Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1332 The choice between black silk and white silk

The building EX Dornier stopped at was a relatively tall building even among the ancient ruins of the Night Skyscraper.

If he fell directly from this height, even if Bernardo had a powerful eye of darkness in his body, he would be shattered and turned into a puddle of mush.

The Eye of Darkness can provide very powerful vitality, but its own state is not indestructible and perfect.


When the dull sound of landing reached the ears, it meant that Bernardo had fallen into a bloody corpse two seconds ago.

The nearly a thousand illusory human faces suspended in mid-air also quietly dissipated with a gust of breeze. If they were not there, there seemed to be a relieved smile on their cheeks.

No one knows what Bernardo saw before he died, whether it was some kind of indescribable twisted chaos, or an endless absurdity that destroyed reality.

Before Ye Lin could ask, and he had no intention of asking at all, Naiyali gave him a soft wink, numbing her bones: "If you love me, don't ask too many questions~"

Ye Lin looked solemn and nodded softly, secretly thinking that this girl was so dishonest and so attractive that she had to find a chance to lick her again.

Poor Wanzi fainted from being frightened by the crowd of faces just now. His little face turned pale and dull. Siatt pinched his philtrum until it was slightly swollen and he couldn't wake up.

Of course, it is also possible that Siatt deliberately caused trouble and was very persistent in trying to wake up Wanzi.

"I'll put this guy to bed, why not go back with Teacher Monica." Siatt sighed helplessly, and took Maruko's big hat.

Looking at the skyscrapers in the dark and blurry night, you can feel the decay of an ancient civilization, and the artistic conception of death and decay is heart-wrenching.

Lady Naiyali has defeated a powerful enemy and achieved great success. Yu Qingyuli also invites her to have a drink at the bar, and Xiao Su also comes with her.

Although the invincible beautiful girl is naughty, playful and never serious, often running around in various dimensions, and is called the best social butterfly in the universe, she is surprisingly good at making tea and coffee.

"By the way, teacher, what are you doing here in Harlem?" Xiao Su asked suspiciously, while adding a piece of marshmallow to her coffee. She didn't like bitter drinks.

After all, I have learned some of the Seal of Heaven from others, and it is appropriate to be polite and respectful, and call me teacher.

Although the teacher is a pervert~

"Brother Eagle is unlucky, come and save the world, otherwise your demon world will be destroyed."

Ye Lin frowned and pursed his lips as he said it casually. The coffee Naiyali made for herself was so bitter, as if it had added yellow lotus.

But the work of the invincible beautiful girl cannot be ignored, so I can only drink it.

"Save the world? Oh~ Lord Kahn is here in the demon world."

Xiao Su curled his lips and disapproved. As long as the first apostle in the association square was there, how could the demon world collapse.

Regarding Kahn, the emotions of the Demon World people are very complicated and subtle. They are grateful that the opponent has repelled the dimensional invasion many times, but they are also worried about the invincible and proud strength.

Mr. Prey has turned dark now, so will the First Apostle one day also turn into darkness, bringing endless terrible despair?

At that time, who will have enough strength to defeat this strong man who is dubbed "invincible"?

Xiao Su crossed her legs on the sofa, shook her head and quickly threw away those unfounded and dangerous thoughts.

Instead of worrying about this and that, it is better to make yourself stronger so that you are not afraid of anything. This is the eternal truth.

With an excellent adjustment in her mood, Xiao Su's pretty face relaxed a little, and she picked up the coffee cup pretending to be elegant, and picked up Bernardo who had just fallen to death.

Her less than standard table manners were learned from Alice who was raising a baby.

The incident that really made Bernardo famous actually happened in Brooklyn.

Under Tarakuta, there is a relatively ordinary magic school on the border of Brooklyn. It is also the only school in several nearby towns.

But because the population is small, the number of students is also quite sparse, and the teachers have enough free time to work part-time to earn extra money.

One day, a traveler brought a trembling child, who was covering his face and talking nonsense, to the hospital in the town.

He said that he picked up this almost crazy child on the roadside.

