Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,340 Sign a marriage application form


Bosem stared blankly at the document in his hand, frowning a few times and lightly opening his red lips, but in the end he hesitated to speak and sighed silently.

That’s it, that’s it, time waits for no one.

What she just meant was that we came in a hurry and didn't bring any valuable materials, so we will pay you the relevant compensation another day.

That is to say, it is a blank promise and a blind attempt to make a big picture.

After Tybols leaves the demon world, if you have the ability, you can chase him to the golden planet and ask for it, and we will pay in full.

However, Ye Lin suddenly took out a stack of documents and contracts, which was very serious and filled with a sense of ceremony.

However, Bosem could clearly sense that those were ordinary pieces of paper and did not have any special magical restrictions, such as that they must be fulfilled after signing.

So just sign, it’s better to do less than to do more, just be more neat.

She also didn't want Mr. Prey to cause any more trouble at the critical moment of returning to Tabors.

"That black dragon..." Bosem suddenly asked cautiously.

"The illegitimate son of King Baolong. Your heavy rain made his nest wet, so he is very angry." Ye Lin was talking nonsense, and lies were flying everywhere.

So at a square wooden table, Ye Lin, the debt collection representative from the Demon Realm, and Bosem, the debt collection representative from Tabols, sat together and signed a series of compensation agreements.

Ye Lin took out a box of red ink pad, smiled heartily, and said, "We believe in the character and sincerity of all our distinguished guests. This written contract is actually for me to give an explanation to the other residents of the Demon Realm."

With a suitable reason, combined with his fresh and elegant temperament and his clean and clear smile, Bosem, who was about to engage in prostitution for free, suddenly felt a little guilty in his heart.

No matter how many paper documents are signed, if we say goodbye this time, we may not have the chance to meet again in the future.

Because they were all paper without magical constraints, Bosem's signature and fingerprints were very casual, ignoring the strict text restrictions.

Basically, Ye Lin helped open a corner of the document, and she just wrote down her name and fingerprinted it, without even wanting to read the contents.

As the face-to-face distance got closer, Ye Lin had the opportunity to take a closer look at the very famous Queen of Flowers in Tabors.

Her skin is fair and delicate, her temperament is dignified and graceful, her noble and beautiful face always carries a smile that is full of gentleness and makes people feel close to her.

The gorgeous purple hair is naturally slightly curled at the ends. A bright yellow five-petal flower blooms on the temples next to the ear. The pure white and gradually golden dress has a row of lanyards at the back, and the six soft white petals of the wings are elegant. Holy.

She is a bright color in the gray cemetery, and the world seems to be a little brighter because of her.

Even though the cannibalized aura affected his mind and judgment, Bosem still had a fragrant and fragrant floral fragrance.

This wonderful fragrance seems a bit out of place in the gray cemetery environment, but it is very surprising and intoxicating.

Feng Ying gently sniffed the floral fragrance in the air, then leaned on Mai Lu's neck and took a deep breath before nodding in understanding.

The floral fragrance of our big baby Mailu is elegant and pleasant, like a pure narcissus, while the fragrance of the Queen of Flowers is more fragrant and warm, like a noble peony in full bloom.

Mailu is more like a girly version of Bosem, the next Queen of Waves.

"After signing, can we leave?" Bosem stood up and asked.

The noble queen who is in charge of flowers, plants and trees. Compared with ordinary people, her body shape requires you to look up. Even compared to another queen, Ravisi, she is not trying to make an concession at all.

Ye Lin was still sitting at the table sorting out information. He looked up after hearing the sound, and then his expression froze slightly.

If someone looked at the reflection in his pupils at this moment, they would be surprised to see that they are full of the fruits of the Queen of Flowers, fat, justice, and Naizi!

A few palm-sized gold leaves on the elegant dress silently support the weight that they cannot bear, because the gold leaves are limited in area and can only cover a small half, a touch of depth and the northern hemisphere, snow-white and shaking, makes people's heads dizzy.

The proud flowers and fruits are beautiful and elastic. Not only are they not cumbersome, but they are full of a round beauty.

He had seen the beauty of such extremely full curves in another person, the queen of Gruda, Sulfana, who was full of desert style.

He moved his eyes rather reluctantly, and then made subtle eye contact with Bosem's beautiful light blue eyes.


