Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,229 What exactly is

Charles Foy sat alone at the top of one of the stands, his eyes downcast, full of contempt and cynicism. He seemed to enjoy the feeling of looking down from above.

If Held hadn't stopped him, he would have even wanted to smash one of the stands to form a spiral throne that symbolized his identity, and look down at all living beings from high above.

However, when he thought of the Spiral Throne in East Harlem, an uncontrollable flame of anger suddenly emerged from his calm and calm mood just now.

Ye Linyi relied on the time monster's mountain-like body and took advantage of the moment when he was looking for the Spark Egg to drive all the way from Central Park to Harlem. Harlem was turned upside down, turbulent and chaotic.

Several important bases of the Kaxiu Sect were also destroyed, resulting in heavy losses and a decline in prestige.

Charles Foz stood up slowly, as if a mountain was suddenly lifted up. The clever cadre immediately bent down and stretched out his hand, respectfully taking the coat draped on his shoulders.

In the past, Duoheide did not allow anyone except her to touch the Demon Emperor's body, but she was busy with other important things now.

All the spectators, including the remaining dozen contestants, all looked at him with curiosity or surprise, but more likely with fear.

Compared with the trivial matters in Yelin, the Black-eyed Demon Emperor with a cruel personality, the true form praised by the Song of Phantom Demons, the King of Harlem, the person feared by death... the Black-eyed Demon Emperor Charles Foz, He is obviously more representative of the word "horror".

Behind the Demon King is obviously a brightly lit stand, as bright as day, but now it gives people the illusion of a blurred vision, where is an endless devouring darkness and an infinite light-devouring abyss.

Ye Lin, who stood first in the center of the arena, felt a bit "unremarkable" compared to each other.

There are some slight deviations in plans and predictions, but it doesn't matter, absolute strength can suppress everything!

Charles Foz nodded calmly. He walked slowly towards the arena, like a majestic king punishing his unfaithful ministers. An invisible but suffocating pressure, his shoulders seemed to be pressing down on a boulder, filled the entire central arena.


"Are you weak on your legs? It's a grind when you walk." Ye Lin was impatient. Before the other party could make a move, he first used his momentum to push him forward.


In the suddenly silent central arena, everyone seemed to be choked by invisible hands. They were dumbfounded and shocked, but it was strange and natural.

Nowadays, the demon world is vast, and the only one who would take the initiative to verbally despise the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor is the "ordinary" leader Wuxuan.


There was silence for a while, and finally someone laughed. She couldn't hold it back, although an angry look from a strong person can shock the heart of a weak person, and even scare him to death.

But from the top of the arena stands to the center of the arena, which originally took one or two minutes, the Demon King obviously meant to walk three or four times as long.

The first person to laugh was Smilla. She leaned on the railing with her arms and was trembling with laughter.

The more she looked at Ye Lin, the more she fell in love with him. At the same time, a strong sense of conflict began to arise in her heart. The difficulty of making a rational choice made her bite her lower lip tightly.

She wanted Yelin to be severely defeated by the Demon King and turn into a defeated, whimpering, dejected puppy. In this way, she could touch his head and comfort him, and then have the opportunity to use the power of control on him. Ring and tie it tightly to your side.

But she also longed for Ye Lin's ability to suppress all opponents, his powerful and invincible demeanor, so that he could be worthy of being favored by her Smila.

Although the entire audience was shocked by the Demon King's evil reputation and did not dare to show it too obviously, after Smilla, there were still many people secretly laughing. There were not many opportunities for such an open and honest performance.

"I don't know where your confidence to face me head-on comes from, but since you don't want to enjoy the dusk of the demon world for a while longer, I will drink a glass of wine made from your bone marrow and eyes to express my nostalgia."

Charles Foz slowly adjusted the cuffs of his red shirt, combed back his short white hair, his bloodless pale skin, and his black eyes that were darker than the abyss.

He is the most popular candidate to win the championship, and he is also the opponent that all players least want to encounter, bar none.

Now, he has issued a death sentence to Ye Lin. This is God's will and the choice of the new world.

Get lost with the competitive spirit, killing comes first!

"While I understand that everyone's tastes are different, I would still recommend that you see a doctor."

Ye Lin laughed back and turned over a lush green leaf with his fingertips. The fresh and clear vitality seemed a bit out of place in the dark demon world.

With a flick of his finger, the blades shot directly into the fatal part of the Demon Emperor's chest and heart with a sharp and ear-piercing sound. The space it passed through was faintly twisted and bent.


When the soft and light blades hit the magic protective layer on the Demon King's body, they actually made a drilling sound that made people frown and sting their eardrums.

Then the leaves exploded into fine green powder, which didn't seem to break Charles Foz's protective magic, and no one was surprised.

"Are other people's things useful?" Ye Lin asked suddenly, without any clue.

Charles Foz has captured the news about Richard's Eye of Darkness and the Secret of the Corrupted Heart. In fact, the only people who know about it so far are Held and Doherd.

Including Smila, Xuanwen Envoy Niwu, etc., they had no idea at all. Even before, Iqi was still wondering where Richard, who had won third place in the previous session, had gone.

"He felt honored to be a stepping stone to my becoming a god."

Charles Foz spread his arms, and his words were full of pride. He did not hide his overly beating heart on the chest of his red shorts.

"Ye Lin, you are the last link in my journey to sharpen the edge. Then, I will pierce the hearts of the proud apostles and open a new world at the end of the prophecy!"

The entire arena was suddenly in an uproar. Unexpectedly, the Demon Emperor's other purpose was that he came here for Ye Lin.

Are their old grievances so deep?

On the contrary, not many people found it surprising that it pierced the apostle's heart.

After all, the legend of the Trial Blade is not a secret in the demon world. Everyone longs to become the Trial Blade, but in the end all the blades shatter and turn into ridiculous dust.

The apostle is like a mountain that can never be crossed. It suppresses everyone's heart and is difficult to reach.

It was also at this time that someone finally remembered that Ye Lin, who was rumored to have torn apart space and descended into the demon world, seemed to have the title of "Trial Blade".

"The God of the New World? Huh..."

Ye Lin suddenly turned cold, stopped his laziness, and said solemnly: "Have you ever seen a real god?"

Charles Foz's current behavior is exactly the most positive conjecture about ordinary people's understanding of the concept of "god".

They are omnipotent and omnipresent, and every move they make is filled with God’s majesty and God’s wisdom!

All of Charles Futz's actions and behaviors were actually trying to express what he understood God to be like.

But the real "god", far away, is Naiyali who is sitting in the stands holding a bucket of popcorn and leisurely swinging her white silk calves...

"See God? No, I am God!" He roared so low, full of unparalleled intimidation.

Charles Futz doesn't care at all what God looks like. In the future, he will be one of the founders of the new world. God should look like him!

His image will be erected in heaven and earth, everything should have his shadow, utensils should have his lines, coins will be engraved with his head, and hymns about him will be sung everywhere.

This is the omnipresent power of God.

"It seems that your understanding of God is quite different from mine."

Ye Lin shook his head slightly with emotion, then raised his right hand flat, pointing his finger like a gun at Charles Foz, and said coldly: "So I decided to send you directly to see Wushir, if he is willing to show his face to you. "


The sound was imitated by himself, but the sixth element that poured out and shot like a downpour of thread beads surrounded Charles Foz in incredible numbers.

Susu, who was standing next to Ruiz, slowly opened her eyes and opened her mouth slightly.

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