Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,208 I am your brother-in-law!

"By the way, who are you?" Isu's eyes were alert. Her heterochromatic eyes were so beautiful that people couldn't help but look at her.

There was a deep surprise hidden in her heart. The aura of the man in front of her and the terrifying sword she slashed earlier were obviously more terrifying than the most powerful demons that emerged from the hell dimension!

It is even comparable to the unspeakable horrors of the hell dimension.

If we use one concept to describe him, it can only be... a transcendent!

"I am your brother-in-law." Ye Lin nodded with a friendly look. When he looked at Yi Su, he was looking at his sister-in-law.

ha? Brother-in-law?

Isu, who was still wary of his strength, his eyes gradually became subtle and weird, sister, is she looking for a man? !

Just think about it, Sister Mailu is sweet, gentle and good-tempered, how could she not be lovable.

Unlike herself, I beg you not to get close to me. It is best to isolate me. Dealing with stupid humans is really troublesome.

But is my sister an idiot? Why did she find a human as her boyfriend?

A misunderstanding was resolved, and just when Ye Lin was relieved, he suddenly frowned deeply and looked sharply at the Aden clone beside Yi Su, and grabbed it.

Someone dared to offend, and Aden was naturally furious. Black fire snakes sprang up around him, trying to bite his arm and burn it to death.

But after all, it is just a clone of an evil god. The power it can display is not to be feared, and the flame is ineffective.

"Aden, are you radiating malice towards me?" Ye Lin looked unhappy because he didn't quite understand why.

His spiritual consciousness was very sharp, and when Aden's strange one eye looked at him, he had a strong "hate" emotion.

Any old grudges?

Ye Lin didn't expect this to happen. It was also the first time for him and his sister-in-law to meet.

Sophie and Cyrus on the side also felt strange, but not at Aden, but at Ys's performance.

Because this one-eyed and six-armed "big baby" should be Ys's existence similar to a fighting partner.

But now she herself is not angry about the situation where Aden's clone was caught by Ye Lin. Instead, she is watching the fight between the two with great interest.

"Quick, start fighting~beat him hard!" Yisu started to applaud, and both of them were stunned for a moment, not even knowing who she was cheering for.

The relationship between Ys and Aden is more complicated. They are not mutually trustworthy fighting partners like Sophie and Astra, but a battle between force value and willpower.

She resisted Aden's malicious erosion, defeated the weakened Aden himself, and became the obsidian god of Gunara comparable to him.

But Aden did not completely succumb to her. Once her will showed weakness, she would be immediately swallowed up by Aden's malicious invasion. Therefore, her situation was somewhat similar to the relationship between Cyrus and the Demon.

Now there is a "brother-in-law" who is very powerful and thick-legged. She is eager to beat Aden and make him become more honest, and then become her own dog.

Ye Lin also stared at Aden's one-eyed eye with great interest, and deliberately relaxed his mental vigilance. For a moment, he seemed to have penetrated the dimension, and his soul reached a mysterious place.

The sky was darker than the demon world. A black sun was fierce in the sky, burning with black demonic flames. The moment he appeared, countless twisted fire snakes transformed from around the black sun, swallowing it up overwhelmingly.

"A mere low-level evil god."

He began to taunt loudly, and a long bow with a simple shape quickly appeared in his hand, containing a wave of waves from the beginning. He bent the bow and nocked an arrow, pointing directly at the black sun!


The black sun actually let out a terrifying scream, which contained a strong sense of fear. It actually felt that it was about to wither and extinguish.

Shooting himself in the foot, when Aden was rioting wildly, Ye Lin withdrew his long bow and patted his forehead with helpless eyes. He finally found the reason.


"Qiang Qiang, your invincible beauty is here! I bought a new pair of refreshing cropped pants. Of course, you won't care about using your money, right?"

Wearing beige cropped trousers and sandals, the evil god with white and tender little feet naturally sat in his favorite position, which was on his shoulders. Two delicate calves were placed in front of him, and he grabbed his head. Broken hair.

