Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1293: Breaking other people’s equipment again

Next day, early morning

Siatt fell asleep with soreness and nourishment all over her body, her beautiful little face slowly frowned, her long and curved eyelashes were like reeds in the wind, and she slowly opened her eyes.

The first thing she saw was the ceiling of the wedding room with festive decorations, but the discomfort coming from her legs made her look down.

At the second glance, he saw Ye Lin's delicate and clean face, with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and the snow-like jade feet on both sides of his shoulders.

"you're awake?"

Siatt was about to get angry, but suddenly her pretty face turned red and she bit her lips, turning her head to the side. Forget it, nutritious breakfast, it doesn't matter which one you eat.

Although the eldest lady did not consider the honeymoon itinerary, matters between husband and wife need to be discussed between two people. Yelin finally made the decision at least three days, which is beyond doubt!

We spent three days on a rafting trip on a Magadha, from the west coast to Faroe Bay, and then from Faroe Bay to Cape Dia.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Siatt, who had successfully completed her mission, washed away the smell of heather all over her body, washed her skin with water and softened the fat. After a few days of support, the little fat beast's food became more plump and erect.


The free city of Hutton Mare is a bustling and popular place, with tourists and adventurers coming and going, maintaining a kind of harmony among all kinds of people.

Mailu bought two large glasses of fruit parfait at the dessert shop, and handed one to Biana, who was lying listlessly on the table with a small face and slender twin ponytails that seemed to be wilting.

"It's over, Sister Mailu, I'm cold."

"What, you incurred a huge debt by betting on horse racing and were hunted down?" Mailu took a delicious sip of the dessert and narrowed her eyes into cute crescent moons.

"Well, I rarely go to the racecourse anymore. I have recognized the reality. I am not destined to get rich suddenly."

After being sad, she still had to eat something, and it was treated by someone else. Bayana slowly scooped up a spoonful of ice cream and rainbow beans, chewing numbly with her cheeks, as if she could no longer feel the sweetness in her mouth, and sighed: "This is the admission week. I failed the cultural class in the exam, and Mintai said I might repeat the grade next year."

"Culture class? What score did you get?" Mailu looked up at her curiously and asked.

Although Biana is a little skinny, because in a strict sense, her race is actually a demon from the demon world and she is not a human, so her magic talent is actually quite good.

Luo Lian also complained that this naughty girl did nothing all day long, and her pockets were always clean, but she managed to get a high score in the magic training class.

"That's too much. I don't know the history and geography of this country. Besides, I'm not from Arad. Why do you have to let me..."

"a bit?"


"You're not even old yet."

"That's because there are no multiple-choice questions! Otherwise, I would be able to get at least a few right."

Today is the weekend, so she has a lot of free time. She met Biana on the way to buy desserts.

At that time, I saw this girl sitting on a public bench with a sad face, feeling unhappy, and subconsciously thought that the girl was in debt again for betting on horse racing.

"I bragged to little Pai that I was a pacesetter in Arad, with perfect scores in everything, and then... ugh." Bayana bit her spoon and leaned back on the chair in trance.

But Mailu, who was sitting across from her, instinctively sensed something was wrong. Beyana's characteristic has always been that she is bold and bold. Would such a loser be so distressed because she failed and had to repeat a grade?

"Biana, to be honest, have you caused a lot of trouble? I can try to give you some advice." Mailu was kind and sincerely advised.

Although this girl has a bad temper, she has always had a bottom line. Apart from often becoming a pauper, she has never made any serious mistakes that violated the laws of the principality.

But now she clearly seems to have made a mistake, but instead of looking for tutoring because of her poor grades, or looking for emergency pocket money from Celia or Yelin, she sighs on the street and hangs her head. .

Beyana blushed when her worries were revealed, scratched her head in embarrassment, looked left and right cautiously, and whispered: "Mai Lu, you know Qianying, right?"

