Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,347 The Demon Realm is Really Bad

Demon Realm·Staten Island Area

As one of the eight areas in the prismatic structure of the Demon Realm, Staten Island is called the "Island" and naturally has many features that are unique from the other seven areas.

The geographical location is surrounded by the sea, and the nearest strait from other areas is dozens of kilometers wide. There are huge winds and waves in the nearby sea all year round, and the reefs and whirlpools hide many murderous intentions.

And a few years ago, the eighth apostle Lotus often wandered in this sea area, which made people in the demon world have a sense of awe towards the ocean.

Some coastal cities also had the habit of worshiping Lotus, the apostle of the sea.

In the Demon World, only the most experienced helmsmen can find a safe path in the rapids and waves, or they are strong enough to not be afraid of the turbulent waves.

The news that the third apostle Prey had turned black and had come to Staten Island with majesty spread like wildfire in the demon world, triggering a wave of heated discussions with different attitudes.

Some forces believe that since Prey has turned dark and behaves strangely, it is better to take advantage of the situation and let him go, so that the demon world can also find peace, which is the best of both worlds.

It is no secret that the apostles are “outsiders.”

However, some people hold objections and feel that there are many weirdness and mystery hidden in it. After all, Prey was one of the few apostles in the demon world who could be called a "kind" character.

If it weren't for Lord Held's outstanding achievements, Prey, who conforms to the concept of respecting the strong in the demon world, would obviously be more like the "light savior" who saves the suffering.

In short, all the forces and powerful people in the demon world are gathering towards Staten Island intentionally or unintentionally.

Prey's blackening is a big crisis, but it is neither an opportunity nor an opportunity. For example, no one has found the main body of the treasure "flame", which is an eggshell, except for Ye Lin who once obtained a small piece.

Legend has it that if you carefully nourish that flame with magic power, you will gain part of Prey's power!


EX Dornier slowly sailed through the turbulent strait. The dark black water was churning mysteriously and darkly deep. It is no wonder that Mr. Luo stayed in the sea of ​​​​the sky and was unwilling to leave.

Staten Island is called an island. The area is full of towering mountains, accounting for about 70% of the total. The mountains are extremely steep.

This also leads to the fact that although Staten Island ranks among the top three in terms of resources among the eight major regions and is relatively rich, the number of demons living on it is among the bottom three.

Cretekill Mountain is the highest mountain range in the Staten Island area. Its peak reaches into the clouds and rarely receives warm direct sunlight. Therefore, Apostle Prey lived on the highest peak.

"Wow, look, it's so scary." Mo Mei stood by the window and pointed to the Koretkill mountains at the end of her sight.

The vast and majestic mountains are now shrouded under thick black-red clouds, and the evil aura is almost substantial. From a distance, there is a suffocating feeling of strangling the throat.

From time to time, there was a roar of muffled thunder, and with a flash of lightning, a mountaintop was completely destroyed.

Half of the Staten area has been completely eroded by Isis' domain.

The monsters that originally lived among the lofty mountains have become increasingly violent and bloodthirsty, with different types of roars echoing in waves, refusing to give in to each other.

The curator checked the outer barrier, walked over and said worriedly: "I suggest stopping at the edge. There is an evil riot inside, and the barrier may not be able to withstand it. By the way, where is Ye Lin?"

"I'm here, just move forward, I'm in charge of the barrier." Ye Lin raised his hands at the entrance of the aisle and said, losing a little weight and looking refreshed.

Feng Ying, who was following behind, pouted her mouth in displeasure. The scumbag didn't understand how sympathetic she was, and she didn't even have time to change her feet, so she knew how reckless she was.

The numbness in the ankle of my right foot has not gone away, and I have a slight limp when walking.

Her waist is as slender as a willow, with ups and downs. When she swings left and right, it can send a person's soul flying out.

Mavis, who was passing by, patted her shoulder lightly, and said with a serious tone and a joking tone: "Now that I have replenished my energy, I must show off my sword fairy style later, and remember to wipe the floor clean~"

With a blush on her pretty face, Feng Ying immediately pretended to be angry, went to tickle her and said, "Your Shadow Escape is very useful. You often change jobs under our noses on purpose, and then leave a strange water stain behind. Don’t be ashamed.”

