Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,356 Why is he still a good guy!

A sword was slashed out, and the cold light reflected the sky. The cold sword energy was just the slightest aftermath on the ground, causing a high mountain in an extremely distant place to be neatly divided and shattered.

Isis's black and red wings were extremely deep and hard, and the sword light criss-crossed, sputtering out large dazzling sparks, but the body was almost undamaged.

Ye Lin's taunting words completely angered Isis. His aura was dark and monstrous. He waved his hand and sent out a few air-piercing feathers, which penetrated the void and exploded like a destructive nuclear explosion.

Isis resented Prey for taking up more time, and the balance of Tabors' balance tipped towards the light. The time of darkness became shorter and shorter, and the rest of life became less and less.

When the number of Dark Chasers, that is, Sreem and other beings, dropped sharply to the point of extinction, "Isis" also lost its basis for existence.

When "Isis" is forgotten by everyone, it will usher in the end of annihilation.

It was only then that Isis awakened a new will - rage and hatred.

In the past, Isis was just the caller of the night, the waiter for the end of all things. He was not kind, but he was not evil either. He just performed his duties silently.

"What do you know! Ignorant foreigners, Prey and I are not only symbols of light and darkness, but also the embodiment of life and death in Tabors."

A black-red energy ball with a violent aura quickly gathered above Isis's head, and suddenly shot out an astonishing beam of light, which was extremely dazzling, as if it had broken through the sky.


The earth trembled violently, and the place where the beam passed opened a crack and an abyss, tens of thousands of miles away, and the planet seemed to be cut in half.

Ye Lin narrowly avoided another blow with the Dimension Traveling Star. He could hear Tabors' feeble cry, which was a tragic tribute to the greatest warrior.

Life and death?

He learned a secret and important information. I am afraid that the relationship between Prey and Isis is more complicated than Bosem and the others thought.

A sword shot through the sun, which contained the power of the original intention. Isis was also a little afraid and did not choose to confront it head-on.

The consciousness belonging to the genius Prey has not been completely extinguished so far. He is quite annoyed, so he has many concerns about taking action.

"Isis, I guess you originally wanted to kill everyone who knew Prey's name? In this way, no one will remember Prey and the consciousness will be naturally annihilated."

Ye Lin calmly analyzed the possibilities. Isis not only hated Guang, but also wanted to put pressure on Prey for her own experience.

When Tabors fell into eternal night, all the light-chasing races also perished, and Prey became unknown and lost the basis for his existence.

This is the safest way to eliminate another consciousness.

But I didn't expect an accident to happen. Even though Isis once cannibalized many of the strong ones in Tabors, the weak ones were even more powerless to resist. When they were about to succeed, they never expected that Prey was actually a good man in the demon world. !

In the chaotic and dirty demon world, there are many people who praise Prey's light. There are also many people who were saved by Prey, such as Arthur, the follower of Cang Lei, who regard Prey as a fanatical idol who knows his skin color.

If he wants to annihilate Prey's consciousness, he must use great power to crush the demon world as well, which once made Isis depressed and uncomfortable.

Therefore, he could only change to another method, which was to follow what Prey had done to him before, burying Prey's consciousness in the eternal darkness. The erosion of time would make Prey disappear into the invisible.

But before that, he had to completely control Tabors.

But Isis had no intention of chatting with him and just wanted to kill the flea cleanly.

It is said that those who are obsessed with the authorities can see clearly, but now it is exactly the opposite. No third person understands his special status and relationship with Prey.

In other words, I am not qualified to comment on their internal strife.

"My wind will cut through the sky!"

Isis stood proudly in the sky, waving her black and red wings that covered the clouds and the sun. She clenched the void in her hand, and the whole world began to riot and chaos.

Horus's remaining realm of light was completely shattered, and Tybors fell into darkness where he couldn't see his fingers. Destructive storms swept from all directions, easily shattering the mountains and the earth, and attacking the night forest in the center without blind spots.

Even people as far away as Staten Island in the demon world, looking up at Tabols above their heads, can clearly see multiple dark vortices surging on the surface of the planet, and sometimes lightning and thunder roar in the vortex.

The dazzling pattern master Niwu shines with golden light, and is divine and extraordinary. She holds a gun in one hand and looks heroic, and holds Richard's head in the other hand. She looks up at Tabors, her beautiful eyes like molten gold are full of solemnity.

