Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,253 Because·so

The stacked demon corpses were like a sacrificial platform made of flesh and blood, which was intimidating, and a layer of coldness quickly climbed up the spine.

Ye Lin noticed at a glance that all the dead demons were basically killed by one blow, either with holes in their bodies or with their heads broken.

Monica is polite, beautiful and elegant, but her attack methods are unexpectedly violent~ Don't offend a noble lady!

Not only did he fail to understand the mysterious golden body with extremely high martial arts value that Monica controlled, but Reitz and the others also frowned secretly.

I have never seen anything like it, nor do I recognize it.

But after a moment, they cast their strange eyes on the transformed Niu. The divine brilliance, shining golden light, and sublime sense of majesty seemed to be slightly similar between the two.

A gust of cold wind mixed with the smell of blood blew by, and everyone trembled with chills. After gradually coming back to their senses, they looked at Harlem from a distance. They saw a devastated area and the flames of war were not extinguished, which made people sigh unbearably.

The once luxurious and noble Shire Furze Manor is now just a ruins of fireworks at its feet. It was once comparable to Brooklyn's prosperous Royal Entertainment, Total Eclipse Market and other places, but it also looks like a dilapidated and lonely scene.

The environment of the demon world still looks like a dark, gloomy, desolate land. This war seems to have changed a lot of things, but it doesn't seem to have happened.

The dump was still a dump, except that a larger wild dog was missing.

The rift in the hell dimension slowly closed in the sky, and at the last moment a bird with bright feathers flew out, landing on Reitz's staff and combing its wings.

Reitz hesitated for a moment, then pointed his finger, and the bird turned into a secret message and reached his ears.

"Lord Held, please go to the Moller Valley to discuss the follow-up matters in the demon world."

"Mole Valley? Isn't she in it?" Smilla pointed to the sky, which meant the closed hell dimension. Held seemed to have always been there.

"Probably went back early." Niwu didn't notice anything strange, and then released the transformation state.

But what appeared on her pretty face without make-up was not the relief that the crisis was over, but a slightly frowning and confused expression.

In fact, not only her, but Smilla and the others also had the same subtle expression, and it seemed that they had not yet completely recovered.

The collision of hell dimensions touched them greatly. Looking at the heroic posture of the gods, they had already seen the step that they could not take.

Obsessed with dividing the Demon Realm area, they started fighting among themselves for interests and various reasons, and only reluctantly joined forces when the Kaxiu sect rioted.

If Ye Lin's mechanical torrent hadn't washed away the Harlem area, if the cosmic demon hadn't mysteriously suddenly started to fight with the hell dimension, if there hadn't been a more powerful god, marching towards the depths of hell and suppressing it with invincible power, if no……

Could it be that when the dimension comes and all kinds of great terrors occur, we can really only hope that the aloof first apostle in the Association Square can save the demon world?

Each of the leaders of several first-rate forces is a big figure at the top of the Demon World Pyramid. Others look at him with awe, symbolizing nobility and power, and a transcendent saint who cannot be touched!


Until now, Niwu and others have deep doubts. Was Held promoting and planning something during the entire incident?

What role do they play in it?

If you think about it carefully, you can't see clearly at all, which is extremely scary.

Because of the establishment of the Apostle League, they went to seek a piece of the pie. Because of Charles Foz's brutal actions, the organization behind them was seriously damaged and they began to join forces. Because the hell dimension was opened and the rules of the League were revised, they stepped forward~~

With because, then so.

They have never been able to break out of the "because and so" sequence.

In other words, they have never jumped out of a certain chessboard. They have always been busy running around passively following the general trend and following Held's rules.

I still remember that at the Extreme Altar deep in the Canyon of the Dead, the angel of light Agamemnon bound the soul of a warrior named "Pan". Pan was obsessed with fighting and firmly believed in one truth: "Even if you become stronger, there will be someone stronger." Someone appears!"

Perhaps the leader's noble status and temporary invincibility gave them the illusion of self-satisfaction.

Busy trying to divide the territory and interests of the demon world, they are like stray cats that are unaware of the impending disaster and continue to snatch food.

