Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,240 Three Times the Prison Meal

"Given the special environment of the demon world, there is a high probability that an act of kindness will not be rewarded."

Jurgen deliberately reminded him that he always held the folding fan in his hand, and the cup of tea in front of him had already become cold.

The tea leaves that have been steeped for a long time slowly fall to the bottom of the cup.

No matter how heated the situation is, there will always be peace, but not now. The water in the devil world is heating up.

Ye Lin thought for a moment and asked, "How much food reserves do we have?"

He didn't seem to listen to Jurgen's words, but the other party's expression was as usual, and he seemed to have expected this and understood his character very well.

"In terms of logistics theory, we need to leave three times the reserve for the time you expect the war to end. That is, if the war ends in one week, we will have to leave at least 21 days. Currently we have three months of resources."

"Leave it for two months, and then give relief in batches after the remaining week."

Accepting refugees from the Harlem area now will not be beneficial to the establishment of the Wuxuan organization.

The character of the demon world is "selfish", and acts of kindness may not necessarily arouse emotional resonance.

But a week later, when the fugitive persists to the limit, his attack on the Demon King in the central arena will surely be like a hurricane in Storm Hill, roaring across all sides of the Demon Realm.

The mercy of the weak will only encourage evil deeds, but the charity of the strong will make people even more grateful.

Of course, this extreme approach only applies to the demon world.


Held intended to use the hands of the Demon Emperor Charles Foz to clean up the abscesses and diseases in the demon world and restore clarity.

But things developed far beyond her expectations. The Kaxiu sect attacked all sides of the demon world in a frantic manner, and at the same time brought out a bunch of snakes, rats and mosquitoes that took advantage of the chaos.

Maybe she set her sights too high. Standing on the top of the garbage pile, so high up, she also ignored the sewage and filth buried deep in it, which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Siatt and the others are currently in conflict with a mixed formation of Kaxiu cadres and hunters near Chelsea in the central area of ​​the orbit. After being eliminated, they are dealing with the follow-up and will be back soon.

The meeting places and times agreed with several leaders were Lake Seaver in Central Park and three days later.

But judging from the information from various places in the Silent City, these "three days" may be greatly shortened, making ladies such as Monica have eyes on fire. It can be seen that the Kaxiu Sect has touched everyone's reverse scale.

Ye Lin jumped onto the roof of a school building, squinting his eyes slightly, feeling the cool breeze, and waved to Nourni, who was suspended in mid-air, if she wanted to come down and rest for a while.

The Kaxiu sect's crazy Eye of Darkness bomb really caught Wuxuan off guard. Fortunately, with the energy protection arranged in advance and the presence of Nourni and other strong men, it was safe.

"Elta, Belladir, Skulti?"

"Well, it's us."

Nourni's voice is a mature and magnetic female voice. Her state is that the memories of three people are shared, but no one is dominant. It is like a new extraordinary thought.

The transcendent Norni were born from a drop of pure water of life given by the Dragon King. Conceptually, they are also a special kind of transcendent, but they are inferior in terms of strength.

Nourni put the staff aside and sat on the edge of the roof. The breeze was blowing her fiery red hair, her delicate and beautiful face, and there was a trace of confusion between her eyebrows at this moment.

"Chief, has the regional war started?"

"Well, it's just the beginning now. The real terror will probably come tomorrow morning."

With Charles Foz's self-centered character, it was impossible for him to hide back in Harlem and just live in poverty, because he didn't feel like he had lost at all!

It's just that I was unlucky, I just accidentally missed it a little bit.

"These are the most difficult days, leader, can we win?" Nourni turned her head, her eyes serious and uneasy.

The alien tribe has already lost once and can no longer afford a second blow.

The Dragon War, which was also a major event in the long history of the Demon Realm, swept through all sides of the Demon Realm, but the reality was that it only lasted three days.

Although the Dragon King is domineering and unyielding, it is ultimately difficult to defeat the heroes. Once the entire demon world is hostile, the dragon army can only hold out for three days.

