lin couldn't help but feel a little uneasy when he stood at the entrance of the palace. What he was going to see now was not just a noble and elegant queen.

There is also a prince of the duchy. If you are lucky, there may be two. As for more... it is unlikely.

The lights were still on in the bedroom, and the room temperature was relatively cool. A woman with elegant temperament, dignified temperament, and natural beauty was writing something at her desk, sometimes frowning in thought, sometimes smiling lightly.

A cup of tea that moisturized the mouth and nourished the fetus was suddenly gently placed next to her, and at the same time there was a warm voice: "Your Majesty, aren't you going to rest?"

The tip of Skadi's pen trembled, and he accidentally made a crooked stroke. Without raising his head, he said: "If I were a noble lady like Siatt, I would be able to raise my child with peace of mind, but as the queen of a principality, I have a heavy responsibility. When it comes to holidays, there are always some important things that I have to make decisions about."

However, she still gently put down her pen, stretched her beautiful and slender waist, and when her eyes met, there was a tacit understanding and tenderness.

Skadi is pregnant. The future heir apparent has already been growing for a month. There is nothing unusual about her soft belly under her casual clothes.

After taking a sip of the tea he brought, Skadi lay back on the soft chair and gently touched his soft and flat belly. His brows were filled with a kind of maternal and holy radiance.

Although she knew that the prince might not be ready yet, since the news of her pregnancy was confirmed, she would caress her belly intentionally or unintentionally, looking forward to a good hope.

With the delicious snacks and tea, and the political affairs to be dealt with, Scardy was happy to listen to his stories about the adventure, enjoy his shoulder squeeze, and feel warmth and peace.

"By the way, Ye Lin, there is something that I need to discuss with you in advance." Skadi stood up and looked for something on the bookshelf, and pulled out a thick file. The cover was gilded and decorated with gorgeous gems, which seemed to be quite important.

After turning it over, the content was not some important information, but a roster, a "genealogy" that counted the members of the Belmare royal family.

Since the establishment of the Principality of Belmare, the history has been nearly 500 years, and it has been glorious and brilliant. During this period, it has naturally gone through many generations of monarchs, and their reigns have been long and short.

Skadi pointed at a few names at random and said: "These are all hereditary nobles conferred by previous kings. Some of them are also related to royal marriages. Those who support me are currently very well-behaved and disobedient..."

The reason why she was able to sit on the throne of the Queen of the Principality also had a bit of theft, but that was about ten years ago, and half a page in history has been opened.

Now "Scadi" is the legitimate monarch of the principality and a well-deserved queen.

She launched a vigorous war of restoration and got rid of the humiliating situation of being suppressed by Delos. She opened trade with the Bantu people in the north and resolved the barriers of the first Snow War. She also signed a peace treaty with the racially xenophobic Dark Elves and closed the door with hermits. Xuzu established diplomatic relations with Xuzu, and for his various outstanding achievements, he has been hailed as the greatest monarch in the history of the principality among the people.

As for those nobles who had been involved with the royal family, since Skadi was pregnant, the possibility of returning to the royal family was completely eliminated, and they could only remain ministers forever.

The future Bellmare royal family and the former principality royal family only succeeded in name, but there was no blood connection anymore.

The first monarch who founded the country was not of Marr's blood.

"It's like this~ Look." Skadi turned to the back of the list. Each one recorded the names, ages and lives of the kings of the past.

During the five hundred years of the principality, the paper recording the king has also gained some historical depth.

Ye Lin flipped through a few pages at random. He was not interested in the lives of previous kings, but he was still keenly aware of one thing that all kings had in common.

That is, every king's name and last surname will be "Mar".

The characteristics of this name are not unfamiliar to him. For example, the third princess, the eldest princess, and the eldest prince. Although the middle part of the name is different, the last surname must be "Hainrich de Los".

Compared with the casual and auspicious naming of common people, the names of nobles and kings may be cumbersome and long, including some place names or parents' names.

For example, Skadi, if he calls himself now, he would call himself "Skadi Night Baroan Mar".

Therefore, he had already guessed what Skadi wanted to discuss with him.

"Because the royal family of the principality needs to inherit the orthodoxy, your child..." Skadi touched his belly lightly, his eyes full of apology for not explaining it to him in time, and said: "The name can only use my current format. That means Mal, I can’t have your last name.”

She didn't know whether Ye Lin cared about the issue of a surname. He was busy preparing for pregnancy and accidentally ignored it.

After confirming that she was pregnant, she occasionally wanted to name the child during her free time. Both men and women thought about it, and then they came up with this question.

Small-scale modifications are no problem, such as adding "night". The entire principality is aware of it and smiles tacitly.

However, to respect and commemorate the great magician, "Mal" still cannot be deleted from the royal name. This will cause strong commotion among the common people.

"It's okay, I understand." Ye Lin scratched his beautiful nose with his fingers, opened his arms and gave her a gentle hug. He didn't have a rigid character either.

Skadi's eyebrows were curved with joy, and the little bird clung to his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat. Outside she was a majestic and calm queen, but now she was an ordinary woman who needed to be relied on.

The emotion in his heart was about to overflow. Skadi took the initiative to tiptoe to give him a touch of tenderness, but he would definitely not be able to change jobs with him within ten months at least.

"By the way, it's not just my situation." Skadi patted off his paws on his plump flesh, rolled his eyes at him, and said: "According to what I know about the traditions of the Principality of Vanes and the traditions of Xu Zu~ "

"Huh?! Uh..." He held his forehead.

"If Queen Meia is pregnant, she and your child will have the surname after Meia. Xuzu's new king Aska, her child will also have the surname Su Nan. Emperor Delos Leon has changed his surname. There may be The exception is heaven, I don’t know.”

Due to the so-called orthodox inheritance of the royal family, all the queen's children in the future will not have the same surname as him.

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