Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,313 It’s really baffling

"You are really punished!"

Naiyali was nestled in the corner of the sofa, humming, her little hands gently pressing the hem of her skirt. Her pretty and crimson face was half charming and innocent, but also had a hidden panic that was hard to detect.

As for the emotion of anger, there is actually none.

Perhaps because of the deep contract between them, or perhaps because of other factors, Ye Lin had a high degree of trust in her, and would never hide anything if she asked.

As long as you think about it, you can still get a glimpse of a corner of his real memory.

So Naiyali not only knows his soul completely, but also knows many of the truest emotions.

He likes himself but dare not offend easily, so he can only let himself be manipulated and teased.

For example, when someone rides on his shoulders, deliberately rubs his face with her feet, or spends lavishly on his money, he is never angry, and she is as doting as a daughter.

The reason why I didn't dare to offend was because I was ashamed of my own lack of strength. I never had the courage to take action, so I found another way, prayed to Shilok, and then changed jobs many times.

This is why Naiyali is a little unhappy with Shilok. She is really a shameless flower. In order to squeeze out the power of the stamens as much as possible to improve herself, her appearance and body shape will change according to his wishes.

From his mind, he saw various appearances of himself being transferred. It was really... was his body flexibility really that good?

Now it is clear that as his strength gradually grows, his courage gradually grows. He is not satisfied with the false shell, and instead wants to take action on the real body.

Generally speaking, due to age restrictions, girls' bodies and looks are immature and immature, and their temperament is mostly immature and pure. This is why there is a saying that a girl's eighteenth transformation comes into being.

Even the well-developed Mailu has a warm, soft and cute temperament.

But Naiyali has been suspected more than once by others to be the daughter of the succubus princess Doris. She looks like she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, but she is already charming and attractive. She will definitely bring disaster to the country and the people with her beauty in the future.

However, as long as she is willing, she will never grow up in appearance and will always be an invincible beautiful girl.

Ye Lin was serious, and then he bowed down to apologize and express his gratitude respectfully: "I sincerely thank the most eternal and great Lord Naiyali for giving me the divine water."

"Oh~ no thanks."

A white and soft foot was lifted up and stepped directly on his face. Naiyali slowly crushed the foot a few times and then said with a sideways look: "Pervert, you have clearly broken through the moral restrictions on me."

Ye Lin did not defend himself, but instead gently grabbed the soft little foot on his cheek and kissed the jade-like instep. His emotions were like fire, and Naiyali felt panicked through his eyes.


We can't let him succeed easily, otherwise Lady Naiyali will completely degenerate from the aloof evil god to the mortal world.

The read memories flashed through her mind, no, no, no, how could she feel like she would die!

"Well, I'm still a little thirsty. Can you lick it again?"

After hearing this, Naiyali quickly pulled her feet back and glanced out the window. No one had come back yet. After hesitating for a moment, she coughed lightly and said, "Then, close your eyes first."

He closed his eyes honestly, full of expectation. There was still a sweet taste in his mouth, and he had endless aftertaste.

"Hey, why is it sideways?"

Suspicious thoughts popped up in my mind, but I was relieved in an instant. My saliva was lukewarm, and it was all water.


Sophie clenched her fists and showed her anger on her forehead, wiped her lips, stared at Ye Lin, whose black eyes were blank, and wanted to hit his other eye.

She had eaten enough and was lying on the sofa to take a nap. She was having a pleasant dream, but in the end, this shameless bastard secretly took advantage of her.

"Don't think I won't beat you just because you put a piece of candy in your mouth."

Yelin finally reacted and quickly scanned with his other eye. Sure enough, Naiyali had slipped away!

Fortunately, he calmed down and turned his head quickly, and said with a smile: "Is it the smell of barbecue, don't you dislike it?"


Hutton Mall Backstreet

Xiao Miya's delicate and lovely melon-seed cheeks showed strong uneasiness and worry. She held Maisel's wrist tightly and said anxiously: "Masser, are you really not going to go to the devil world with us?"

