Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,261 This one, the other one

The sky was dark with cumulus clouds. It stopped raining for a while in the first half of the night, but it began to rain continuously in the early morning. When I opened the door, a cold wind blew, and the road outside was covered with mist.

Held ate breakfast slowly, and the sick look of yesterday was gone. Now he was in a radiant spirit. After nourishing, his skin was radiant and beautiful, and his temperament became more graceful and dignified.

Her waist-length hair was simply tied up with a hairband, her brows were full of joy, and she had a somewhat mature feminine style.

From elegant nobility to peaceful gentleness.

After breakfast, Ye Lin handed over a tissue to wipe his mouth and tried to negotiate: "If you can't find the second and third stone tablets, come back to the Demon Realm. I am confident that I can improve the environment of the Demon Realm to a higher level."

"Do you think I'm the kind of woman who can be a stable husband and raise children?"

Held put down the dishes and was not going to wash them, and then frowned slightly, still feeling a little swollen and sore.

He found two oil-paper umbrellas and walked side by side, walking on the water-stained bluestone road. Held walked very slowly and did not dare to take big steps.

Her relatively cold personality, extremely persistent sense of responsibility, and lofty status in the demon world almost destined Held to not be the kind of woman with a gentle and loving personality who is willing to enjoy family peace.

In other words, Held is a typical image of a strong woman. She may accidentally start a family and have a child on a whim, but she will never waste too much energy on it.

But she is very picky and will not covet some good-looking boy and raise a pretty boy to save him thirty years of hard work.

Even the Demon King Charles Foz, one of the top figures in the demon world, she didn't pay much attention to.

Last night was ridiculous. Held went to bed exhausted and nourished. When he woke up, he was also a little dazed, so now he deliberately tended to be an emotional impulse and have a romantic relationship with him.

After having a lot of fun, you lift your bikini and don’t recognize anyone~

"Held, I have a great proposal. Do you want to hear it?"

Leaving the boundary of the valley is the most prosperous place in the Demon World.

In the Brooklyn area, at least one-third of the Demon Realm people live here, and the remaining two-thirds are scattered in the other seven areas.

"In no mood."

Although she rejected him coldly and bluntly, based on my understanding of him, asking her if she wanted to hear it was actually just a casual situation.

"It's like this. When your other body comes back, one of you can stay at home and be a child, and the other can go to work. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

Held gave himself a completely lifelike and accurate body. The coexistence of consciousness is equivalent to two lives. Not only that, it is also extremely convenient to handle many things.

The curator has expressed envy more than once. She is of the right age and has long had the idea of ​​​​having a little curator. However, she suffers from the inability to take care of her ideals and children at the same time.

Held paused and glanced sideways at him, as cold as falling rain, and said: "An illegitimate child who cannot be known?"

Her identity is too special and sensitive, and she is used to living alone, making it difficult for her to have a close relationship with Siatt and the others. Therefore, raising a child feels a bit like a mistress and an illegitimate child when the family is in trouble.

There are already sparse pedestrians on the road. Brooklyn is the most prosperous place, densely populated, and there are also pedestrians on their way on rainy days.

In particular, the most famous magic school under Tarakuta, where both Iqi and Susu were students, is like a core landmark in Brooklyn, with many towns dotted around it.

"By the way, Held..."

"You're so nagging."

Usually in a month, I don't talk as much as I spent half a day with him. This feeling actually doesn't seem too bad.

"If, I mean if, you raise a little Held, which body would you choose to use? The other one seems to be a virgin..."

"Shut up!"

Held's cheeks felt cold, and he took out half of the tear mask from his sleeves. After putting it on, he disappeared directly on the spot. The school had already arrived.

Although she has little power in her body, her understanding of elements and space is still at the top level of a transcendent, and the foundation is there.

So Ye Lin had a sudden idea last night, if he poured a lot of energy into her through external circumstances, could it achieve an effect similar to the Eye of Darkness.

