Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,283 Xiao Su’s White Silk

Celia's eyes gradually became weird. Should she touch this guy's infatuated yearning for her, or punish him for this kind of cheating?

But actually, that's not what she wanted to say at all!

"Ahem, then for the next week you wash the dishes and mop the floor. You won't be allowed to do that anymore."

However, he had already made such a respectful and apologetic gesture. If he did not follow the trend and punished him, it would make the atmosphere more embarrassing.

Thanks to the rich woman's kindness and amnesty, Ye Lin almost burst into tears with gratitude. He deliberately wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes, then hugged the rich woman's shapely and beautiful legs, and covered his head with the hem of his brocade dress.

"Wait, it's time to eat soon..."

Celia panicked, her face quickly turned red, her teeth were clenched, her hands were covering her long skirt, and her knees were pressed together like a child's, refusing to let him get what he wanted from the petals.

"I think drinking water before meals helps to digest and absorb food healthily." Ye Lin responded seriously, and then took off the warm moiré headband with a look of admiration.


He buried his lips lightly and kissed loudly.


On the way to the Moonlight Tavern, Celia held his arm, which seemed to be a sweet and affectionate gesture, but in fact, her legs and feet were as weak as cotton, and she could hardly stand still.

As soon as they arrived at the tavern, the rice cake that Mai Lu held in his arms disappeared instantly. He was a regular customer here, and he missed him very much after not returning for a long time.

"By the way, when I saw other people paying, I thought again of your nuclear bomb made by Dr. Togina." When she mentioned this, Celia felt so distressed that her face froze slightly.

Even if the antimatter particles were procured from the cosmic demon, the cost of other parts and labor would be astronomical.

The shining gold coins flowed to the heaven like a reverse waterfall.

After asking the elegant and beautiful proprietress who was just trying to make ends meet, she asked for a large private room. Celia mentioned the thing that she had not finished talking about before and asked: "Do you still remember that you commissioned Miss Maisel, the superpower, to sense News from another dimension, right?”

Messer's special telekinesis has a miraculous effect even within the Three Realms. It can penetrate thick dimensional barriers and hear the words of Messer in another world.

However, the probability of success is not too high. Occasionally, there may be only one chance of success in a week and a half, and you can't say a few words.

The other dimension where Mercer is located, which is Tana's hometown, has most of the same structure as the main world, and is called the mirror dimension.

"Of course I remember." Ye Lin nodded lightly and after helping distribute dishes, chopsticks and cups, recalled: "I also said that I would find a master for Miya. The next time I go to the devil world, I will ask her if she has any intention. "

It turns out that as Celia's power gradually awakened and her strength grew closer to that of a true apostle, she began to experience the same situation as Mercer.

Occasionally, when you don't expect it, you will hear "yourself" calling yourself.

Although people usually rarely pay attention to the characteristics of their own voices, it is like the effect of a tape recorder. They can hear "their own" words in their ears and have a high degree of recognition.

"That's why I doubt it~" Celia said in a weird tone, poured herself a cup of bamboo leaf tea, and then said, "Is it possible that there is a second Celia in sister Tana's dimension?"

The more special a person's identity is, the more likely it is that there will be another "self" in another dimension.

Messer is the strongest superpower, and Celia herself was also the Guardian of the East who once protected the elves, so there is a high possibility that a nearly identical version of herself exists in another mirror dimension.

Celia, who had a close connection with him for a long time, swatted away his dishonest hand under the table, narrowed her eyes slightly, and hummed: "Don't be delusional, the other me may not like you yet."

"No no!"

Ye Lin got excited and hurriedly swore to the lamp, and then rushed out to help prepare the food. Everyone was hungry, especially Sophie, whose eyes were already turning green, and everyone looked like a barbecue.

Since it was already close to evening when the team returned to Arad, the gathering only included students Oubeis and Miyoshi who were brought by Yuena to eat with her. Xiaoxiao was still fast asleep and could not hold her.

He tidied up his clean and decent clothes, with a warm and warm smile on his handsome face. After checking the progress of the meal, he was about to talk about his lovesickness with the elegant and beautiful proprietress.

Suddenly, a staff lay in front of him.


The girl's voice was as clear as a silver bell, tinged with anger after being deceived. It instantly attracted most of the drinkers in the Moonlight Tavern to cast curious glances.