In fact, they are just more powerful predators in the garbage dump than ants, crawlers and rats.

At this point, they suddenly felt uninterested in continuing to divide the interests of the demon world and grab the "leftover vegetables".

But unfortunately, they are not lone rangers without any worries. Behind each one of them represents a huge organization, and there are many organization members who are waiting eagerly.

The entanglements of various interests still need to be clearly distinguished.

Reiz gave a detailed location. It was the largest school under the Tarakuta organization. It was also the place where Susu and Iqi went to school. It was very close to the Moller Valley.

As for whether it will be a Hongmen Banquet, there is no need to worry about this. The Kaxiu Sect is a lesson learned from the past.

"We'll go."

Niwu waved his hand gently, as if he was exhausted. The further he looked, the more pressure he felt.

The tragic war seems to have come to an end for the time being, but there is a lot of mess left, and it is physically and mentally exhausting just to think about it.

Ye Lin slowly opened a piece of white paper. On the paper was a location coordinate and a time in the first half of the night.

The note suddenly appeared in his hand, as if someone had secretly stuffed it from behind. The handwriting was very graceful and elegant. The simple line contained only the time and place, a bit like a secret agreement between a couple for a tryst.

Xiaoyu came over curiously and wanted to take a look at the note in his hand, but Ye Lin held up her face with a hand to prevent her from getting closer. It wasn't that he didn't want to see her, but that the hairpin in her hair was too long. , poke people.

Late at night, Brooklyn area

Thick clouds gathered in the sky, and occasionally a few bright flashes of lightning flashed, and after a few breaths, there was a dull roar of thunder.

It is going to rain.

Ye Lin looked up for a while, and then carefully looked at the huge lake with no end in sight, which was also the place where Held wrote.

It is located at the foot of a group of towering and rugged mountains. The water quality is unexpectedly clear and clean. Looking at the depths of the lake, there is a large amount of steaming water, blocking the view. A few rugged boulders are barely visible, sticking out of the water in strange postures.

The surrounding environment is quiet and quiet most of the time. As the rain approaches, there will occasionally be a few frogs croaking, which Iqi will probably like very much.

"Go forward."

Held's voice came from nowhere. Ye Lin was silent for a moment and took a step towards the lake in front of him.

The water waves rippled and spread gently, and his body did not sink into the water, but felt like walking on flat ground. After stepping on it, he walked faster.

With his powerful space ability, he has already sensed that there is a huge space magic circle hidden here. Even with his current achievements, he is surprised by it.

"Your handiwork?" he asked Held.

He felt that Held was beside him, but she could not be seen with the naked eye. She seemed to be invisible, or she might be hidden in the dimensional folds.

The lake was like a mirror, and at a certain fixed frequency, the sound of a staff hitting the ground sounded in my ears. It should be Held's staff.

"No, it comes from ancient times."

Circles and circles of ripples spread quietly, and large raindrops began to fall from the sky, creating large circles on the lake.

Clear water is also a resource in the Demon Realm, but this huge lake seems to have never been developed. There are no people in sight, but there are fish playing.

"Ye Lin, what do you think of Terra?" Held asked a strange question, but she still couldn't be seen.

"You can get a glimpse of the whole picture from a corner. The prosperity and prosperity of the world may not be one-tenth of what it is in heaven."

Walking on the water, there seemed to be no direction. He watched the rippling ripples of the water with interest. The beautiful scenery was quiet, and the impetuous feeling he felt in Harlem was slowly subdued.

A drop of cold rain hit his neck. Ye Lin subconsciously raised his head and shrank his neck. However, when he lowered his head again, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Raindrops were falling continuously from the sky, but the clear lake below reflected a strange and beautiful scenery.

A bright moon loomed in the sky, and its soft, crystal-white light was no longer as cold as Delalion's. The sky was filled with dazzling stars, and the large clear and beautiful night sky gave rise to a sense of holiness that the demon world did not deserve.

Ye Lin's own appearance was also reflected in the mirror-like pure lake water. He nodded slightly and smiled confidently: "As expected, he is very handsome."

The sound of the staff hitting the ground at a fixed frequency suddenly stopped appearing.

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