Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,316 Brother Diao Feng Ping was murdered

The speeding sea train broke through the sparkling sea surface, and rushed up a shuttle-shaped water pattern on both sides of the rails, with fine waves rolling up.

Miya almost pressed her pretty little face against the glass, and her mouth would utter exclamations from time to time, which was incredible.

There is a sea in the sky, and there is a train in the sea, and it runs very fast!

She could tell her friends about what she saw in one day today for half a month!

Siatt threw him a bottle of cold drink Coke and asked casually: "Is there something delaying you? Alicia is reluctant to let you go?"

"No, it was Taylor who muttered that she wanted to break up, and then got married to Feiyan. She had an engagement ring, but she didn't wear it."

"Ah, I think it's Taylor who finally discovered your scumbag nature, and it's Kishi who's ready to turn around."

"How can you tease your husband like this? Am I not a good man who is loyal, loving, and considerate?"

"Go ahead, you are thicker-skinned than Antuen." Siatt was too lazy to pay attention to his narcissistic behavior. She lowered her head and took a sip of fruit tea before continuing to ask: "Then what?"

"Then... I was so sincere that gold and stone opened up! Taylor talked nonsense, and he agreed to my proposal."

"speak English."

"Give it to her full and she will be satisfied."

Siatt was stunned for a moment while holding the tea cup. It took her a while to realize what it meant, and she gave him an angry look.

If you want the flowers to bloom beautifully, you must fertilize them with nutrients.


Arriving at the upside-down Dimensional Silent City, Qianying and Miya were shocked and dizzy again, and they couldn't accept it.

But when traveling through dimensions, the two behaved completely opposite. Miya was dizzy and retching a little while being supported by Mo Mei, while Qianying's face was as usual, and her cool sunglasses were as cool as ever.

She lightly shrugged, saying that her fighting style required great physical skills, and hanging her body upside down was just childish.

Becky is not here at the observatory either. She should probably be playing in Wuxuan Town. She has a mischievous personality that can't sit still, and the android is also very energetic.

As soon as the team returned to the manor in the small town and before taking a break for a sip of tea, Skurti, the youngest of the three sisters, climbed over the wall and sneaked in with a lollipop in her mouth and handed it to her with her fleshy paws. He wrote a letter.

She never liked to go through the door. She was always full of energy and had nowhere to vent her energy.

The letter was opened and signed by Bibi, but it was not written to him specifically, but to "Wuxuan Town", a letter asking for help.

Central Park is in really bad shape recently. Sister Katie is injured and has difficulty moving. Sister Niwu has to be busy organizing defenses and trying to rebuild the park.

Therefore, the beautiful girl Bibi, who was designated as the next leader of the Spin Demon Society, bravely and responsibly stood up to do something within her power.

Ye Lin read the letter carefully and couldn't help but shake his head and smile. Bibi played a trick and said in the letter that they knew where Mr. Pui was, but it was not convenient to tell him in the letter.

Another meaning is that if you come to help, I will tell you.

"She is very smart. She guessed that something was wrong with the genius Prey." Siatt was also a little surprised, and she took the naughty and fun-loving Bibi seriously in terms of his abilities.

"Where, haha, she probably showed me this letter. Now the whole of Harlem is covered by the spread of black and red aura, the Coretkill Mountain on Stenta Island is cut off in the middle, and the entire demon world knows that Pu There’s a big problem with Lei.”

Koretkill Mountain is the largest sky-high peak in the demon world. It was also the place where Prey rested in the past, but half of it was destroyed in the fierce battle with Isis.

Prey, Isis, the special state of light and darkness. Currently, only a handful of people in the demon world know this information, and most people are kept in the dark.

Therefore, Isis's rebellion has caused Brother Diao's reputation to suffer, and it has plummeted all the way.

The residents of the demon world were worried and began to compare it with the Explosive Dragon King Bakar who was expelled a thousand years ago.

But the most terrifying thing is that Bakar at least has a limit of strength that can be watched.

However, when the third apostle Tianjiao Pule first arrived in the demon world, he dueled with the first apostle for several days due to a misunderstanding by Ziyu, and he did not fall behind at all!

For a long time, because Kahn has repelled invasions from other dimensions many times, Prey is also kind-hearted and never does harm to others. He also rescued the residents of the demon world, thus gaining a good reputation.

