Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,195 Gold shines, the ultimate perfection of the sacred goddess Niwu

However, Niu's eyesight was very good, and he could immediately see Biana running towards the central arena on the road ahead, her two slender pony tails being blown up by the wind.

His pretty face immediately turned cold, and then Niwu clenched his palm, and a golden energy war spear emerged, throwing it towards the sky from a distance, and it exploded at extremely fast speeds, with the potential to penetrate the clouds and the air!


The perfect arc fell diagonally, like the punishment of a divine blade from the sky. It was inserted diagonally three meters in front of Biana, leaving her some room to stop and buffer.


Biana stopped for an instant, her big eyes were frightened, and her two slender ponytails were so frightened that they almost stood up. When she saw it was a spear, her face suddenly fell, and she curled her lips.

She didn't want to listen to Niwu's orders and just sit back and admire her heroic performance in winning the championship. She wanted to play, look for meatballs and find Becky. She had also eaten all the snacks. She wanted to ask for some from Mailu and go back to Arad. Give it back to her.

Niwu came over, slapped her on the head as punishment, and warned: "There are many fish and dragons around the arena, and the strong ones are hiding. It's always good to be careful."

As soon as the Kaxiu faction and the Oathkeepers met, they almost fought to the death. Although Biana was relatively powerful, she might not be able to take care of them if they were attacked by a cadre and killed them.

"Hey, sister Niwu, you will definitely be the champion." Beyana quickly curried favor with her eldest sister and allowed herself to come along to see her. She only got it by rubbing her shoulders and legs.

The Oathkeepers are a pure battle mage organization, unlike the Kaxiu Sect, which is a mixed group of dragons and snakes, so the number of people has always been relatively small. Because they have always had a good relationship with the Spin Demon Society, the Oathkeepers' territory is Central Park.

If you include the Ancient Library, Central Park, one of the eight major areas, accommodates three top-notch organizational forces.

And because the Central Arena is at the corner of the Central Park area, the League's grand event will definitely attract powerful people from all walks of life, so in recent days, the Spin Demon Club and the Oath Keepers have been on guard.

Niwu cast a warning look at Beyana, and then sighed softly. If she could successfully defeat all opponents and win the championship, it would be a perfect ending.

But she was worried that something might happen during the alliance, and she didn't feel at ease if she didn't personally take charge.

"Sister Niwu, there are still four apostles in the demon world. If you make up for one of the five, what should you be called? The tattoo master sounds too low-key. The golden sparkle is the ultimate perfection of the sacred goddess Niwu. ,How about it?"

"Not great, tacky."

The emblem of the Oathkeepers, a spear blade that looked like wings, also shone in the sky for a while.


Katie's entrance was very unpretentious. She led people in through the door. If she hadn't opened a corner of the magic circle and stand belonging to the Spin Demon Society, and the sky was shining with the logo of the Spin Demon Society, many people would not have known about it. She's already here.

Although Katie's appearance is not the most outstanding in the demon world, her fresh and gentle temperament and a kind heart are definitely a unique and beautiful scenery in the demon world.

She generously welcomed the audience sitting on the side of the Xuan Mo Club, but also asked them to abide by the rules and be polite, otherwise, the lady would also be angry, and it would be serious!

Smila, who was bored and lazy, was lying on the railing of the stands watching quietly. After seeing Katie's figure, a very complicated emotion appeared on her melancholy face.

An undeniable fact is that Katie was once her master, and she also taught her contract magic carefully. In the past, we had a good relationship.

However, this is the devil's world, a place where the weak eat the strong, and the humble are not qualified to stand up straight!

In the vast and majestic Central Arena, how many people are qualified to sit alone on a high platform like her and fight for the interests of the demon world?

Those bustling spectators in the stands may be well-known in their small place, maybe they are the leaders of a small organization, and they are some capable guys.

But now, if you put it here, to put it bluntly, you are nothing more than ants and cannon fodder.

She can fight against them all by herself!

