Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,334 Where are Xiao Su’s stockings?

The morning was refreshing and chilly. The outer shell of EX Dornier was covered with condensation. The beautiful girls in short skirts and cheongsam also put on warm leggings that made Ye Lin resentful.

After being frightened and unconscious, Wanzi's second sleep was obviously more peaceful and deeper.

Wanzi, who was lying on his side and sleeping, hugged Siatt's waist tightly, his head buried in an astonishing depth, his little face was full of greed and comfort, so warm and fragrant.

"Damn girl, get up."

Ye Lin pinched Wanzi's pointed ears, pulled them back, and said dissatisfied: "That's my place!"

After breakfast, I stepped out of the warm and clean airship. What suddenly broke into my sight was a large area of ​​devastated ruins, the desolate legacy of a powerful civilization.

The environment is completely different from day to day, making people stand there with their heads in a daze.

"Boss, do you think that one day, skyscrapers will return to their former glory?"

The distant ancient Terra is glorious, a prosperous city of skyscrapers, with majestic buildings hundreds of stories high standing in rows. The streets are bustling with traffic and people are constantly coming and going.

"It is estimated to be difficult. The barren environment restricts the development of the population. Everyone is in danger, so how can we talk about a bright future."


Hutton Mar, Manor

After waking up, Xiao Su stood up and looked at the familiar room. She silently scratched her messy red hair, sat down on the bed with her knees bent, and fell into confused contemplation for a long time.

How come she couldn't remember at all how she fell asleep.

I remember that after the ghost story, Niyali dragged her to the demon world. Then Niyali glared at the face collector Bernardo, who went crazy and fell down the building to his death.

Then she went to the airship to drink a cup of coffee, and then...she couldn't remember it.

Could it be that there was sleeping powder in that cup of coffee?

Xiao Su quickly touched her clothes. The expensive student uniform was still on her body, her skirt and safety pants were also intact. There seemed to be no abnormality in her whole body, and there was no pain anywhere.

Just when Xiao Su was deeply ashamed because she had just a moment to suspect that her perverted teacher had done something wrong while she was asleep, suddenly...

She lifted the thin quilt covering her body, revealing a pair of soft white and delicate calves that were smooth and slender, and her pearly white toes moved.

"Where are my stockings?"


The Gray Cemetery and the Night Skyscraper are two areas that are almost right next to each other. On one side, there are tall buildings, telling the story of the prosperity of the Terran civilization in the past. On the other side, the tombstones are low, stretching into an endless area, explaining that everything will eventually come to an end. desolate.

Life and death are the most bizarre and stark contrasts in these two places.

The gray cemetery is overgrown with weeds and surrounded by vines. A few enchanting flowers bloom silently in charming and dangerous colors.

On the road leading to the cemetery, which is covered with dead branches and leaves, there is a huge dark gray stone tablet erected on one side of the road. On it is a deep warning written with fine carving techniques and special blue paint.

The curator raised his head and whispered softly: "Comfort these disrespected souls to rest in peace, and prohibit the study of Homonkuluz!"

There is a unique eye-like symbol above the text, which is one of the signs of the Second Apostle and is obviously the handwriting and warning of Herder.

After a good sleep, Wan Zi was full of energy again. He leisurely sat on the broom and pointed to the gray south direction and introduced: "Our Eldin Memorial Hall is about a hundred miles south of here, on the other side of the cemetery. Fringe, Lord Held had a seal on it because of the demon girl incident, but we secretly tore it off again, please come as a guest when you have time."

The difference between the two gathering places for magic scholars, the Eldin Memorial Hall and the Ancient Library, is that the latter is a place where ordinary magic scholars live and study. It also has a rich collection of more than 20 million volumes, covering all aspects.

In the memorial hall, many accomplished demon scholars gathered to conduct relatively high-end knowledge exchanges. At the same time, the collection of books contained mostly banned books that were also prohibited in the demon world.