The two were praised together as the two most powerful patron saints in the demon world!

However, now Prey's reputation has plummeted, and his evil aura has emerged, which once made some pessimists shout that the sky is falling and the devil's world is coming to an end.

Brother Diao felt bitter.


central park town

In the past, it was a beautiful and peaceful quiet town with a flowery environment and green trees. The residents were friendly to each other and behaved in a civilized manner.

But now it is a dilapidated ruin, with withered and yellow vegetation, which is shocking.

What makes people sigh even more silently is that the eyes of those who are slowly rebuilding the park are full of worry and gloom, and they cannot see a trace of hope and light for the future.

One month ago, the crazed Ka Xiu sect used special Abyss Scale equipment and Eye of Darkness bombs to launch a sneak attack on the harmonious town like a paradise on earth.

As the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor was eaten by a dog and the Kaxiu sect was defeated, a new order seemed to be beginning to be established, and the demon world would usher in a long-lost peace.

Therefore, the reconstruction work is naturally full of enthusiasm!

However, the news that the genius Prey has turned black is spreading wildly throughout the demon world. At this juncture, the backbone of the family, Katie, was seriously injured by a sneak attack and almost died. She has not recovered yet.

Looking around, it's all gray and gray, with no sign of fresh green or hope.

At present, except for the fringe areas of Central Park, that is, the Green Witch's Forest, Ingrid is still barely maintaining it. The vegetation in the remaining areas has withered, and is no different from other barren areas.

If Niwu hadn't been able to keep the situation under control, I'm afraid Central Park would have been flooded with refugees from all areas and plunged into a major riot, leaving only a piece of dregs like prey torn apart by wolves.

Yelin sighed silently and turned around to leave the dilapidated town. Katie currently lives in the Witch's Forest, which is now the only remaining pure land in Central Park.

The green witch Ingrid created a safe path without traps in the forest. Bibi wrote the specific location in the letter, so it is not difficult to find.

It had only been a few days since we last saw him, and he was already lying on the hospital bed with a seriously injured complexion. His pale complexion revealed a sense of weakness and yellowness, and his fresh and refined face was like a withered flower, with no trace of energy at all.

Ingrid sighed silently, and was afraid of disturbing Katie who was sleeping, so after going out, she whispered: "Imiwu helped me look at it. The power of the curse is too powerful, and she is not 100% sure to remove it. I'm worried." It will cause a stronger backlash.”

Although Niwu, the leader of the Oathkeepers, appeared in time and temporarily repelled the enemy with excellent tactics, Katie, who was caught off guard and was attacked by surprise, still left a powerful curse on her body.

Later, after Curator Monica received the news, she personally found the little witch Yimi Wu of the Forest of Dolls in time and suppressed Katie's curse with all her strength, thus stabilizing the situation from getting worse.

"Deputy leader" Da Keer was also injured, but her injuries were minor and she was not affected by the curse. She is basically fine now, but she often talks about the happy time of fishing in coffee shops.

Da Ke'er doesn't want to stay in the demon world or anything like that!

Bibi, the brave and responsible next leader, has not returned from his work in the Spin Demon Society. Luo Lian, who was originally practicing magic here in Ingrid, also went to help.

The team quietly left the house together and took out the EX Dornier in the open space of the Witch's Forest as a temporary residence.

At present, the top priority of the entire Central Park is to let the elves enable Katie to remove the curse and restore her health. Only with her deeply rooted influence in Central Park can she inspire the first ray of "hope."

Regarding the curse surrounding Katie, it has been revealed that she was stabbed by Ector's spear, thus becoming tainted with the cannibalizing aura of Isis.

It is not too difficult to clear the breath alone, but what needs to be additionally worried is whether it will be attacked by the will of Isis.

For example, when Ye Lin was purifying Gardraken, he was in a trance for a moment. The sky was rendered and covered in black and red, and a pair of fierce and cruel eyes opened in the sky, looking at him coldly. .

"Compared to Wuxuan's vitality, my holy power may be more suitable for dealing with curses and the"

Yuena suddenly paused in the middle of her words, and Ye Lin and others also looked at where she was looking, and they all showed surprise at the same time.

On the forest path not far away, with an arrogant attitude and a strutting attitude, a stuffed bear doll about half a man tall came over. It also carried a bamboo basket on its back, which seemed to contain medicinal herbs.

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