Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,203 A very small amount of water of life

In the long history of the demon world, monster invasions have happened frequently. They are no strangers to it, and the scales vary.

However, due to the resistance of the indigenous people in the demon world and the ruthless suppression of the first apostle Kahn, most of the alien invading races were either completely destroyed or huddled in a certain place and lived an ignoble existence.

For example, the giants of Greenbrad, Bagur, Gruda and so on in the wind zone.

But every time those serious invasions were mentioned, everyone in the demon world felt frightened and could not maintain their composure.

Even if you have not personally experienced the war, you can still get a glimpse of the tragedy and ferocity from other people's stories and the remains of the battlefield.

The Explosive Dragon King of Trobot, Di Ruigi of the Plague Planet, the Cosmic Demon of the Realm of Nothingness... They all once set off terrible wars in the demon world, causing countless casualties.

Di Ruigi was expelled by other apostles to the desolate border of Boronx, and the cosmic demon left several indelible space cracks in the demon world!

The Dragon King also complained in the diary he left in Hanging City that the reason why he came to the Demon Realm from the Dragon Planet was because he felt that he had lost his passion, lost his fighting spirit to pursue "some meaning", and was empty~

He is so strong that other sky dragons are no match for him. He is so strong that only by killing some guys and tearing their bodies apart can he barely regain a sense of his own existence amidst the fearful and angry eyes around him. .

Until, the demon world stopped over Trobot!

In that demon world earlier than the Dragon War, when the nine apostles had not yet been truly determined, the demon world had been experiencing a very terrible history of invasion.

After a long catastrophe of blood and fire, the position of the noble apostle was determined. Bakar complained that his wings were covered with corpses, and his black scales were almost dyed red, but he felt very good about killing.

Then he didn’t know when, people started calling him “apostle”!

He didn't care about the title of "Apostle", but since it was an honorific title for the most powerful person, similar to "Explosive Dragon King", he happily accepted it.

What's a little regretful but exciting is that there are eight more people as powerful as him, as well as an inexplicable old man with four arms.

Later, when the Dragon War broke out, he was defeated and fled, but he once said in his diary that those embarrassing days were quite exciting. It was better than being old and exhausted in Trobot, and then being pulled off the throne and chopped off his head. It is much better to be reviled.

The fate of a tyrant can be to be killed by a stronger person, but it cannot be to grow old sluggishly!

Therefore, many people are worried about whether there will be an invasion by powerful beings similar to the "apostles".

Compared to the atmosphere filled with expectations, worries and other emotions, the leaders were completely calm and remained silent.

For example, Smila still had a "not interested" look on her face. Reitz glanced at her casually. Ye Lin had wiped a handful of Siatt's plump peach flesh, and now her toes were stepped on by her little leather boots, causing the corners of her mouth to twitch in pain.

With their current status and strength, their vision is naturally high, and they know that the so-called "monster invasion" is not so desperate and terrifying.

Moreover, with Held's love for the demon world, he would definitely not do anything that would destroy his foundation.

"Monster invasion, I'm familiar with this~" Ye Lin nodded, seemingly convinced.

He was referring to the Battle of Silent City. At that time, he played the role of the guardian of Arad, the monster, the demon world.

Hearing that Ye Lin was secretly mocking the demon world, Smila raised her eyes but remained silent. Her original identity was that of an intruder.

What all the leaders are more concerned about now is what stunning finale Held can come up with, just like the information about the water of life that was awarded to the final winner in the first league meeting.

This is the highlight, another "trigger" that can arouse the leaders to compete with all their might.

With so many people watching, the entire arena once again fell into a subtle silence. The scorching gazes of too many people made Held feel uncomfortable. She likes to hide in the dark and plan, rather than walk openly and openly in front of the stage.

Held hated this feeling and felt that it would be enough if this happened once.

The smile on half of her face remained unchanged. Rouyi took out a crystal clear bottle from under her coat. The bottle had a large capacity, but it contained very, very little.