In short, the Ancient Library is more like an elementary school where you are new to magic and have a passion for it, while the Memorial Hall is like a university where you have achieved academic success and started to have independent creativity.

But precisely because outstanding magic scholars have broader visions and more flexible thoughts, they also have different concepts of certain taboos.

For example, the "Devil Girls" organization.

Moreover, some magic scholars still believe that Homonkuluz's research is harmless, and are very dissatisfied with Herder's strict prohibition.

Why is it that the Eyes of Darkness are allowed to exist by default while the mortality rate is extremely high, but artificial humans are not.

"Actually, there is a stone tablet like this on almost every road leading to the gray cemetery. Lord Held has spent too much time on it."

Before Wanzi finished speaking, the shadow night owl sneaked out of her big hat and snatched a pack of maltose sticks from Mailu's hand, and then sat behind the broom to share with three other friends.

Compared with the silence and decay of the skyscrapers at night, the cemetery with plant growth has more subtle chirping of mosquitoes, which is cold and mysterious, but also the breath of life.

"When Mr. Held destroyed the artificial man, he just threw the remains into the cemetery." Maruko crossed his arms and felt the soles of his feet getting cold due to the atmosphere.

The most indispensable thing in the gray cemetery is the tombstones of different colors. With an old stone tablet and a few vague words, a life is buried here.

Suddenly a tombstone attracted Ye Lin's attention.

The tombstone was neither high nor big, so it was not conspicuous in the jungle of tombstones at first. But after the weeds around it were removed and the soil was renovated, it was obvious that it was a newly erected tombstone.

There is only one line of words on the tombstone, one name... Xislin!

"Could it be that he's from the Kaxiu sect..." Siatt frowned.

The cadre of the Kaxiu sect's intermediate plundering group, codenamed "Corrosion", Xislin of White Rust, one of the former members of the Devil Girl, the most talented but also the most troublesome one.

Her talent for magic is no less than that of the genius Iqi.

But he is also the only guy who was ordered by the second apostle Held personally to be wanted in the entire demon world. Even Ye Lin did not have such noble treatment at the beginning.

"This is a fake tomb."

Mavis shook her head in judgment, pointed to the cemetery and said: "Under that stone, the attribute of death has not come, it is empty."

Bang bang~

The crisp sound of applause is especially special in the empty gray cemetery. On top of a tall tombstone, there is a mysterious little girl sitting at some point.

She wore a tight-fitting red shirt with a light purple jacket, her slender calves were wearing over-the-knee white socks, and she was wearing a pair of small leather shoes, but they were all a little dirty.

"It's amazing. You can tell at a glance that the cemetery is empty." the mysterious little girl praised.

"Lalo?" Siatt was surprised, why is this girl here.

But then her eyes turned cold and she changed her tone and said solemnly: "No, you are Xislin!"

Apart from the differences in clothing, Lalo and Sisling's appearance can be said to be almost identical, whether it is facial features or hair color, including flat figures.

The difference is that now Lalo has gained some weight due to Ye Lin, and has a bright and shiny face. He usually wears a black and white maid uniform.

Because of his special friend Becky, Lalo also has a softer temperament and is now clever and eccentric.

But Sislin, who was sitting on the tombstone, had a gloomy face, a rabbit doll hanging around his waist, and a feeling of world-weariness and alienation between his brows.

The tombstone of "Xislin" was made for herself.


Xislin frowned suddenly, then became emotional and asked urgently: "Tell me, where is she?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but for a moment, Siatt seemed to see Xislin's arm turning into a black shadow.

The hazy light from the sky illuminated Xislin's body and cast a shadow, which turned out to be a huge head with thick hair and squirming hair.

"Everything you do in the demon world requires money. Do you want to have sex for nothing?" Ye Lin raised his head and said calmly: "Tell us the base of the Kaxiu sect and where Prey is. How about our information exchange."

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