The eyebrows under Bosem's bangs suddenly frowned slightly, but they were well hidden.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt a very cordial affection for this person.

It's like singing under the sacred tree. The beautiful melody echoes the magic power of Zema Kule, which brings about the feeling of comfort and nature, and the spiritual feeling of being close to all things.

But he quickly shook his head secretly, Bosem suppressed his curiosity, and now escorting Mr. Prey back to Tybols is the top priority.

"Aike, let's go and catch up with Mr. Prey."

Bosem nodded to them and silently apologized in his heart, asking for compensation or something, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you.

Not even a dime~

Under the influence of the nibbling breath, she also became slightly darker.

The beautiful moonlight rainbow Aiike is like the graceful figure of the auspicious beast Qilin. Wherever it walks, a seven-color lotus will temporarily bloom.

But Ye Lin could completely sense that the seemingly colorful energy actually concealed a black and red violent aura.

The Queen of Waves left gracefully on the auspicious beast. As she was leaving, she looked back at Ye Lin deeply.

In addition to the followers in the Gray Cemetery, there are also some followers of Master Prey who have arrived at Staten Island early and are waiting near Mount Keretkill.

As Bosem gradually faded away from his sight, Ye Lin's gentle and clean smile suddenly turned cold, and he gave Rosewall a cold look.

The huge bat was suppressed by the invisible force, lying on the ground unable to move, unable to flap its wings, and left with Bosem.

Even though Bosam's cannibalized aura affected her ability to think and judge, and she mistook Isis for Prey, her attitude towards Rosewall has always remained indifferent and distant.

Rosewall was born ugly, with no feathers and only miscellaneous hair. He was full of stench and was afraid of the light. He lived alone deep in the cave all day long.

It was Prey, the brightest and greatest warrior, who took the initiative to accept Rosewall, guided it to the world of light, and allowed the light-chasing life forms to readily accept Rosewall's existence.

However, the Purple Rain disaster suddenly struck, and while everyone was bravely fighting against the disaster, Rosewall was afraid and secretly hid in the cave, unable to come out.

Some people were disappointed with its behavior, but no one blamed it, because Rosewall's flying ability was not outstanding, and it made no difference if there was one more of it and one less of it.

Until, it made a mistake that made the gentle and kind-hearted Queen of Flowers dissatisfied and angry.

Threkkun's older brother, Threkkun, is one of the few people on the planet Tabols who can fly at a high altitude, right next to Prey.

Slyklen followed Prey who was investigating the Purple Rain disaster and tried to fly higher into the sky, but eventually lost his strength and fell to the ground unconscious.

Rosewall was very envious of Sreklen's flying height, thinking that his tail feathers had a unique effect, so he actually stole Sreklen's tail feathers and tied them to his bare tail!

He wasted Gu Pre's kindness, had no respect for his brave companions, and took advantage of others' danger. No one was willing to forgive Rosewall.

Most races are afraid of the beast Sreem in the Swat jungle, but everyone is extremely angry about Rosewall in the dark cave.

Ye Lin deliberately relaxed his pressure, and when he got a chance to breathe, Rosewall flapped his wings desperately and hurriedly rushed into the sky to escape to Staten Island.

"Boss, did you do this on purpose?"

Mo Mei asked in confusion. Her first impression of the hairy bat was not very good, especially the previous ultrasonic attack, which was a big hidden danger.

Rosewall has low self-esteem and is shameless, but its power should not be underestimated and it is quite difficult to deal with.

"Well, when it escapes, it will definitely pass by the Night Skyscraper, and then~"

Ye Lin gestured with a bow and arrow, perhaps to attract the appearance of the Heavenly Bow Saint.

Next to her, Xiaoyu was flipping through the stack of documents signed by him and Bosem. The contents of the first few documents were quite normal, until...she pulled out a marriage registration application form with the fingerprints of Yelin and Bosem on it. .

"Hey~ You use the laws of Arad to regulate the noble flower queen of Tabors."


Ye Lin calmly grabbed the marriage application form and said confidently: "After the cannibalization breath is purified, the person involved will not remember much about the cannibalization. Maybe...she will take it seriously?"

"Ha, you think she is the silly and sweet Da Ke'er."

Siatt teased lightly. These pieces of paper had no binding force at all. At most, they could be used as a dark history of Bosem.

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