It was probably the subtlety of the gaze that made Katie aware of it. She subconsciously looked up at the second agreed area, and met Smila's eyes by chance.

On the lonely side of the stand, there was no one except Smilla. Her aura was very cold, and her face was written with the words "Keep strangers away" written all over her face.

Those who were here before were also scolded and left by her.

The former masters, apprentices and friends have now become two irreconcilable leaders of forces, familiar yet unfamiliar rivals. A trace of sourness slowly fills Katie's gentle heart.

The departure of Smilla and a group of summoners also dealt a heavy blow to the Spin Demon Society.

She absolutely does not agree with Smilla's idea of ​​completely dominating the summoned beasts, but she cannot deny it now. With her decisive perseverance and talent, Smilla stood out from the mixed demon world and stood out from the vast majority of the demon world's people. A top position that was unimaginable.

It can only be said that Smila's departure is the right thing for her.

There is currently one section of the pentagonal structure of the central arena that is not lit up, symbolizing the power of the ancient library and the magic that most people don’t understand.

Similarly, Wuxuan, the force that rises and shines like a comet in the center of the Earth's orbit, has not yet appeared. Judging from the leader's arrogant and wanton character, it is unlikely that he will miss the event in the demon world.

Could it be that you are scared?

After all, there were so many big figures from the demon world gathered together, and he had offended many people, but he had to pay a price.

Just as everyone was speculating, the emblem of the Ancient Library suddenly lit up in the sky, an open book with a long unfolded scroll underneath.

Their badges have no special meaning, they just show the rich collection of books in the library and their philosophy of pursuing knowledge.

Monica sits sideways on a broomstick and falls from the sky. Her temperament is elegant and soft, and she stands still like an orchid in full bloom in a cold empty valley. Her speech and behavior are graceful and graceful, all of which reveal the calmness and wisdom of a scholar.

After the bard who astonished the demon world disappeared, Monica in the library seemed to be a new beautiful flower in the demon world.

"Monica in the library" not only refers to Monica's obsession with knowledge and the study of magic, but also alludes to her birth. Monica was born in an ancient library. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was surrounded by various books.

Monica seemed to be out of breath a little, and her uniform didn't even have time to replace it with a new one, so it had some stains and water marks on it.

She was delayed for a while in the underground secret research institute under the Eldin Memorial Hall. The memorial hall was in the west of Harlem. She had run all the way here without much rest, and her round and round fat body was aching from sitting.

Monica's arrival caused a burst of strong cheers. As a well-known beauty scholar in the devil world, her personality is not like Smilla's cold dominance, and her figure is much better than that of the elf Katie, and she has a faintly gorgeous appearance that outlasts all other beauties.

Most of the central arena has been activated, and the only one left is Tarakuta, who has not yet shown his badge.

Their emblem is a cross-shaped pattern composed of four-color elements. Elemental magic has always been an absolutely orthodox faction in the demon world. It is related to Alice's victory, but it is also inseparable from the second apostle Held.

Held is the only native apostle of the Demon Realm. This alone can make the people of the Demon Realm respond with fanatical belief.

A "black hole" deep enough to swallow light appeared in the center of the arena. In an instant, the black hole twisted and transformed into Ron, the void mage in gorgeous clothes.

The current leader of Tarakuta!

"Ron, it seems that there is still someone who is not here." Duohead chuckled, but the meaning was unclear, and there seemed to be a hint.

The representative of Tarakuta in the previous league, but the bard Alice, did not come.

The Demon Emperor of Kaxiu Sect has not yet appeared.

The second apostle who advocated the completion of the apostle ranking, Held the Weeping Eye, has no shadow either.

And... the once arrogant leader Wuxuan must be afraid.

Many people didn't come.

"Dorhead, are you so anxious, are you sending the battle on behalf of Ka Xiu?" Although Ron's tone was calm, he did not show any mercy.

The participants in the war are all leaders of various forces. How can you, Charles Foz's dog, have the right to dominate and dominate?

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