Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1344: Pig head, idiot, get to work.

Rosewall was scornfully called the Hairy Bat. Due to its own race and living in the darkness of caves for a long time, its eyes have become blurred, but its auricles have become particularly wide.

Sleikekun's seemingly reckless smashing of the building was actually intended to cause irritating noise, causing harm to the hairy bats and affecting their judgment.

It has failed Lord Prey's sincerity and the kindness of all the light-seeking races. His brother's tail feathers are still tied to his bare tail.

Since it's a bad thing that will never change, then just bury it.

On the rooftop of another skyscraper, Feng Ying used her little finger to pick out her ears rather inelegantly. She was full of disgust and said unhappily: "That big bird is too excited. If it were us, it should be done in ten minutes." Done."

A corner of the skyscraper area was filled with dust, which was choking and roaring.

It seemed that Sreklen had the absolute upper hand, chasing down the hairy bats and beating them fiercely.

But this is not the case. Rosewall also has some abilities. It can send out ultrasonic attacks that cut off rocks, forcing Sreklen to evade and dodge, and his speed and offensive capabilities are greatly restricted.

After a while, Sleikekun, who was injured himself, would probably lose his strength and slowly fall into a disadvantage, thus following in his brother's footsteps, his tail feathers would be plucked off, and he might even lose his life.

The hairy bat was camouflaging, deliberately looking decadent, letting the big bird waste its energy in vain.

Sure enough, just when Siatt's sword, Instant Shadow and Three Ultimate Cuts, accurately split open the sonic attack, Sky Srekkun suddenly let out a cry, blood spattered three feet from its right wing, and it dived and fell after losing balance.

Then, Feng Ying and Xiao Yu looked at each other tacitly, put the big black pot on Ye Lin first, and said righteously: "It's weird Ye Lin, he was the one who asked Slei Kekun to take off his armor."

Deep in a certain street, Ye Lin, who was pretending to be dead and waiting for the Holy Maiden of Heavenly Bow to approach, suddenly felt an itch in his nose, which made him almost sneeze.

After taking a look at the direction in which Srekkun fell, Siatt pressed his palms to express that he could not rush, and then analyzed carefully and said:

"That bat has very sensitive hearing and special echolocation. It can detect even small insects crawling over it, and its ultrasonic attack cannot be detected by the naked eye."

The most troublesome thing at present is the weird ultrasonic attack. Siatt has successfully countered it several times, relying on Mo Mei to sense the disorder of distant thoughts in advance and then calculate the attack path.

Moreover, Sleikekun unfortunately fell and got close to the bat, and the super-large-scale energy bombing was helplessly rejected.

"I can try to see if I can get close quickly and kill him with a single blow!" Gu Yu suggested excitedly.

She can form a shadow clone within the assassination field. The shadow is silent and perfectly hidden in the darkness cast by skyscrapers. She can try to kill with one hit in the shadow.

"Yeah, but we have to be prepared, Qianying and Wanzi." Siatt looked at the two of them.

It was normal to call Qiankage, what she was good at was her attack and killing ability, but Maruko was completely confused and scratched her head.

Could it be that this woman with a lot of fat accumulation was deliberately causing trouble, taking advantage of her position as captain in Ye Lin's absence to give orders from above, allowing herself to drive a frost drilling truck to hit the big bat head-on?

It's so evil, I have to find an opportunity to stuff an electric rabbit into her bed.

"Your provocation, Shu Lulu, is all for Gu Yu."

"Huh? Oh!"


Sleikekun, who fell to the ground, felt extremely regretful at this moment. He was so excited that he forgot to take off his armor for a moment.

No wonder my speed had increased by 20% just now. I thought it was because of my excitement.

Now that its wings were injured, it was in excruciating pain every time it waved, and the streets of the Night Skyscraper were too narrow to spread out, so it was almost impossible for it to fly into the sky again.

The cunning bat Rosewall showed weakness to the enemy, exhausted his strength, and finally got the better of him. He was standing on a balcony looking down arrogantly.

However, its eyesight was too weak and it could only see a dark blur below.