"I know, Siatt's sister's cousin has a bit of a cold temperament."

The other party is a new member who is about to join the team. They have already introduced each other at the wedding two days ago. The other party has a cool and arrogant temperament and a tall figure. Especially, he often wears sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He has a mysterious and noble feeling that strangers should not approach.

However, everyone speculates that her true character is not like this. It should be a natural wariness formed by the influence of cruel experiences in the past.

"Then do you know her two weapons?"

"White Fang and Obsidian, Bayana, what's wrong with you?" Mailu raised her voice slightly.

White Fang is okay, he has a beautiful white short sword, but the obsidian blade is as long and narrow as his height, and it is a unique and alien weapon that hardly attracts attention.

Bayana tapped her two index fingers in front of her body, lowered her aggrieved little head, and said: "I told her that Kelly, a well-known and wealthy man in Hutton Mar, has a celestial machine that can turn equipment into Stronger, I promise! I really meant well at the time!"

"Then, she went?" Mailu was also shocked.

White Fang and Obsidian are people's favorite weapons, and they are also cast by the famous blacksmith Gu Gulian, so they are very precious.

But Aunt Kelly's strengthening machine is also known as the equipment crusher.

"Probably, no problem." Mailu wasn't sure, so she hesitated and said, "There are warning signs in the store, so she should be careful."

Beyana made a sad face and begged coquettishly: "So Sister Mailu, good sister, please go to the manor or the enhancement store for me to take a look. I don't even dare to go back to play games."


Kelly was holding a cup of tea and leisurely enjoying her free time after lunch. As one of the few rich people in Hutton Mar, she was too lazy to go back to heaven to receive her salary as an instructor in the Royal Courtyard.

Her master and adoptive father, Shaying Belit, was also quite strong.

When she saw the beautiful woman standing next to the strengthening machine and the various small crystal pieces rolling down in the tray, she almost couldn't help but spit it out. After swallowing it with difficulty, she choked and rolled her eyes.

As she became "notorious" in Hutton Mar, in fact, except for some eager gamblers, few people broke their equipment.

There are also bright red characters written on a wooden board next to the strengthening machine. After the number of the strengthening machine shows twelve, there is a chance that it will break if it is strengthened again.

There were not only various small crystal pieces in the tray, but also some rare and precious materials. It was obvious that the broken equipment was not ordinary.

"Guest, it's such a pity, why did you lose Thirteen?" Kelly shrugged helplessly, saying that she couldn't help.

"My lucky number is thirteen, so I made thirteen..." Qianying answered seriously, and then gently held the only remaining white tooth around her waist.

Kelly put down the teacup, touched her waist with her fingers, and sighed: "Dear guest, I can give you a 20% discount next time you come, but for equipment, I have written warnings on the board."

It's not like there weren't some anxious guys in the past who tried to "revenge" her. She was the first person in the art of drawing a gun, and no one within the revolver range could be faster than her!

"The core materials of your equipment are still there. You can go to Xinda Blacksmith in the back street and try to restore them. I can personally sponsor you with a hundred gold coins."

Kelly became wary. She felt a great threat from this woman. She was a real murderer. Her cold eyes were definitely not comparable to those of an adventurer who only knew how to hunt monsters.

After Bayana begged Mailu, Mailu informed Yelin, who arrived in time, breaking the slightly frozen atmosphere.

"Stop it, Kelly, as soon as I walked in, I saw you smashed someone else's equipment again, right?" Ye Lin looked helplessly at the epic soul in the tray, and glared at Kelly accusingly.

"What, handsome boy, you are so hurtful." Kelly was dissatisfied and said with resentful eyes: "I wrote a warning sign, and she said her lucky number is thirteen."

"Really?" Ye Lin's eyes moved away, and Qianying's cold face suddenly showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Then I'm sorry. I apologize. Please go and brush your teeth properly. Don't smell like chili. I'll help you deal with the follow-up first."

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