Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 134 The Living Hero

The central area of ​​Noipera is the place most seriously affected by the plague. It is impossible to have such soil. All we can say is that the plague has really dispersed!

The elders were unwilling to set their sights on Viola and responded with strong encouragement, expecting her to say something they wanted.

For example, she was threatened by You Yu, for example, the soil was dug at the entrance of Dark City...

"Elder Shaplen, how do you think we should decide?"

Queen Meia coughed slightly, unable to hide the joy on her brows. She seemed to be asking the opinion of the chief of the Senate, intentionally or unintentionally.

No matter which faction the figures were in, all their eyes were now on him, the chief of the Senate.

"Sending the prophecy, rescuing half of the residents, eliminating the plague, and purifying Noipela to eliminate future troubles, naturally we should be rewarded. We dark elves are not a stingy race."

Xia Plun groaned and then slowly raised his head, affirming the team's achievements. Just when the elders were sluggish like deflated beer, he quickly changed his words and said: "Bring that thing over here!"

Outside the palace gate, several strong dark elf warriors worked together to bring a giant hammer and ax weapon, placed it on the floor of the palace, saluted Meia and Shaplen and left.

A long-handled giant ax with a thick and long handle and gorgeous decoration. The ax blade made of mysterious golden material is extremely sharp, and there is still a trace of blood on it. Just sitting in the hall like this exudes a murderous atmosphere. breath.

"This is the battle ax of the dwarf tyrant Augustus. It was killed by the brave dark elf warriors! The dwarf king was expelled and the gold mine has been recovered!"

The crowd was filled with surprise and astonishment. Augustus had been killed?

How could they not know that they were of the same faction? Could it be that Xia Plun deliberately hid it as a trump card?

But this time the senators thought quickly and said in surprise: "Your Majesty, Augustus is a remnant of the era of Aragorn, the Lord of the Holy Spirit. He is of extraordinary significance to us dark elves!"

"Yes, yes, disclosing the results of both sides will help inspire the people!"

"Today is the dark elf's great day!"

Ye Lin's leadership in eliminating the plague was naturally a great achievement, but killing the resurrected Augustus was no less impressive.

If Meia wants to publicly publicize and reward, she must at least be fair, otherwise the Senate will not recognize it.

As for the casualties of the army, the senators did not even mention it.

The two major worries of the dark elves have been solved. Although Meia is the Queen and always behaves calmly and calmly, she is also overjoyed at this moment.

Today, the continent of Arad is experiencing sudden changes and disasters. It is really not suitable for civil strife to consume combat power. Xia Pulun is still willing to pay for the race. This is the best outcome that can be expected.

But regarding the issue of rewards and rewards, Meia had some difficulties.

Ye Lin is a human adventurer. Although racial barriers have been reduced a lot in recent years, they have not been completely eliminated.

Is it a reward for equipment or a noble official position?

Noipela is an unexpected incident. If he is included in the eighth hero, let alone the issue of different races, the Senate will not be able to pass the test.

As for Xia Pulun, he is the chief of the Senate, with a respected status, even second to himself, and his strength is extremely high, with almost no reward.

"Your Majesty Meia, it is better to let go of the merit rewards first. We now have a bigger crisis. The ancient tombs sealed by the third hero and the seventh hero have been opened by the Golden King Videl! A group of baroque demons are swarming. Come out, our soldiers are fighting on the front line."

Xia Plun turned around, and his eyes turned dark jade for a moment, but when he faced Queen Meia, they returned to their original state.

He bowed his hands and said, "I would like to go there in person and lead the army to suppress the ancient tombs!"

The whole place was silent and you could hear a pin drop.

All the elders suppressed their breathing desperately, wishing they could stop their heart and lungs first. Please wait a moment before jumping again.

Absolute shock, like five thunder strikes!

This was the first time that Shaplun paid homage to Queen Meia since he became the head of the Senate after the Balerian Incident.

What happened to him? As the boss, why don't you share your ideas and information with your younger brothers?

"Noipela's kindness will be remembered by the dark elf in his heart."

Xia Plun glanced at him, and then took the lead to leave, holding the scepter in his hand and striding like a meteor.

The confused elder of the Senate quickly followed. No matter what happened to Xia Plun, he just stood firm.

There were even a few people with great imaginations, their eyes burning with excitement. Could it be that Xia Plun was planning to engage in mutiny? That's why he personally led the army to conquer? It's possible!

When Minette passed by him, she quietly gave him a look, telling him to quickly come up with an idea of ​​what Chapron was going to do.

After the Senate faction members left, only a small half of the Queen's faction remained in the huge and glorious Palace of Government officials, who could not even sit on a quarter of the long table. This clearly shows the embarrassing situation of Queen Meia.

"The royal family has existed far longer than the Senate. It has become a kind of belief in our race. If Chapron rebels, he will not be able to pass the civilian test."

Queen Meia looked at the door of the political palace. Just now, Xia Pulun, who had always been at odds with her, actually bowed her hand and saluted, which really shocked her.

"I think so."

You Yu, who was leaning on a pillar, nodded seriously and said, "Although Mr. Xia Pulun is mysterious and eccentric and interferes in political affairs, the only thing you don't have to worry about is his loyalty to our race."

"Then what does his move mean? He's still killing monsters even though he's so old."

Ye Lin scratched his hair helplessly and didn't understand. Although the Baroque in the Ancient Tomb was an unexpected event, Xia Pulun, as the head of the Senate, had countless strong men under his command. He couldn't do the wrong thing by going to war personally at a very old age.

At this moment, a sudden realization flashed through his mind. The seventh hero Jarvan and the third hero Bach all sacrificed their lives because of the monster Baroque, and were memorialized as the most glorious "heroes" of the dark elves!

Xia Plun is now going to the ancient tomb in person. Could it be that he wants to become a "hero" with the highest honor?

This idea suddenly popped up, and the more I thought about it, the more likely it became, so I quickly told Meia my theory.

The Golden King Vidir unlocked the seal of Baroque. Facing the hordes of Baroque demons, Shapron suppressed them with force.

As long as everything goes well, according to his ranking, he will become the eighth hero of the Dark Elves, a living hero!

Because of the precedents set by Bach and Jarvan, Queen Meia must bestow the title of the eighth hero on Xia Plun, whether she likes it or not.

Then an embarrassing situation arises. On one side is the living invincible hero, and on the other side is Meia who has inherited the throne but has average strength. People's hearts will be biased towards...

Although the royal heritage will never disappear, it is inevitable that the power will be emptied by Xia Plun.

"Queen Meia, you have to go to the ancient tombs with me to save this possibility."

Helplessly, Xia Plun went to the front line in person. If he wanted to save the royal family, Meia had to go there in person and establish the majesty of the royal family.

"No!" You Yu flatly refused: "Xia Pulun is closely related to the Death Ball. What if there is an assassination?"

"Aren't you the night destroyers?"

"They are hiding and we are hiding. Even with double the number of people, it is difficult to guarantee the queen's safety."

"I have a Baihua who specializes in mind mask in my team, which can solve this problem."

"Youyu, I want to go!"

Queen Meia spoke slowly and stepped down from the throne.

Holding the scepter in her hand, she walked gracefully in front of Ye Lin. There was an indescribable determination in her charming red eyes, "I don't care about giving Xia Plun a higher reputation, but the power and majesty of the royal family cannot be in my hands." Throw it away, if you have a way, please... help me, Meia, and I will give you the reward you want."

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