If it weren't for the bright lights in the arena, there would be very weak light reflections when shaking, and everyone was so weak, they wouldn't be able to notice that there was even a little bit of liquid inside.

It's not enough to take a sip, but it's not just a few drops. It feels like it's just barely enough to moisten your mouth.

"Ye Lin, grab that thing, I want to try the taste." A voice suddenly appeared behind him, with a hint of fiery emotion.

Sirocco appeared in the stands area at some unknown time, holding a bag of silver leaves in his hand and chewing a piece as if he were eating crispy potato chips.

Smila suddenly stood up from her laziness, her eyes were alert and she had strong fear, because she had no idea when the other party appeared here. She could still feel a bit fresh on her face when she opened the window to let some air in.

But the other party seemed to be a ray of light cast from behind inadvertently.

Moreover, who is this person? Apart from his relatively tall stature, there seems to be nothing special about him. The posture he is sitting there seems to be full of flaws. He can be knocked down with just one shot, but he also exudes a certain aura. An unspeakable threat!

Smila was stunned, and intuitively thought that if she launched an attack, she would be the one injured.

Not many people in the demon world know the identity of Shilok. In the past, she might have been a gust of wind blowing on her face, a sparkling drop of water, or a beautiful flower. Very few people know what her commonly used representation of the queen is. appearance.

Now, since Shilok is interested in the bottle in Held's hand, the answer to what's inside is already very clear, a very small amount of water of life!

According to legend, a sip of this magical substance can cast your body into immortality. It is also one of the tickets to a new world and is extremely precious.

Although the portion does not seem to be enough for one mouthful, if you can drink it, there will definitely be very amazing changes, which will be of great benefit to your strong body.

"Why don't you grab it yourself? The water is right there." Ye Lin raised his chin and pointed to Held in the field. Because of the blockbuster bomb of the Water of Life, the atmosphere in the central arena is about to explode. .

Even the Black-Eyed Demon King leaned forward slightly, his eyes deeper and darker than the abyss, exuding a burning desire!

"If I don't go, I won't be able to grab a sip of water from a false stand-in. Wouldn't it sound like I'm losing my status? It's so ridiculous. Maybe it's even mixed with her spit."

If before it evolved, Sirocco couldn't resist his desperate desire to bloom, and would 100% directly grab it, regardless of your real body double.

But now after evolution, she has overcome many of the original weaknesses of her original body. Although she is still greedy for the water of life, the portion is too small and she is too lazy to move. She is just greedy for the taste.

If she needs some very high-level energy to "recharge", and she has this time, she might as well extract the stamens several times.

"Not even a bite... I tried my best. Besides, what did you eat?" Ye Lin was also slightly disgusted. At the same time, he was curious about what the other party had eaten. He had a bad guess in his heart and went over to look at the bag that Shilok was holding. .

"Why does he still dislike it? That's the water of life!" Smilla was shocked inside, and Reiz also cast a strange look.

Ever since Shilok appeared, he had never heard of eating. He stuffed the silver leaf-shaped objects one by one and ate them with relish.

Mailu leaned over to take a look and said uncertainly: "It feels like the leaves of the silver holy tree..."

"Well, I picked them from Gran Forest. There are many bags. Do you want to eat them?" Shilok gestured to the bags and said with satisfaction: "The magic power is rich and very pure, but the taste is a bit astringent. It would be nice if it could be sweeter. .”

Many bags?

Ye Lin hurriedly grabbed the bag, looked at the weight, and couldn't help but shudder, saying, "You couldn't possibly have plucked the silver holy tree bald? It's still a seedling."

"No, no, I picked less than a fifth of it, and your rich woman stopped me. That tree grows very fast."

After saying that, Shilok's body was enveloped by a burst of purple light. When the light dissipated, she suddenly turned into "Celia" wearing a long green dress and a pure smile.

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