Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,200 Xiao Ruizi who bombed the school

The returnee Ryze, she actually appeared in the central arena!

This is definitely an unexpected situation, because according to the intelligence, she should have "disappeared" in the demon world again.

With the former leader of Tarakuta, Alice, mysteriously missing, and the Void Mage Ron specializing in the "Ball of Void", a single element of dark element, Ryze seems to be the leader of the new generation of elemental masters.

The name "Talakuta" is the name for the four elements in a certain mysterious language. The power of the elemental masters is naturally known to be the use of four series of attribute elements to attack.

But Ron himself was only proficient in one dark element, which was a far cry from Alice's "omnipotence".

As the leader of many elemental masters, but he only knows one attribute, there is something very subtle about it, as if he is not worthy of his position.

Reitz is not only proficient in the four attribute elements, but can also permanently enter the Holy Spirit state, which has greatly shocked the elemental masters throughout the demon world.

The name "Elemental Holy Spirit" was given by Ruiz for himself, full of confidence.

A long time ago, many experienced and powerful elementalists were crazy about the "Holy Spirit State" that occasionally appeared when using magic. The feeling that they seemed to have the world under their control was so intoxicating that they tried again and again. , but the results are always unsatisfactory and disappointing.

Later, some elemental masters desperately declared that this was a prison set by God, and that it was God's domain, and mortals were not qualified to touch it.

It was not until the twenty-year-old Reitz that he completely broke through the realm of confinement and permanently entered the Holy Spirit state, shocking countless people and dropping their jaws.

The ability to control the elements that she displayed at that time was so powerful that it could even make an old and senior professor unable to sense even the slightest element, as if he was a magical idiot.

Reitz's status among the elemental masters is extremely transcendent. She has opened a new realm for the elemental masters. She is a great figure like a pioneer!

At that time, the leader of Tarakuta, Alice, had not yet disappeared, and people did not think that she would disappear out of thin air in the future.

Coupled with Reitz who was in the permanent Holy Spirit state, Tarakuta at that time was truly the number one organization in the demon world and a super-powerful force.

However, later on, Reese and Alice disappeared in the demon world, causing a huge commotion, and Tarakuta also lost an important backbone.

Some people joked that they are indeed good friends and learned from each other about the disappearance.

But the words that Reitz left behind before leaving aroused the curiosity of countless people in the demon world, and their hearts were scratching their hearts. What did she see in the realm of the eternal holy spirit?

Ron raised his wrinkled hands and slightly pulled the hood covering his eyes. When he looked up, he couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration on his wrinkled and old face.

Reitz is calm and indifferent above the arena. She is surrounded by pure Holy Spirit runes, which contain the mystery of endless elements. With a change of mind, she can use elemental magic that destroys the world and consumes almost nothing on herself.

The terrifying permanent state of the Holy Spirit once made many magicians wonder whether Reitz could be the origin of some element and become a spirit. If he eats her, he can realize the ultimate transcendence and other fantasies.

After a period of shock, a very heated atmosphere erupted in the arena, with people speculating about the hidden meaning of Ruiz's move.

Could it be that she wanted to replace Ron in the alliance, but she was not the leader of Tarakuta, although with her strength, she was definitely qualified to obtain the "key".

And if Ryze can win this league like her predecessor Alice, then the status of Void Mage Ron will become extremely embarrassing. Is it time for him to give way?

Generally, only the leader of each major force goes into battle, because this person is definitely the strongest in the organization, no doubt about it!

A troublemaker like Iggy wants to join in the fun, just because Monica allows her to demonstrate magic. Friendship comes first, and there is no entry fee anyway.

But the situation in Tarakuta is more subtle. Reese is a returnee after disappearing. When she left, the leader of Tarakuta was still Alice.

When Ron and Schneider were competing for the leadership position, Rez was not there either.

No one knows what level her current strength is at, but it is certain that it is at least as good as Ron.

She slowly landed in the central arena and moved slowly towards the stands, but when she passed by Ron, she gave him a subtle nod, but there was no soft smile on her outstanding appearance.

This is both a polite behavior and an expression of intention.

She came here for the elemental master, the most well-known elemental master in the demon world, not to represent any organization or to divide interests, but for the "elements", the four elements with endless mysteries!

Because looking around, although there are many strong people, there is no real elemental master who can represent the power of the "elements". They are either not qualified enough, or they are seriously "partial".


Just as she found a seat and was about to go there and wait for the opening, someone shouted her name loudly. The voice was loud and penetrating. She could ignore the noise of the arena. She was obviously a strong person.

The person who called her was Duoheide, the deputy leader of the Kaxiu faction.

"What exactly did you see when you were in the state of the Holy Spirit?"

With this question, the noisy arena suddenly became quiet, and everyone focused their expectant eyes on Rhys. The dark green mage robe could not hide his curvy figure.

When Reitz left Tarakuta, it was because of what he saw in the Holy Spirit state. Many people were very interested in this, and various speculations were derived.

What kind of treasure is it, the secret of the universe, or a huge crisis, etc.

Not only Duoheide was curious, but Ron and the Demon King also cast their eyes over, and they didn't know.

They were also curious about whether Reitz was just being mysterious or whether he really was hiding a huge secret.

"No comment!"

Reiz gave a cold and indifferent answer without even looking at Douhead. No matter who asked, even if the respected senior Alice came to ask her, there would only be one answer.

No comment!

Reitz's arrogant attitude made some people very dissatisfied, but they did not dare to verbally accuse her. Otherwise, if they had the ability, they could step into the Holy Spirit to find out, or defeat her and force her to tell the secret.

No matter which one, it is almost impossible to accomplish.

"Returner Reitz, an elemental genius rarely seen in thousands of... centuries."

Probably thinking of Alice in the past and the "scumbag" in front of her, Smila downplayed the description to avoid being too exaggerated and bragging, and also losing her prestige, and then told a story.

Regarding how terrifying Reitz's talent for "elements" is, there is a true story from a magic school in Brooklyn that can vividly describe it.

Magic school is a method of education and talent selection that is not found in other areas. The school has experienced and powerful teachers who teach students elemental abilities.

Only "excellent" students are qualified to enter the orthodox elemental organization Talakuta. It can be said that this systematic large-scale selection method provides Talakuta with a steady stream of fresh blood, and it also becomes the first organization. one of the fundamental reasons.

Xiao Ruizi was a student in a magic school from the beginning. She has a rigorous and diligent character, and she is also very strong. If she cannot get first place in a certain subject and break the subject record, wouldn't it mean that she is not as good as someone who sets the record?

When Xiao Ruizi learned the magic skill "Tian Lei" for the first time, she couldn't always grasp the landing point well, so she practiced until very late in anger. The teacher advised her to take a rest and try again tomorrow.

But how could she become the greatest elementalist if she couldn't even master the basic skills of magic, so she kept practicing all night.

Little Reitz's idol is the first elemental master Held.

The next day, when Reitz gathered his magic power to use the sky thunder, it was true... Thunder and lightning bolts filled the sky, falling like raindrops like heavy rain. Not only was the training ground completely destroyed, but the school was almost exploded. Thunder and lightning flickered and danced on the roofs and roads. ~!

The most frightening thing is that Reitz's exquisite control of magic accurately avoided every teacher and classmate. Apart from being frightened, he was actually unscathed.

At that time, Rez was only about ten years old~!

Geniuses always emerge from a young age, whether it is Rez or Niwu, or Smilla, who is particularly fond of elemental summons.

After Ye Lin heard the story, he glanced at Beyana who was trying to slap him, held his forehead and sighed.

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