Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,184 Fishing? Flame Palm!

"You can take it and put it on yourself!"

Feiyan held her forehead helplessly and shook her head slightly to show her helplessness. She shouldn't have any illusion of trust and reliability in Taylor.

Raphael is careless and prone to making mistakes. Although Taylor has dazzling blond hair and is a fashionable girl, she likes to be smug and is deliberately immoral. I don’t know who she learned this from, or maybe she was bored in the Tower of Despair for too long.

"Ah~ I took it by mistake, I'm sorry." Taylor glanced at the box in his hand, seemed to feel embarrassed and blushing, and put it back in a hurry.


The answer was in a noncommittal tone. Feiyan took a hair tie and tied a refreshing single ponytail on herself, preparing to step on the soft and beautiful beach and enjoy the beautiful days after the summer vacation in the Imperial Queen's Courtyard.

Long live Your Majesty Alizee. There used to be no summer vacation in the Imperial Courtyard.

It is training and retraining all year round, sweating like rain, constantly selecting outstanding talents and targeting the best, and then transporting them to major institutions, such as Zedin's Ghent Garrison, Dr. Gina's War Core Workshop, led by the eldest sister A war goddess formation, or some secret department, etc.

The word "Emperor" in the name of the Queen's Courtyard was a new name that General Jackett changed many years ago in order to protect Elizee after the last words of Priest Belayan. The predecessor of their institution was not called the Queen's Courtyard before.

The title of "Emperor" was a word that could not be used in the heavenly world before Alizee was confirmed as the princess by Jackett, due to the overt and covert obstruction of the House of Nobles and the remaining power of the rule of Dragon King Bakar.

Calling her a princess means she is the future emperor, the emperor of heaven. Wouldn't it be like repeating the same mistakes of the past?

Thinking back to that year, ten days after the death of the previous Supreme Priest Beilean Yinlao, when the world was still in gloom and grief, Jackett directly proposed in the parliament that Alizee, who was about to take over the position of Supreme Priest, become " Princess".

As a result, a period of quite intense quarrels and opposition broke out, with the smell of gunpowder permeating the air, and violence was almost used on the spot.

So according to common sense, after Alijie ascended the throne as emperor, there was no such person as the princess in the heaven.

The Imperial Courtyard should be renamed the "Emperor's Courtyard", but no matter how it sounds, it sounds weird and feels like a back garden of a harem, so the name has been maintained.

"Feiyan, look, it's this!"

Taylor held up another box high. The box was actually still a band-aid, but this box was waterproof and had a good seal and would not leak.

Feiyan paused, knowing that the senior sister was probably teasing her, but after being shouted, she still subconsciously turned her head and took a look.

However, a beautifully wrapped gift box suddenly appeared in front of her. It was so close that it startled her.

"Try it? Does it fit?"

Ye Lin smiled and picked up the gift box in his hand and waved it in front of Fei Yan, who was stunned. The swimsuit inside was newly bought by him. The styles were conservative short-sleeved swimsuits and half-skirt swimming trunks, and the colors were also elegant. Pearl white, with few gorgeous patterns, it matches her feminine temperament very well.

In fact, the newly bought swimsuit is not much different from the style Feiyan is wearing now, but the fabric must be more comfortable, and the most important thing is that it is newly bought, which is enough.

Fashion guru Luo Lian once said from experience that no matter how many clothes a woman has, she can only wear one.

Even if it is an extremely luxurious piece of clothing, if you change one piece a day and never wear it a second time, there will never be enough clothes in the world.

In addition to meeting the needs of life, shopping is also a process of pursuing something new and perfect. The new things you buy will be better than the old ones. Even if there is only a small improvement in quality, you will have a feeling of gradual psychological satisfaction.

After seeing that it was his gift, Feiyan's beautiful face immediately bloomed with a gentle and bright smile, and she took the gift box gracefully. She brushed away a strand of hair that was carelessly scattered in front of her eyes with her white fingers, a small and inadvertent movement. Full of demure and elegant temperament.

The sea view was spectacular and beautiful, and she had a new swimsuit. Naturally, she had to change into it. She tried it on to see if it fit. Feiyan turned back to the dressing room.

"Where's my share? Huh~?" Taylor came over, with a dissatisfied tone in his voice, and his slender but powerful fingers pinched a little bit of flesh on his waist.

