Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1325: Three good things with one stone

Harlem Skyscrapers at Night

The majestic ancient buildings stand in rows and tower into the clouds. From this, you can get a glimpse of how prosperous and glorious this corner of ancient Terra was in the ancient Terran era.

However, the dead gray and black color has now become the main color, and everything is withered and gone. There are not a few rats left. Several high-rise buildings hundreds of meters tall have collapsed, forming a dangerous building that is shocking to the eyes.

The beautification point is said to be a trace of the end of civilization, which has some archaeological significance. To put it bluntly, this place is a useless ruin, and no one will stop here too much.

On an old cement street in the middle of the building, Qianying now raised his neck and moved his sunglasses slightly. His pure eyes stared at the buildings on both sides that seemed to touch the sky. There was a terrifying and oppressive feeling that the building would collapse in the next moment.

Miya was temporarily placed in Central Park. Her superpowers can help a lot, while Qianying embarked on an adventure.

She pondered for a moment, then raised her left hand with the ghost bead in it, and a transparent ghost wire shot out, piercing through and entangled in the masonry wall of an abandoned building.

Immediately after the ghost binding silk shrank, her body quickly swung a hundred meters away, walking flexibly between tall buildings.


The long white hair was blowing in the breeze. The black tights that accentuated her tall figure and the sunglasses on her straight nose that added a sense of mystery exuded a cool and elegant temperament that kept strangers away.

Half of Feng Ying's slender body poked out from the half-length window of an abandoned building nearby. She waved to them and shouted loudly: "Hey, have you found anything valuable?"

"No, there aren't many mice, and the bricks are worthless." Xiaoyu shouted from the building opposite.

As soon as they arrived at the Night Skyscraper, Feng Ying and Xiaoyu couldn't hold back. With an excitement of exploring and treasure hunting, they flexibly moved between the buildings, trying to find some valuable treasures.

The majestic buildings left over from ancient times are now uninhabited and can be called a dead city. However, the main body is still well preserved, which always makes people wonder whether there are some treasures from ancient times left behind.

Feng Ying jumped down from the window sill, stepping on the gorgeous sword energy petals with her toes, her clothes fluttering, like a noble sword immortal coming to the world, but she was still muttering dissatisfied: "Nothing~ nothing, Is that rumor true?"

A piece of news suddenly exploded in the demon world, causing huge waves and attracting countless people's attention and fascination.

Tianjiao Pule left a "mysterious fire" somewhere. If he can obtain that "fire" and cultivate it, it can grow into a huge force that can be harvested for his own use!

The fire, Ye Lin speculated, should be the eggshell of the Spark Egg left behind by Isis when she was reborn, which contains the pure dark breath.

Even for people in the demon world, apostles are synonymous with mystery, nobility, and invincibility. Especially the third apostle who can compete undefeated with Kahn has a more lofty status.

Although the Harlem area suffered a mechanical land sweep, the ruler Ka Xiu's faction was also defeated and hid, following the new master.

But after all, it is one of the eight major areas and is quite rich in resources and products, so more and more people are deliberately gathering here, trying to fish in troubled waters while Harlem is still ownerless.

Including the total eclipse market, this kind of place with unique significance in the demon world has also been secretly restarted recently.

Mailu grabbed a bag of popcorn, stuffed a handful into her mouth, and handed it to Sophie. The latter shook her head to express her refusal to eat, and motioned to the ostrich legs in her hand.

The team is here to find Isis. The longer time continues to drag on, the harder it will be for Brother Eagle to be reborn.

And Held made a terrifying guess. Once Isis returns to its full state, the demon world, including Arad, will usher in a darkness called "Eternal Night."

Ye Lin was chewing a piece of bubble gum given to him by Milu, seemingly leisurely, but suddenly he wiped a handful of peach fat with the speed of his hands, and exclaimed: "Liao, have you gained weight again?" "

"Shameless! Did you eat the food you cooked?" Siatt turned around and glared at him coldly, chewing a piece of bubble gum and blowing bubbles skillfully.