A random dark vortex can easily wreak havoc and shatter one of the eight major areas of the Demon Realm.

This is the strongest apostle, is there the so-called power of Taichu? She is fascinated by it.

When those vortices closed and exploded, I don't know if it was an illusion. The huge planet shook like a sneeze, and it might deviate from its original planetary orbit.

Suddenly, the conqueror, who had been drinking in silence and was too lazy to chase Isis, his ghost-like face became solemn, the blood-stained steel blade was unsheathed, and he shouted coldly: "Attack that gap."

Ye Mingliu · Swift Wind Sword!

With the body of a hundred battles and the intention of killing, the moment the conqueror took action and drew his sword, countless people were shocked. It seemed as if a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared before their eyes, all slaughtered by one person.

Tybols merged with the exploding vortex hurricane, swept across the surface of the planet, and formed a destructive energy that rushed towards the demon world, the path of Isis' arrival.

If the demon world is hit and one of the eight sides, Staten Island, is crushed, it may be for the best.

Siatt and the others were awed. They didn't have much friendship with the conqueror, but they also knew that he was magnanimous and bold, and never cheated. The steel blade in his hand was the truth.

Sword of Glory!

Tianze Divine Dragon Formation!

The endless energy hedging exploded in the outer space of the demon world. The brilliant shock wave temporarily obscured the existence of Tabors. The entire sky was rendered in colorful and dazzling colors.

As for the status of Tybols' battle, no one knew, and Bosem and others were full of worries.

half a minute ago...

A starry river poured out brightly, Ye Lin unreservedly bloomed with the power of Wuxuan, Quan waved a sword that pierced the sky and merged with the power of Taichu, and cut out the Jinghong of Nirvana with coldness and strength.

He seems to have found a weakness in Isis, but a weak person who cannot survive is not qualified to continue the dialogue with Isis.

The whirlpool hurricane condensed, triggering a big explosion that shattered the strata. The sky and clouds in the entire Tabors changed rapidly, with heavy rain in the blink of an eye, dusk in an instant, and the light and darkness flowing uncertainly.

When everything was quiet, Ye Lin frowned and his face flushed for a while, and finally vomited out a mouthful of turbid blood. His body and bones were almost cracked, his internal injuries were serious, his hair was messy, but his eyes were particularly bright and clear.

"Prey! Don't even think about it!"

Isis roared into the sky, her whole body glowing with black and red light. In that dazed moment, a pair of his wings turned into blue.

The pair of wings behind Isis were bleeding and broken, the precision armor protecting her body was completely shattered, and there was a deep blood mark on her chest, flowing with blood full of depravity.

The loss of strength not only failed to kill the opponent, but completely awakened the unconscious Prey's consciousness and competed with him for body dominance.

Especially in some remote geothermal places in Tybols, there were also believers calling for Prey's return, which made Isis even more upset.

Under the influence of various factors, he was unable to exert even 10% of his power after devouring Prey, as if he was shackled by iron chains.


Isis threw a piece of feather of destruction and hit it deep in the earth in a very far place, in a geothermal cave where thousands of light-loving flying races lived.

Ye Lin gritted his teeth and immediately stepped forward to block the attack. He smashed the feathers that came with him with a sword and coughed up a mouthful of blood again. The lightsaber formed by Wuxuan's power in his hand also shattered into fluorescent light.

"Isis, I want to know what you mean by saying that He Prey is in charge of life and death?"

Although Wuxuan has not been able to completely restore his physical strength, Yelin still stands tall and straight, his eyes are like a torch, and he raises his hand to summon a rusty mysterious war spear.

Obtained from the demon moon Dralion, the elemental power of the beginning, Pushia's war spear!

Isis, who had regained his breath and suppressed Prey again, suddenly shrank his eyes when he looked at the war spear. Although it seemed to be flowing with the decay of time, he could still faintly detect a kind of supreme sacred majesty.

The war spear has not yet launched its offensive, but it seems to have affected everything in the world.

To be an enemy of the war spear is to be an enemy of the world!

Ye Lin has no idea of ​​using the elemental power of Taichu right now, so he only used it for show, to scare Isis, who was in poor condition.

He had no intention of fighting Isis to the end, because there was another apostle who was equally powerful and not restricted by external factors, and some traces of him had been discovered by Niyali.

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