Although Miya had already made material preparations, including changing clothes and becoming a disciple.

Follow the team to a completely unknown world and learn from a flower queen who has also never met and whose temper is unknown.

But when the day of departure came, she was still in a mess. Especially when Messer said that he wanted to stay in Arad, Miya was caught off guard.

Originally, Miya thought that Maisel would go to the devil world with her.

Maisel gently held her trembling little hand, smiled slightly, and comforted: "The group of superpowers need me to communicate with the principality. I am their backbone and cannot leave casually, and there are Mo Mei and the others here. "

Because of the social environment problems that once caused discrimination, people with special abilities shrank in the green city of Grozny, and gradually developed a world-weary and hostile character.

Although through various friendly cooperation with the principality over the past year, the situation of people with superpowers has begun to improve, there are still a few strong emotional thorns that appear from time to time and cause trouble.

As the strongest superpower user, Messer is the best mediator between the principality and the superpowers. Not only can she suppress other superpowers, but she is also willing to talk to the duchy honestly.

In order for people with powers to have equal respect and a quiet future, she cannot leave the continent of Arad at will, or even Hedunmar, no matter what!

"Masser, then I will stay and not go to the devil world..."


Maisel suddenly raised his voice, poked her forehead helplessly with his finger, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "We superpowers have a special origin, and it is difficult to significantly improve our strength through practice. Now you have the opportunity to visit a stronger person. This is your blessing." It’s an opportunity that no one else can ask for.”

Miya bowed her head in shame after being scolded, and obediently took the suitcase handed over by Maisel, and then went to say goodbye to the flowers, plants and trees in the yard one by one.

When she comes back, some of us may be gone and withered.

Maisel sighed softly, then nodded and smiled at Mo Mei: "Miya has never been far away, and the farthest is Alvin's defense line. Please take care of her."


street corner

Miya was nervous and nervous as she grabbed the suitcase. She was very reluctant to leave but also looking forward to it. She had a quiet and gentle temperament and liked to talk to flowers and plants, but she didn't like to run around.

Not to mention the demon world, I have never been to any place other than the principality.

Since Maisel said that this was his opportunity and Ye Lin's kindness couldn't be wasted, he should be braver!

"Sister Mo Mei, when are we leaving?"

"The departure time is in the afternoon. Let's wait for the boss here. He went to the slums to meet friends."

The neighborhood of Hutton Mall is considered a residential area for civilians, but there are also some hidden talents and strangers, such as the blacksmith Sindar, the drunken G.S.D., the goblin merchant and miser Sherlock, and now the supernatural being Mai Se.

It is not far from the Hetton Mar slum. There is a road leading to the city gate and a large open space where construction waste materials are piled in the middle.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time and delayed a little bit."

Ye Lin smiled and waved hello, and walked over from the slum. At the same time, he slowly pulled out a steel needle from his arm. The tip of the needle shone with a dark blue color, clearly containing a violent poison.

"Boss, why did you offend that slum princess?" Mo Mei pursed her lips and smiled.

"No, it's Paris who was acting strange today. She poked me for no reason."

Ye Lin melted the steel needle casually and then became angry.

He was about to travel far again, and he just wanted an affectionate kiss goodbye. However, Paris suddenly acted uncharacteristically, her face was red and her eyes were evasive. When asked, she stabbed him with a poisonous needle.

It's strange, her character is not so coy, but careless and vulgar, and she spits out sweet things when she doesn't agree with her words.

But she clearly remembered that one time, she deliberately didn't brush her teeth and gave herself a kiss that smelled like chives and eggs.

She just wanted a kiss to leave, so Louis didn't say anything beside him. His sister Gal had no objection, and his sister Bryce just watched silently.

Even her dozen or so loyal younger brothers cheered and cheered for the eldest sister.

Isn't it just that he was being watched? He himself was not shy, but Paris herself was blushing and timid, completely losing the domineering attitude of the slum rulers in the past.

It’s so baffling!

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