Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1311 Good News, Bad News

next day

The sky is clear and clear, with no clouds in the sky. The sun that rises as usual is still bright and dazzles people's eyes, but it has taken away yesterday's heat, making people's bones warm and crispy.

Celia muttered that the bathtub was broken. It was quite heavy and would be troublesome to replace.

Then he intentionally or unintentionally glanced at a guy who had won three more battles, suggesting that you buy the bathtub yourself and change it quickly.

The vegetable garden that Pinocchio tended in the front yard had been completely destroyed by the wind and rain, with only a few peppers and beans left.

I'll take some time to reorganize and replant. It's almost time to change the season.

There were two rows of sheets, quilts and all kinds of clothes hanging out to dry in the courtyard.

The idiot Gan Lin who was knocked unconscious by the Meimei Brontosaurus last night, the first thing he did after waking up in the morning was to accuse Lu Fusong of his violence. Even Master Bosem didn't beat her, and then he was so angry that he ate two big bowls of sweet porridge. Add five fried dough sticks.

Seaman spread out the millet and corn kernels in the palm of his hand and fed his good friend Colin. At the same time, he curiously looked at Ganlin, whose skin color was obviously different from everyone else's.

It turns out that those thunderous roars that scared people last night were caused by her.

"By the way, Naiyali~" Heman asked curiously to the invincible girl who was breaking a pomegranate aside: "Does this count as having saved Arad again?"

She basically doesn't understand cultivation, so she can't quite understand the huge crises that exceed her own understanding and reach the level of world destruction.

I just felt that it was very hot during the day and rained heavily at night, accompanied by constant thunder. It was really tortured to the point of exhaustion.

Seaman's magic, which was personally taught by the famous teacher Alice, the winner of the first league, is now only at the level of a professional.

The pomegranate was sent from Xuzu two days ago by Aska. The pomegranate was big, plump, crystal clear and sweet. Naiyali stuffed a handful into her mouth, chewed it, spit out the seeds and then said vaguely: "That's about right, Habu." , Xiaoyu and the others also helped a lot.”

If Gadraken is not resolved, the weather will be extremely hot in the near future, until fireballs fall from the sky, houses are burned and smoke is everywhere, and everything is burned down.

Large-scale rains from clouds of sweet rain will cause various flood disasters, turning fields into puddles, swollen lakes and flooding houses, and then famine will come.

However, except for them in the manor, it is estimated that no one else knows that Arad has quietly survived two near misses, and if not handled carefully, the crisis may affect the entire continent.

At the tea table in the corridor, Alice, whose cheeks were filled with the glory of motherhood, strummed a few strings under the warm sunshine, like clear spring water, and said with a smile: "He-Man, do you want to compose a heroic epic hymn for him?"

Seaman used to be a bard who specialized in writing love poems. Later, when she passed through the apocalyptic city of Cantwen, she deeply lamented that even the passage of time could hardly heal the wounds left by the war.

As a result, the composition style began to gradually evolve into praising peace and commemorating the sacrifices of war.

She has a very strong interest in and a little admiration for various great heroic deeds, such as Kazan and Ozma who defeated the mad dragon, and the Four Sword Saints who "killed" Shilok, the source of mutation.

Therefore, she has repeatedly solved potential crises in the Arad continent, but rarely publicized them publicly. The "obscure" Ye Lin, including the team members, has always been her psychological idol.

Alice also felt it was a little strange. Heyman had created many popular songs in more than a year since he studied music with her.

For example, the song she made in Demon World some time ago has been spread throughout the streets of Hutton Mar and has won unanimous praise.

Having experienced the invasion by the Delos Empire, they understand that peace is hard-won and can easily resonate with them.

However, Heyman has never written a song tailor-made for Ye Lin, and it seems that he has never even had a similar idea.

Moreover, there are too many stories to tell about the adventurous journey of the team along the way. In theory, there is no shortage of inspirational materials.

"Is it because she's so familiar that she's too embarrassed to write and sing?" Krach was about to go shopping and passed by, and he touched her head by the way.

"Well, that's not the case..." Seaman lowered his head in embarrassment, poking at each other nervously with his two index fingers, as if he didn't know how to speak.

Ye Lin, who had just finished cleaning the courtyard drain, thanked Mailu for the glass of iced Coke and said proudly: "There must be no words that can describe my incomparable handsomeness and great achievements."


Rolling eyes in unison!

After being questioned many times by curious people, Ximan lowered his head and slowly explained the reason, while avoiding Ye Lin's eyes.

Like many adventurers, the Four Swordsmen of the Screaming Cave more than ten years ago may be the most familiar heroic story to many children like He-Man who were only seven or eight years old at the time.

Among the four sword masters, Aganzuo, who is taciturn but steady and upright, is the best and most representative one.

Bane was recruited by the empire and became tacky, Xilan was cynical and careless, Bwanga was a Bantu, and because of the historical legacy of the Snow War, the Bantu had not yet reconciled with the empire and the principality~

"So, I always thought..." Heman lowered his head lower, his face was slightly red with embarrassment, and his voice was sharp: "A hero should be like Forrest Gump, indifferent but with a kind heart."

"Huh? Am I not kind?" Ye Lin scratched his hair and was puzzled. Then he deliberately kept a straight face and said coldly: "Siat, come here and rub my shoulders. This is an order!"

"Go away, I'm eating, I don't have time."


"Actually, I really wanted to write a poem about you or the team, but whenever I start writing, your image appears in my heart. It's not like a hero who saves the world, but more like..."

"The big brother next door?" Ye Lin smiled knowingly, it turned out that the little girl was shy.

"She must be a pervert!"

Xiao Su, who had time to study, commented directly to the point.

"Hey! Have you complained about your teacher like this? Give me back the Seal of Heaven!"

"No, your eyes made me regret at least three times that I wore safety pants."

Xiao Su was sitting on the corner of the steps, with his Heavenly Seal on her knees. The warm and bright sunshine shone on her quiet and delicate face. She wore a sweet girlish red pleated skirt, paired with a pair of soft and warm white stockings that he coveted.

But what's even more annoying is the extra pair of safety pants that are unsightly.

The atmosphere in the morning was pleasant and comfortable, except for Ye Lin's internal injuries from being choked, and everyone was busy with their activities after breakfast.

Naiyali finished eating two large pomegranates, wiped her slender fingers, and then suddenly slapped her forehead. Oops, I accidentally forgot something.

She returned from the hell dimension last night. As soon as she entered the manor, she was treated to crabs bought by Celia. The invincible beautiful girl was not afraid of cold food, but was afraid that the portion was not enough.

After eating too much, I played mahjong with Pinocchio and the others, losing more and winning less. Then I went to sleep without waiting for Ye Lin to come back, and had a peaceful sleep until dawn.


She disappeared instantly, and when she appeared, she habitually sat in her favorite seat and ruffled his hair: "I have two pieces of news, one good and one bad. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"It's not good, it's a blessing after all the hardships."

"Well, the bad news is that the black and red eagle sent people to attack the subway center and Central Park. The reason is that he hates the place of light."

There are still some lights left by the creators in Central Park. As for the subway center, Ye Lin has made major improvements there, which naturally also includes "condensing light".

Compared to the Eight Sides of the Demon Realm, Central Park and the Metro Center are indeed slightly brighter in terms of lighting.


Ye Lin's heart beat violently, and at the same time, an uneasy feeling began to arise.

Naiyali didn't show off, and continued: "The good news is that it was a few cadres of the Kaxiu faction who attacked the subway center, and they were torn alive by that annoying flower. But, Katie and Dako My son, it seems he lost half his life."

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