At the core peak of Koretkill Mountain, many strong men have gathered in the surrounding area, all coming for Spark and coveting Prey's power.

Although the third apostle has a brilliant record, can compete with the first apostle undefeated, and is famous far and wide, but the most indispensable thing in the demon world is desperadoes, with their delusions soaring into the sky.

There were many people who were willing to transplant the Kaxiu sect's Eye of Darkness, which had a terrifying mortality rate.

The core peak is like a pillar supporting the sky, piercing the sky. At the top, you can overlook the dark clouds that persist all year round in the devil world and glimpse the warm sunshine.

There is a smooth cliff in the middle of the mountain, which looks like it was cut with a knife. It stands thousands of feet tall and is difficult for even agile apes to climb.

In the entire demon world, in terms of height, there are absolutely only a handful of people that can surpass it. Silent City is one of them, and the core peak of the forbidden holy snow area is similar.

"In the past, thanks to Lord Prey's protection, the area here was warm and bright, but in recent days, the sky and the earth have turned dark, with black and red clouds. We all fled in fear."

The speaker was an old woman, leaning on a cane and sighing sadly.

She is a native of Staten Island. Although it is difficult to cross to other places due to the strong winds and waves, there is an absolute advantage: this area is quite peaceful and almost free of disputes with the world.

And as everyone in the demon world knows, Prey is used to flying back and forth between Staten Island and Harlem, and occasionally he will stay in Staten Island when taking a break.

Except for races with the ability to fly, ordinary people can only live in peace and ease here.

On the top of a relatively low mountain peak, a graceful figure stood gracefully. She held the notes that she always carried with her, and her eyes under the lenses were complicated but a little excited.

Monica used the excuse of traveling to search for ancient books and was going out for a while without telling Iggy.

The eggshell Ye Lin gave her had almost the same effect as she expected!

"If I can succeed, I might be able to uncover the truth about Gu Terra's demise and get a glimpse of the truth about the beginning that Reitz said." Monica murmured in a daze. She couldn't tell now whether she was simply seeking knowledge, or whether she was simply seeking knowledge. Violating taboos.

At the corner of another mountain peak, Niu's eyes were sharp and his momentum was high, and he kept scanning the towering mountain peaks in front of him.

Some people said that they saw Richard here!

Richard, who was not found by Ye Lin's full-metal torrent, and who has not appeared since the Demon Emperor's fall, why did he suddenly appear here again.

There had to be a break, so Niwu took the initiative to go after learning that Katie's condition had recovered.

She also heard about the news that the Kaxiu faction followed "Pure", but she didn't take it to heart. The Demon Emperor was dead, and it was impossible for the remaining defeated soldiers to cause much waves.

Ye Lin and his team landed in a remote corner, looking at the highest peak that looked like a city reaching the sky. Their eyes showed surprise. Isis was indeed at the top.

The many strong men who gathered around were even more fearful. The highest peak was now wrapped in black and red aura, and the mid-waist position was already turbulent, forming a huge vortex in the sky at the top of the sky. Everyone who looked at it was horrified.

There are many people watching, but only a few people dare to try to climb the highest peak. Firstly, they are afraid of the power of Black Prey, and also because the whole mountain is shrouded in an unknown and violent atmosphere. The closer they get, the more pressure they bear. big.

According to a strong man in the legendary realm, after climbing no more than a hundred meters, his shoulders felt like he was carrying a huge mountain, veins popped out on his forehead, and he was sweating profusely.

No one knows what will happen next, but everyone is curious. Prey's actions may change the direction of the demon world and affect the future era!

For example, if Prezin were to leave, Staten Island, which lacks a strong deterrent and is rich in resources, would inevitably cause a fight.

The so-called dangerous waves and reefs do not mean that there is no way to solve them, but the deterrents of Prey and Lotus before are too heavy, which makes people unable to breathe.

And there is another hidden thought, that is, if Prey can go to a living planet, can they follow it together?

The demon world environment is really terrible.

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