Her figure is very similar to Feiyan's, with long legs and a slender waist, straight forward and backward. If you buy her clothes according to Feiyan's specifications, there won't be much deviation.

"Of course, how could I forget."

With Taylor's satisfied smile, Ye Lin raised her hand, and the two boxes of band-aids she had held high flew into her hands, and then asked jokingly: "One is waterproof and sealed, and the other is breathable and cool, which box do you choose?" ? I will replace it with my own hands... and put it on for you."

"Celia is calling me outside!" Taylor pointed outside and tried to escape, but was caught by his slender wrist.

He is becoming more and more arrogant and wanton, and must be beaten with a killing stick.

In the blink of an eye, she had been moved to a deserted rock beach. The constant sound of waves on the beach could just cover up the elegant whisper.

"Choose this one." Ye Lin gestured to the waterproof one, which will be able to block nutrients later.


On the east side of the island, there is a rugged reef extending to the sea. The waves break gently and gently, and there are also some annoying barnacles.

Feng Ying stood proudly on the top of a rock with her hands behind her hands and her clothes fluttering. She let the sea breeze blow her long gray hair. She had a slender figure and a heroic spirit. Her eyes were far away and she seemed to have lost sight of everything. She said:

"Fishing is all about the elegance of artistic conception, a peaceful mind, and a harmony with nature. This is the proper state of mind, not the idea of ​​competition. Comparing who has more and who has less is too tacky."

"Oh~ That's it."

Siatt nodded as if she had been taught the lesson, and then lifted the fishing rod at the right time. A predatory sea fish was biting the bait and refused to let go. It was lifted out of the water and twisted its plump body, its scales shining smoothly under the sun.

After pulling it ashore, Siatt took off the fishing line that was almost bitten off, weighed it about five kilograms, threw it into the bucket that was already full of fish, and said: "Feng Ying, if you are carrying an empty Sorry for the bucket, you can go to the reef to dig some shellfish, crabs, shrimps, etc. There are a lot of them, and they will be delicious if grilled."

"No, no, what I pursue is harmonious nature and resonance with the sea." Feng Ying retorted, as if everyone was confused and drunk, but I was the only one awake.

Mavis had a strange look on her side. She walked over and took a look at Feng Ying's bucket. There were two Pipi shrimps, but they were still quite energetic.

Suddenly, Feng Ying's fishing bobber suddenly dropped, losing its shadow, and even the fishing rod almost fell into the sea.

Feng Ying was immediately overjoyed. She immediately threw away her independent and self-conscious temperament and yanked the fishing rod.

The fish that bit the hook seemed to be unwilling to accept it. It struggled desperately in the sea, and for a while it was actually in a stalemate with Feng Ying. It was obviously a powerful fish.

"Come up here! Fire Palm!"


The water waves exploded to a height of tens of meters. The fishing lines and floats were all smashed to pieces by Feng Ying. The water sank for two seconds, but the big fish rolled around and flew to the coast. , faint and motionless.

There was something strange in it, but Feng Ying didn't notice it.

A grouper with an ugly appearance but delicious meat. Feng Ying didn't care about the poor appearance of the fish. After hurriedly picking it up and trying it on, she said proudly: "It should weigh more than ten kilograms. I can't be sure."

Next to him, Ye Lin was wiping his wet hair with a towel. He happened to pass by, and then loudly asked in surprise: "Feng Ying, did you catch such a big fish?"

"Oh, it's just a joke, please keep your voice down."

The fishing rod was knocked out of use by her palm, but with the harvest of this fish, I was completely satisfied.

Feng Ying carried the fish and ran away, looking here and there in a showy manner, wishing she could visit all the Xiling Islands.

Siatt took the bottle of water he handed over, looked at the spectacular sea in the distance, and guessed: "Did you hang that fish on her?"


Mavis also closed her fishing rod. Her catch was not as good as Siatt’s, but she still had half a bucket. She said curiously: “I’m actually quite surprised. Has Feng Ying’s luck been affected by Siatt? Why did she catch two in one morning? Pippi shrimp.”

They all use fake lures, and the resources in the nearby sea area are pretty good. Even if you don’t have the relevant skills, you can just throw them into the sea casually, and you won’t miss the hook once.

"She was smart enough to change the bait. She used her own bait, this one." Ye Lin dug into his pocket and took out a delicately made plastic toy of the Sky Curtain Beast, the size of a baby's fist.

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