Bubble gum is not only sweet and delicious, you can blow bubbles to pass the time, but it can also exercise the flexibility of your lips and tongue, which is a good thing that can serve multiple purposes.

It has been almost two hours since the team arrived at the Night Skyscraper. Apart from being amazed at the ancient buildings at the beginning, they have found absolutely nothing else.

To be honest, they were not interested in Isis's eggshell. If it was a complete egg, they would be interested in trying a fried poached egg.

In addition, out of concern for the danger of searching for Isis, Mailu imposed a ban on rice cakes. Pointing her finger at its horn, she solemnly declared that no more alcohol was allowed until the crisis was resolved.

Although rice cake is quite addicted to alcohol and was trampled by the anxious little hooves during the prohibition period, it still understands the priorities of things. Now it has transformed into its complete posture, with a snow-white fur and divine appearance, and an extraordinary handsomeness.

The hard hooves made a crisp sound on the road, and on the back were seven cheering little angels, each holding a grape or apple in their hands, they were the happiest.

Yuena glanced sideways at the little angel, silent and embarrassed, her pretty face covered with a layer of blush.

They come out when they want, and slip away when they want. Sometimes they can't even see them.

This also caused her to always worry that seven people were peeping when she changed jobs, which felt weird.

Mi Gao suddenly stopped in his steps, lowered his handsome mane head, and stared suspiciously at a small bright yellow flower that poked out from the drainage outlet on the road.

The Night Skyscraper has been abandoned for at least a thousand years, and no one has ever lived there. Moreover, the environment here is dark and dark, and there is not enough rain. How could a bright and tender flower grow out of thin air?

A flaxen-haired little angel flapped her pure wings and tugged at the mane of the rice cake's neck, telling it to move away quickly and not get closer. The flowers smelled so bad.

The small flowers looked bright and delicate, but they exuded a putrid smell like mud and corpses.

Another little angel covered his nose and waved in disgust, and then a needle with condensed holy light appeared in his hand and poked it directly on Mi Gao's buttocks.


The rice cake hurt, and I instantly trampled the little yellow flower with my hoof. Then I ran to Mai Lu to please her and asked me if I was injured. I heard that wine can relieve pain.

Suddenly, a black vine with sharp barbs and no leaves quickly protruded from the drainage outlet that the rice cake had been close to before. It seemed to have eyes and went straight towards the rice cake that seemed to be unaware. The attack was fierce and screamed through the air.


Ye Lin took action in time, and his sword was as bright as the frost in late autumn.

The broken vine twisted on the ground a few times, and bright red liquid oozed out from the crack. The stench became even stronger, and Mailu instantly lost all the popcorn in his hand.

"Back off!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a horrifyingly huge gap opened in the hard street ground. Immediately, a giant humanoid beast roared out of the ground. Its thighs supporting the ground were as thick as pillars, and it was wrapped around circles and circles. Black vines, and some circular dart-shaped spikes.

It was huge and tall, and the sharp corners on its head could touch the three-story building. The proliferated tissue on its surface was strangely shaped, with a black, foul-smelling liquid oozing out of it, surrounded by a large number of buzzing insects and flies.

Mo Mei's face turned pale when she saw this, and she covered her mouth and nose with one hand.

With the other hand, I tried several times to condense the mind energy cannon and blast this guy to pieces directly, but the smell was disgusting, more choking than the rotting animal carcasses in the stagnant ditch.

"Aster... vomit~" Sophie rolled her eyes and clutched her chest, barely spitting out a little bit of saliva and almost spitting out the ostrich leg she had just eaten.

Fortunately, Astra heard the order. Although she was unhappy with the foul smell, the powerful dragon was not afraid of the attack of the little smell.


The giant dragon roared and everything trembled. With a breath of thunder and fire, it annihilated the monster covered in twisted black water. At the same time, it flapped its powerful wings and blew away the stinking odor.

"Good job, Astra." Siatt gave a thumbs up and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, in the next moment, everyone's eyes froze.

Although the main road of the ancient ruins is dilapidated and uninhabited, some facilities are still relatively intact, such as sewer outlets, which are located at regular intervals.

But now, there is a brightly colored flower growing on every drainage outlet.

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