As soon as the idea came up, he did it as he said. Mixed with a trace of Wuxuan's recovery power, after being absorbed by Held many times, some strength was indeed generated in his body.


Being mercilessly left in front of the school by Held, Ye Lin scratched his hair and felt a little distressed. It was also his first time here and he didn't know the way.

Most of the buildings in magic schools are high-rise and unique in shape. The floors are flat and clean, and the symbols of the four elements are engraved everywhere.

Students and teachers have uniform requirements for clothing, and there is also a set of corresponding rules and regulations for work and rest. The academic atmosphere is very strong.

And even on a rainy day, at the magic training ground behind the school, the light of the elements bloomed and violently impacted the protective barrier. There were students training there.

The reason why Tarakuta is ranked as the number one organization in the demon world is not just because Alice has won the championship in the league.

The establishment of standardized schools and good talent selection methods can continuously provide the organization with fresh blood.

Compared with the Kaxiu sect, which accepts all comers, and the Sympathy talents required by the Spin Demon Society, etc., the form of Talakuda School can cover a larger area for talent selection, and it can also provide the organization with an additional sum of money. income.

Ye Lin held an umbrella and turned around to look due south. About a hundred miles away was the famous Association Square in the Demon World, formerly the central square of Terra City.

The first apostle, Kahn!


Susu walked over holding a pink umbrella, thought about it silently, and still used honorifics.

The scene where the other party bombarded the Demon Emperor with a bunch of sixth elements was still vivid in her mind and she was shocked by it.

"Ah, hello, I'm sorry I was distracted." Ye Lin nodded and smiled at her after coming back to his senses.

The uniform she had damaged during the fight with Iqi at the alliance meeting was replaced by a new one. The bright and pure girl in a red skirt with gold rims and plain silk made the rainy day in the devil world not so bad.

"The teacher asked me to pick you up and said that you can't find the way."

"Ritz? It's really timely. Thank her for me."

"You can just thank yourself later." Su Su's face was cold and she didn't seem so happy.

Because, Ichi is back too.

Susu didn't seem to have any intention of talking to him. She walked in front holding a pink umbrella and leading the way. Her soft white calves were wearing a pair of clean white rain boots.

The meeting was held in a large auditorium in the school, which could accommodate hundreds of people sitting at the same time. It was usually a classroom for some open classes.

After turning a corner in the road, Su Su suddenly stopped and asked him with a respectful attitude: "I would like to ask you for advice. You are a very powerful element user. What do you think is the origin of elements? ?”

After the alliance ended in a ridiculous way, Xiao Su, who was eliminated by the "Shadow Night Cat", has been thinking about what her teacher Reitz taught her, that instead of picking flowers and fruits, she should look at the roots buried in the earth.

But the higher elemental realm can't be explained clearly by just words. Ruiz asked her to study the Holy Spirit runes carefully, saying that all the mysteries may be there.


Ye Lin smiled and understood, and asked her a question first: "Susu, why do you think magic exists?"

"It's Lady Held, she was the first pioneer to apply the control of elements to magic."

It is really a very formulaic answer. The meaning of magic is very broad, and it is not just the four elemental attributes.

Just like the black magic used by the original Kaxiu sect, it is a kind of magic with evil properties and does not involve the power of elements.

Susu is a very standard model student. Her elemental talents are extremely outstanding. She has tied many of Reitz's previous records in school, and even slightly surpassed them in some aspects.

Not only that, she also has a good learning environment, and the teacher who guides her is also one of the best elementalists in the demon world.

But there are some things that teachers cannot teach.

As for Iqi, she is the opposite of Xiao Su, a truant and a bad girl.

Ye Lin thought carefully for a while and then said: "If you can understand why your magic exists, I will tell you the concept of the origin."

As soon as he walked into the auditorium door, he saw Smilla and Katie quarreling.

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