That's why Nourni had this idea. The Harlem area can last a few more days.

Only after the major forces are reshuffled will the alien tribe have a chance to truly gain equality and dignity!

"Win? Haha, what you should be thinking about is not this, but what we will do after we win."

Ye Lin was full of confidence, opened his arms and stretched his waist. Even if the door to the hell dimension was open, he never considered losing.

Some people are actually dead and are just being buried after a few days.

He and Nourni chatted for about half an hour. The three little girls were obviously too nervous and could not talk about the war.

"Chief, will you be the savior of the demon world?" Nourni's eyes were burning with strong expectation.

As long as Ye Lin can play a major role in the war and does not go against the general trend of the demon world, when everything is peaceful and settled, the alien tribe will naturally be much better off in the future.

"Everyone who yearns for peace and works hard for it is a savior."

Ye Lin shrugged and smiled, then handed over a small box.

"This is……"

"Your stockings are threaded, please replace them with new ones."

Nourni, who has a mature temperament, has no one to teach her about dressing up, so she clumsily moves closer to her senior Rossello.

The tight-fitting red uniform could barely cover the soft white outer half of her body, and there was a shockingly deep ridge on the inner side. Her round and straight beautiful legs were covered with a layer of brown stockings, which were now a bit stringy and untied.

"Thank...thank you~"

Nourni took the stockings and left in a hurry as if running away.

The entire alien tribe regards the leader as a great hero and a handsome idol, and the three sisters are no exception, and they have an unspecified affection for him.

But this is where Ye Lin gets entangled. Nourni and Nolen, who is in another state, are both beautiful in royal sister style, but the three sisters who combine them seem to be underage.

Three times three means nine years in jail.


The sky in the Demon Realm gradually turns black and red as night falls, but for many people, it is destined to be a sleepless night.

In the Quest area, Smila tidied up the surviving children, with tears flashing in the corners of her eyes, but she herself was smiling, and her laughter was as cold as the cold wind in Baishi Ridge.

The night was silent, and after a moment, a dark cloud suddenly dissipated, and the cold hanging demon moon poured down a creepy brilliance.

Under the light of Dralion, the children gathered together and looked at Smilla expressionlessly.

"We need a warm place."

Not only for the children, but also for herself, Smilla slowly took out a piece of parchment from a wooden box engraved with the second promised emblem.

Perhaps because they recognized that thing, the children's expressions became distorted and weird, their eyes were warm, but their silent cheers made Mo Yue even colder and creepier.

That piece of parchment was the spell that recorded the ritual of summoning the Demonic Moon. It was what the Void Mage Ron had tried to find, and it was also what major organizations were afraid of the second agreement.

The spell has long been remembered in Smila's heart, and the reason why it is still kept on parchment is to maintain the meaning of a "holy object".

"How about the location of the second magic moon coming in the Harlem area?"

Rousselot, who was the messenger and supporter, hugged his shoulders and shivered.


ancient library

Iqi, who has always been lively and mischievous, fell into silence after the accident. Lights were shining on the ruins, and everyone was still cleaning stones and bricks.

Fortunately, with the help of Magic Machinery, the progress is pretty good.

Maruko's left arm was in a cast, and his other hand was absentmindedly playing with Familial, although they were just trying to amuse himself.

Monica dug out a book called "Introduction to Magic" from the ruins, stared at the dirty and wrinkled cover for a long time, and then sat down silently.

The curator also leaned next to him and comforted him: "You don't have to blame yourself so much. No one expected that the Kaxiu sect would be so crazy."

Siatt considered the ancient library's lack of defense capabilities and the situation of the balls, so she asked the librarian and Mailu to ride rice cakes all the way to the library's aid.

The curator mastered the secret technique learned from Little Suzaku and Little Qinglong Turbulence, and easily annihilated a group of Kaxiu sect hunters, but in the end it was still a step too late.

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