Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,186 The Only Solution: Successor

The fine waves on the seaside surged up in layers, and a small flower crab the size of a coin slowly crawled across and landed next to Alice's little toe. It opened its pincers, thinking that it had touched a bright white, round and tender pearl.

Alice and Rhys were once very good friends, reliable seniors and talented juniors.

Now, the relationship is a bit delicate.

"Ritz, if you represent Tarakuta in the alliance meeting, there should be many people who want to ask you many questions."

She finally plucked one of Marilacete's strings, and the notes were as beautiful as the clean waves rushing on the seaside, and also matched her slightly uneasy state of mind.

Ruiz had always been calm and calm, with a beautiful face that looked like it was carved out of jade. A hint of joy appeared unexpectedly, and the corner of her mouth was slightly raised, but she concealed it very well for a moment.

The winner of the first alliance, a fresh and refined bard, a bright new wind in the dirty devil world, how could he be indifferent to the new alliance.

"I don't have to provide them with answers." Reitz spoke in a calm tone.

Even now, during a leisurely seaside vacation without the noise and disturbance of the devil world, she is still in a divine and extraordinary state of the Holy Spirit, and Alice is also surprised and amazed by it.

The behavior of the senior professors of Tarakuta, who exhausted all their mental energy and the blooming of their whole body's magic power, only to have the chance to enter the realm of the Holy Spirit for a few seconds, was as ridiculous to Reitz as ants snooping into the realm of a giant dragon.

Others' Holy Spirit state is an active effect with a huge cost, but Rez's Holy Spirit is more like a sustainable passive effect.

The only strong men who can achieve such a transcendent state are the tearful Lord Held and Ye Lin who is playing with Heman building a sandcastle over there.

Then Alice didn't say or ask her anything else. Her pure white jade fingers flicked the strings of the magic piano in her arms, and the beautiful music flowed like a clear spring, going straight into the heart and having the magical power to soothe the uneasy.

The mysterious sound of the magic harp seems to come from every direction when it is played. Some people are attracted by the music but cannot find the source. They look up with great regret.

Reitz's hand holding the elemental staff tightened involuntarily, and his calm expression finally changed into something complicated. Alice still remembered this song, of course she also remembered it.

During the first Demon Realm Alliance, Alice defeated the young dazzling pattern master Niwu with an almost crushing power. The smoke was so intense that it even affected the audience, causing constant chaos.

Alice used this song to calm everyone's hearts, the turbulent arena returned to calm, and the alliance ended perfectly.

The wonderful alliance competition, the dazzling pattern, the contract, the exploding MK-1, Richard's fallen heart, and the legendary musical instruments all shine in their own glory, which is enough to show the variety of power factions in the demon world and become a good story.

But some of the various mysteries left by the Alliance have not yet been solved. Where has the information about the Water of Life gone, and where is the Bard?

Alice seemed to have had enough of the sea breeze at the beach. She stood up gracefully and tucked a strand of messy hair behind her round ears, as if deliberately, so that Reitz could see her.

Her ears are not the pointed ears characteristic of demons, but human-like arc-shaped ears, and they have always been like this.

I do not belong to the demon world, I am more in line with humans.

"Ritz, do you still remember the reason why I proposed holding a Demon Realm Alliance?"

"Preventing large-scale conflicts between various organizations and using representatives to adjudicate regional interests. At the same time, it also belongs to the Water of Life intelligence."

The original intention of the Demon Realm Alliance is for peace.

"Yes, the information on the Water of Life is both true and false. It is a prize that has been decided long ago, but it is not in my hands."

Alice stepped on the gentle beach and strolled in the beautiful sea view. Her face seemed to be more dazzling, and the rushing waves seemed to become gentle under her feet.

Rez didn't understand, so she could only follow her. The hem of her dark green robe looked like a cross-cut star fruit, which was not suitable for walking on the beach. It was stained with a lot of sand and sea water, but she didn't care.

"Suppose that the Spin Demon Society is defeated in the alliance, but the Ka Xiu Sect wins a complete victory, Ruiz, what do you think?"

Alice was asking questions, like an elder's kind inspiration and earnest instruction to the younger generation, although this younger generation's attainments in elemental magic were not inferior to her own.

"The Spin Demon Society will probably be driven to a remote area. It's the same as the second promise. Oh, the leader of the second promise, Smilla, communicated with the Demon Moon and used the forbidden ring of domination. She is a new born A top-notch force.”

Ruiz felt that the former leader had been away from the demon world for too long and might not know the second agreement of the new force, so that's why he said this.