"It doesn't matter, you can use my money to buy underwear!"

"Oh, that doesn't cost much. One dollar can buy two band-aids~ But the waterproof ones cost one. If you buy a box, there is a discount. How many should I buy?"

A moment of silence~

"Let me see the band-aid! You spent my money!" Ye Lin shouted loudly, emotionally, and grabbed the delicate calf with his palms with the power of Taichu.

"Don't you want to spend some money on me? I want you to go to prison to see it!" Naiyali's little hand reached out and slapped him, shaking violently.


The space was shattered, and the darkness itself seemed to be afraid and shrinking. Wuxuan's power competed with Naiyali's divine power, fighting each other for dozens of rounds, leaving Aden alone and staring.

Aden was extremely angry and wanted to kill or drive away these two guys, but unfortunately, no matter who they were, they were no match for them now.

The loss of its power is too serious.

Instead, his own conscious space has become a battlefield for others, and his existence seems to be ignored. It is about to collapse.

Finally, after a while of commotion, they stopped holding hands. Ye Lin pointed at the black sun above, then spread his hands and signaled, "Girl, you can handle it."

Aden's sudden emotional turmoil is inseparable from Naiyali in him.

Naiyali covered her eyes with her little hands, as if she had just noticed Aden above her head, and said, "Oh, isn't this the little sun? I haven't seen him for a while, why are you so confused?"

Sure enough, we know each other!

The origin of the matter must be traced back to a distant and unfamiliar dimension called "Pero Continent", which is the world where Aden is regarded as the "God of the Sun".

That rich and beautiful continent had extremely devout faith in the sun god Aden, comparable to Xuzu's fanaticism for the four divine beasts.

For the residents there, whether it is daily life or weapons and equipment, all surfaces are engraved with the pattern of the sun.

But later, the mysterious outbreak of black sun disease caused the world to lose the sun, leaving only dim light. This continent was devastated and the population dropped sharply!

The neighboring world took the opportunity to launch an attack and swept across the continent of Pero. In order to make it easier to rule, or perhaps due to some mysterious reasons, Aden's faith was denied by the rulers, and everyone converted to the god Crusu.

In other words, Naiyali and the pantheon behind her conveniently stole Aden’s faith.

Naiyali would not compensate for anything. Instead, she innocently spread her hands and explained: "Low-level gods need faith to maintain their power. They exist because of faith, but the original belief in that continent was the light and warm sun. As an evil god, Aden actually does not enjoy worship at all, so it has mutated, or its true nature has been exposed."

The two of them did not do anything to Aden. After chatting for a few words, they exited the space unharmed.

The Aden clone floating next to Yi Su suddenly seemed to have become much weaker, his one eye was dim and his body was about to disintegrate.

Not only was Yisu not angry when he saw this, but he was very satisfied with Aden's weakness. In this way, he would be more obedient and be his own dog, putting all the power at his disposal.

The almost forgotten gods are like a page that has been opened in history. Let the past go, don't always think about making a comeback and creating greater glory.

Only by adhering to the emerging trend can it have a chance of survival.

However, Isu began to fixate his interested eyes on Naiyali. She looked young and had a delicate and delicate body, but it contained incredible "evil"!

The total "evils" in the Devil's Land might not be enough for one of her fingers.

If so, I can...

"Yisu, shush! Even if the five demons from the hell dimension were tied together, they might not be enough to beat her up." Ye Lin quickly warned his sister-in-law not to think too much.

Because of his demonic blood, Ys is strong and ruthless by nature, but Nyari is not someone who is willing to suffer losses.

There is probably no existence in the world that can achieve absolute domination over Nyari!

In order to invite Ys to be a guest, Sophie mentioned something.

Smilla's Ring of Dominance!

The demon spirits controlled by Ys have not completely surrendered. Once she shows signs of exhaustion and lacks control, she will immediately rebel and kill her master!

Smilla's Ring of Dominance can forcibly enslave any spiritual being. In a state of absolute dominance, there is no rebellion.

For Ys, it’s just that there is such a good thing?

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