The slim and pretty girl in front of her was wearing an expensive black and red skirt with gold-edged brocade, clean, soft and warm white stockings with suspenders, and two curving hairs on her head.


Ye Lin couldn't help but be startled when he saw the other person. He was greatly surprised. The bright and angry girl with a slightly puffed face turned out to be Ruiz's student Xiao Su.

He looked up thoughtfully, and sure enough, the elegant Reitz was smiling and nodding at him, preparing to go to the private room for dinner.

"Liar! That night, you actually let me go!"

Xiao Su repeated it again, her beautiful big eyes full of anger and dissatisfaction.

He clearly promised that as long as he solved the question "What does magic exist for?", he would tell himself what the "source" of the elements was.

As a result, he gritted his teeth that night, mustered up the courage to open the window and jumped out of the building. He even got caught in the rain, but in the blink of an eye he slipped out of the library!

So when the teacher said, "Now the fifth apostle has returned to Arad" and she was going to travel to Arad, Xiao Su immediately agreed to follow her.

In Held's ranking of new apostles, Yelin is fifth, which means he has inherited Shilok's original position.

After the evolution, the queen's heart is as high as the sky. She no longer cares about this. Since the stamens arranged for her are just right.

"Uh~ That was my fault. How about I apologize to you and buy you a drink?"

Ye Lin apologized sincerely, and then gave a hint in his eyes. The landlady understood, she pursed her lips and smiled, quickly made a glass of good-looking fruit wine, and pushed it over.

Unexpectedly, the big shot in the demon world, the leader of Wuxuan, and now the fifth apostle, would apologize to him so simply. Xiao Su was stunned for a moment and his anger subsided, and she developed a polite liking for him.

"It tastes delicious, sour and sweet. By the way, tell me, what is the source?"

When it comes to serious study, a hundred Beyana stacks together are not enough for half of Su Su. Ye Lin suddenly wants to introduce Xiao Su to another good student Mintai. The two may have something in common.

"Well, it's not like I can't tell you Yuan, but you have to become my teacher." Ye Lin said seriously.

He is not joking with Xiao Su now, although the essence of many powers cannot be described in words.

However, the guidance and experience of super-realm experts can still save learners from taking many wrong paths, which is of great benefit.

Su Su hesitated for a moment, then straightened her posture, her little face was full of seriousness, and she said: "You are a comprehender of the elemental lineage no less than Lord Reitz. It's okay if I call you teacher, but you are not allowed to lie to me again."

"Of course!" Ye Lin patted his chest hard.



Ye Lin gently shook his finger and said with a smile: "Apprenticeship is not just a verbal title. You must have an attitude!"

He emphasized the word "attitude."

"Humph, it's just the apprenticeship ceremony~" Su Su snorted, but she didn't say anything wrong. Ye Lin was not a teacher in a magic school.

She took out a small purse from the pocket of her short skirt, opened it and asked calmly: "How much do you want? And you will give me a master-disciple meeting gift later, right?"

Judging from the gold leaves in the wallet, although Susu is not as good as the little witch Yimiwu who has a mansion and palace, she is still a rich little rich woman, at least much richer than Beyana.

"Of course, I won't be stingy about the greeting gifts, but..."

Ye Lin glanced at the golden leaf and shook his head slightly, saying that I don't want this, it's too tacky.

Becoming a master and accepting a disciple, to put it bluntly, the gift from the person who wants to become a master must be delivered to the other person's heart, so that the master likes it, so that there is a greater chance of success.

Su Su also understood this truth later. For a big man like Ye Lin, gold and other things were indeed an external possession, no different from the dirt on the roadside.

Wanting to use this thing to win the favor of big shots and gain the highest understanding of elements, Su Su's own face slowly turned red.

"Then, what do you like? I can find it and give it to you." She simply asked it in person, which was simple and convenient.

Thinking about it, as long as it was not too outrageous and something precious that was hard to touch, in order to learn the supreme understanding of the elements, she believed she could find it, and she must become the greatest elementalist!

"Your~Bai Si, that's fine."

"Bai Si?"

Xiao Su blinked suspiciously, then looked down at the white silk skirt on her clothes, and then asked strangely: "You like my clothes?"

She was a bit shy and didn't say directly, "Do you like women's clothing?"

"No, no, I mean..." Ye Lin touched her nose, looked left and right, and pointed at her shapely and beautiful calves.

"Sigh, shameless!"

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