But because he cannot communicate with children, the magician Talakuda, who works as a magic lecturer and also works as a doctor in the town, is helpless.

Later, seeing that the child's condition did not improve, but became more and more crazy, shouting and screaming strangely, the magician had no choice but to use the magic of controlling the mind to understand the ins and outs of the matter.

The confused child lifted up his shirt, pointed at his heart and said, "Dad was placed here..."

Then he pointed to the abdomen and said, "Mom is here," then pointed to the waist, "Auntie is here," and finally pointed to the back: "Uncle is here,"...

The little boy's four relatives were disfigured by Bernardo in front of his eyes, and died in pain and agony.

He was spared because he was half mad, with tears running down his cheeks and a filthy face.

Just like the super-fast Jakarina from the orc tribe, her blood relatives died tragically in front of her eyes, and she suffered extremely painful mental injuries.

Afterwards, the magician and his men hurriedly searched the area and buried the bodies, but they could not catch Bernardo who had disappeared.

The reputation of the "face collector" also gradually spread, which once made many towns silent at night, and no one dared to go out alone.

It even became a strange story among the little magicians, and they couldn't sleep at night.

Later, Bernardo became a cadre of the Kaxiu faction's first combat group, alongside Richard.

"Niyali, you are a bit~ not worthy of your original status." Ye Lin laughed casually.

Since Nyari appeared from the Trapezohedron, she hasn't done many evil deeds, but she has done a lot of random good deeds. It's hard to believe that she is the "Great Evil God" of distortion and chaos.

Niyali sipped a cup of coffee comfortably and raised her chin proudly: "That's just a little bit of mercy that I give to mortals."

After drinking a cup of coffee leisurely, Naiyali moved towards Xiao Su, straightened her shapely and beautiful calves, swayed her pearly white and round feet, and suddenly asked with her smart eyes: "My black silk stockings" Which one do you want from Xiaosu’s white silk?”

Ye Lin quickly glanced at each other for a second, and then said seriously: "These are warm leggings, not stockings, so I choose Xiao Su."

"Bah, pervert, I won't give it to you." Xiao Su quickly pressed down the hem of her skirt, even though she was wearing safety pants, she felt uneasy.

It was as if his eyes could see through.

The temperature in the Demon Realm has always been cold, and autumn is gradually turning into autumn in Arad, with cooler mornings and evenings.

Xiao Su's exquisite short skirt with white silk and a pair of safety pants that made Ye Lin very unhappy are just right for keeping warm.

As for Naiyali's pleated skirt and leggings, Celia was worried that she would get cold after walking in the devil world, so she had to wear it.

"This is what Celia asked me to wear. Oh, I don't like it, so why don't I take it off." Naiyali muttered and sighed, raising her calf to raise the hem of her skirt.



With two completely different answers, Ye Lin and Xiao Su made eye contact.

"Apprentice, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!"

"Teacher, please restrain your perverted mentality."

Naiyali raised her skirt halfway, frowned again, and said seriously: "No, when I go back to sleep later, Celia will definitely ask me where my leggings are."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Lin waved his hand, as if he had expected it, and said confidently: "Just tell me, I will sleep on your pillow tonight."

"It's so shameless~"

Xiao Su, who murmured in a low voice, looked at him as if she were looking at humanoid garbage. She had washed the pair of stockings she had given him but then snatched back several times after taking them back.


Naiyali suddenly snapped her fingers, and Xiao Su beside her tilted her head and fell asleep, her face calm and peaceful.

She deliberately provoked Ye Lin with a look, caressed Xiao Su's soft white silk calves, and admired: "Xiao Su has indeed brought out the innocence of a girl and the beauty of the blooming season through the white silk silk."

Ye Lin nodded slightly in agreement, and stretched out his hand to hold Naiyali's slender ankle, scratched the sole of the foot, and then praised: "Such a soft little foot, it would be a shame not to step on the back."

One minute later...

Naiyali raised her pearly-white feet, stepped on his face lightly, crushed it a few more times, and asked lightly: "How is it? Do I have the same foot scent as Cyrus? Do you want to suck it?" Mouth."

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