But she didn't know that every time Ye Lin returned from the demon world, he would diligently report to her on the situation in the demon world at night, armed with a gun and a stick.

"I used the alliance meeting as a mediation method to maintain a relatively peaceful situation in the demon world. Rhys, unless the next alliance meeting can cleverly maintain the existing order, alas..."

Alice stopped and sighed with regret. Her eyes seemed to have looked into the upside-down dimension, and her mood was more complicated than the products of the sea.

It goes without saying that some things can be understood by smart people, especially Ruiz, who is also a big shot in the demon world. He stands tall and sees more.

Old and new grudges will completely explode in the Apostle League, and a storm no less than the Dragon War will soon sweep across the demon world.

The superior vested interests, the ambitious evil gathering place, and the new forces unwilling to accept the situation... were all shuffled and disrupted by Held's invisible hand.

Is it really necessary to complete the nine apostles? The demon world regards them as the most noble and powerful apostles. At least Mr. Luo in the sea has no interest in going back.

Although the queen was interested, she just wanted to go back and cause trouble to see if she could catch Held.

"Riz, if I ask you to stand on Wuxuan's side, will you agree?"

After a period of silence, Reiz looked at the sea and seemed to be in a trance. Without answering, he asked: "On the stage of the devil world, did you let him stand in the position that belongs to you?"

Chaos will arise in the demon world, with disasters on all sides, and the best solution to countless possible endings is to elect a being powerful enough to suppress other leaders just like the first demon world alliance.

In the first term, that person was Alice, and now, Ye Lin is the successor.

In the end, Alice did not get a positive answer from Reitz, and could only sigh softly as she looked at her leaving figure. It could not be said that they broke up on bad terms, but they could not fully understand each other's feelings.

Ruiz didn't understand, nor did he hope that the flower of the high mountains, which once amazed the entire demon world, could live in peace in Arad and teach music instead of magic.

What she hopes is that Alice can return to the demon world, show off her former champion style, and once again lead Tarakuta, whose ideals have been distorted and turned into a arrogant vested interest.

At that time, she was willing to be Alice's most trustworthy assistant.

But Alice, she has become addicted to the quiet and happy life now.


The sky is bright with stars, and there is still a trace of summer heat. It is a pajama party for evening chat at Hutton Mar Manor.

The devastated Pipiman lay on the sofa with his head tilted, one arm hanging down weakly, his face tired, and he was already fast asleep.

This evening, she pulled her suitcase, which was actually a musical instrument. At the busiest time of the bonfire party, she was encouraged by Ye Lin. The atmosphere was suitable for this scene, so why not sing a song.

Then... don't mention it.

A little angel with long flaxen hair, a soft and cute face, and small white six wings nuzzled into the curator's arms and muttered: "I didn't expect that there is someone who can sing like Saphire... "

Yuena, who was eating matcha jelly, glared at her, and the little angel immediately changed her tune and said politely: "...There is still room for improvement."

Sapphire is Yuena. As a tribute to Remedios, the god of power, light and life, Yuena needs to learn an "angel hymn".

Her voice is actually very nice, like a clear spring and a silver bell. In the past, Yuena’s evangelism classes were often crowded with listeners.

But the strange thing is that angel hymns may be a bit difficult. She always sings out of tune. The seven little angels agreed that maybe she is more suitable to praise Usiel, the god of darkness and death.

But Mavis said that Usiel does not need the praise of believers and does not play Remedios's tricks.

Playing wildly during the day will also make your body tired. The pajama party didn't last long, and soon you yawned and broke up to take a rest.

Pipiman covered himself with a blanket and stayed in the living room to rest. It wouldn't be a big deal if he didn't catch a cold.

"We bought you some new clothes. Wear them and see if they fit you." Celia gestured to the bag in her hand. She bought it while shopping this afternoon, casual clothes.

However, she obviously had no intention of helping him change. After handing the clothes to him, she took off a pair of sandals on her feet, sat down like a duck with great toughness, and then took her own sachet and rummaged around.

There are various cosmetics inside, always keep wipes with clean tissues, and some photos, which are all holiday souvenirs. Choose some and put them in the photo album.

Ye Lin put on the new clothes he bought for him. They were very close-fitting and matched his current clean and refreshing temperament.

"How about it?" He spread his arms and posed like a model.

"Thumbs up!"

Celia gave a thumbs up and beckoned: "Come on, come on, help me choose a few photos, there are too many, I'm dizzy."

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