Another invisible sound wave attack passed by at high speed. Its keen ears could hear the blood dripping from the opponent's body. It stretched its wings with satisfaction and show off, preparing to enjoy its spoils.

There are no warm feathers on its body, only ugly gray-black down. The wing frame is covered with a layer of wing membrane, but it is not as majestic and domineering as a giant dragon. Instead, it is quite ugly and funny, like a piece of leather paper.

"Pig head! Idiot! Let's get to work!"

Rosewall, who had just relaxed, became wary again. He quickly turned his head in the direction of the sound source, opened his mouth and unleashed a fierce sonic attack. The hard stone ground on the street was chopped into sections.

Shu Lulu, the provocative doll deployed by Gu Yu through the assassination field, was also destroyed into demonic parts.

Wanzi felt distressed silently, and Siatt obviously had no intention of reimbursing her expenses.

"Pig head! Idiot! Let's get to work!"

There was another incomprehensible noise, but the source suddenly changed from behind him, which made Rosewall upset and temporarily distracted.

It's now……!

At the bottom of a dark skyscraper, only about ten meters away from Rosewall, Gu Yu and his shadow clone in the assassination field completed the position exchange.

The blood in her eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and the murderous intent was overwhelming. For her, this distance was already a sure kill, and there was absolutely no way to escape.

But in order to ensure that the assassination went smoothly, she raised her hand and threw out the remaining dozen Shu Lulu. The bouncing pocket mini-dolls were everywhere, "Idiots, pig heads, let's do the work..."

Not only Rosewall was panicked, but Gu Yu himself was also upset and angry for no reason.

I'll find a chance later and squeeze Wanzuo's little face. How can I tinker with these things?

Shadow Taboo!

The next moment, she suddenly appeared in Rosewall's shadow. By the time the bat sensed her presence, it was already too late.

Instant kill!

The blood-red figure glanced at the neck. Gu Yu's dagger was still sharp and not stained with any blood, but Rosewall's neck suddenly bled for several feet, and the wound was deep enough to see the bone.

"Tsk, tsk, what a joke, you almost soiled my dagger."

Just when the vegetable parrot landed on the ground, triumphant, a giant hand made of the power of shadow suddenly came out from the shadow, grabbed her body, and then sank into the earth.


But in the blink of an eye, the entire street was shattered into a spider web shape. It was a counterattack from Rosewall. The crisscrossing sound waves formed a large net, and there was no blind spot to escape when it was enveloped.

The neck was bleeding and seriously injured, the hair of the huge bat stood on end, and he became more alert to danger. He flapped his wings with several holes in them and tried to fly high to escape the nearby area.

On the street, Mo Mei made Qigong waves with her hands on her waist, and then suddenly pushed: "I'll give you a ride."

Energy-gathering air cannon!

A blazing energy light cannon hit Rosewall hard, scorching its fur, and forming a huge and unstoppable terrifying thrust, forcing the bat to slam down to a predetermined place.


Between the two buildings, there was a network of ghostly threads that was almost invisible to the naked eye. When Rosewall passed by, it seemed to be fine, but when it fell to the ground, it turned into a pile of foul-smelling pieces of meat. .

“It smells so bad~”

The curator threw a Suzaku Secret Technique in disgust and burned the giant bat's body.

You can record it in your notes when you have free time. Species: Tybols bat, as big as a cow, with gray and black fur, weird sonic attacks, and stinky flesh and blood. It is recommended to burn it.

The parrot whose life was saved by Mavis stuck out his tongue, coughed dryly and tried to save some face: "The bat is too big, contrary to common sense, and it couldn't find its throat."

"Oh~~we understand."

They all looked teasingly, but they didn't mean to laugh.

"By the way, that shameless guy hasn't come back yet?" Siatt carelessly stroked the blade of the sword.

"Where, maybe we are having sex with that Heavenly Gong Saint. Is she like Saint Obes?" Feng Ying put her hands behind her head with great interest.

"Ah, I'm quite interested too."

Siatt nodded in understanding, and then said with a smile: "Then let's go and see the beautiful saint together."

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