Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1366 Antoun’s new home

next day

When the first ray of morning light appeared in the sky, Lu Fusong, the mother of Qing Yan, sent the dandelion elves to knock on the door of the airship and send a letter to remind them not to forget today's gathering event.

The curator, who always had a good routine, received the letter, read it and knocked on Siatt's room, reminding him: "Are you awake? Today is the day of Tabors' big party, so don't forget it."

Siatt, who slowly opened her eyes, held her forehead and thought for a long time before remembering what was going on. Then she lifted up the quilt and got into Mo Mei's side. With a clean kick, she kicked Ye Lin, who was in the middle, out of bed. Continue to be covered and prepare to return to the cage.

"Boss, why are you sleeping on the floor?" Mo Mei, who was awakened by the noise and stood up, rubbed her hazy eyes, covered her mouth and yawned, her shawl untied.

"It's none of our business, just keep sleeping. It doesn't matter if you get up at noon." Siatt muttered under the quilt, then pressed Mo Mei's shoulders back into the quilt.

Without that beast causing trouble, the bed is more empty, and I can sleep peacefully and comfortably.

Neither of them understands natural magic, so they can't help at all next, so they might as well go back to sleep and rest their tired bodies.

Under the thin silk quilt, there are two perfectly curved bulges, and the two little faces with a slight blush in the morning are the most beautiful.

Ye Lin tried to get closer and made breakfast with four large pieces of red pearl pudding, but the sudden appearance of a mental energy mask caused pain on the tip of his nose and forehead.

"Mo Mei! Don't you love your boss anymore?"

"Well, when I go back to sleep, I don't love anyone." Mo Mei muttered with her eyes closed, her face looking content.


Tianjiao Pulei has summoned clear light, the sky is blue and the clouds are rolling, and the cold earth is gradually recovering, and the land contains a trace of mysterious vitality.

The Queen of Flowers, Posthem, took the lead in arriving at the southernmost tip of Tabors, and will sow thousands of seeds with the gentle breeze to restore the beauty of the golden wilderness in the past.

Ye Lin, who had not eaten breakfast, also set out for the extreme north, where the Blazing Flame Gardraken lived. He and Bosem advanced together from the south to the north, and eventually met at the central equator, and worked together to plant the holy tree. Makure.

"Although I have absorbed the heat of the sun, I still cannot exhale the heat all year round. There will be winter in Tabors." Gadraken's voice was low, with a hint of regret. Every feather on his body was as red as flames.

In the past, when Prey visited Gadraken's territory, he would ask for permission in advance, which shows his high status.

Ye Lin, who was preparing to work, smiled softly, but did not think this was a shortcoming, and said: "Arad has four seasons throughout the year, from rebirth to enthusiasm to withering, and then ends, and the cycle goes back and forth, just like the life of life, the four seasons, There’s actually nothing wrong with it.”

Tybols before the Purple Rain disaster was too idealistic and utopian.

The light lasts forever, the year is like spring, the weather is smooth, everything is rich and fertile, and there are no wars. It is probably not an exaggeration to say it is a fairyland paradise, which can make the devil's eyes red with jealousy.

Now the equilibrium has been tragically broken, and the beautiful paradise has fallen into mediocrity. The losses have been very heavy, but in some respects, it is not a good thing, and a lesson and experience has been gained.

"hope so."

Every feather of Gadraken was glowing red. It flew towards the sky and circled soaring. It took a deep breath of air and rolled up the air vortex, as if it was sucking the cirrus clouds all over the sky into its lungs.

After a pause, he breathed out a terrifying, fireless heat stream that could distort space.

The fireless heat flow turns into a powerful warm air, which will quickly sweep through most of Tabols. The soil will thaw and the climate will become warmer, allowing all things to sprout and grow, and life will continue.

The heat breath does not need to be carried out all the time. Once every two or three days can maintain the warmth of Tabors. The effect is significant and amazing.

Generally, the hottest place on a planet is near the equator, but due to Tabors' unique ecological environment, the polar north is extremely hot, and the air seems to be ignited and scorched.

Gardraken finished his work, and the color of his feathers gradually turned dark red. He raised his head and said to Ye Lin: "I have an idea, but it may be difficult to put it into practice. I saw it in the ocean of your heaven. A giant flame beast as big as a mountain."

"You mean Antuen?" Ye Lin was surprised.

"um, yes."

Gadraken's idea was to move the big turtle sleeping on the sea to Tabols.

The giant beast possesses the power of fire in its body that makes it even palpitate. If they can communicate and cooperate with each other, one in the south and one in the north, maybe they can work together to maintain the warm ecology of Tabors.

"I guess that's not possible." Ye Lin shook his head and said, "Antuen's race is Odin, a gluttonous beast. It is keen on devouring resources, and then... eh."

Ye Lin had a strange look on his face. After thinking carefully, he accidentally discovered Gadraken's idea. Maybe he could really give it a try.

The big turtle now has a rich black nightmare, and it can replenish its body needs by eating light. In fact, the demand for external resources is no longer as hungry and thirsty as it was when it fell into the Siman Industrial Base.

In fact, Antuun does not need to breathe fire to maintain warmth. It can be used as a backup to provide heat when Gardraken is inconvenient.

Moreover, when he took the Wuxuan Seed from Agnes, he promised to find a resource planet for the Tartan tribe. He originally planned to send it to "Yudia".

"I will ask Prey for his opinion and Antoun's opinion."

Ye Lin nodded slightly to the King of the Polar Regions, then closed his eyes, and his spiritual power spread mightily, covering the entire polar region in an instant.

His breath is fresh and natural, his vitality is vigorous, his whole body is green and misty, and he contains the vitality of the rebirth of all things.

Ye Lin fell from high altitude and stepped lightly on the ground, and a new green grass sprout sprouted from the ground beside his feet. After a while, a green rain seemed to fall on the earth, and new vegetation sprouted out one after another, and then stretched out, tender and fresh. The leaves stretch like a blanket.

"It is worthy of being the first plant to take root in the earth. It has the power to make all things reborn and start life." Gadraken sighed. The proud King of the Polar Region bowed his head to him and expressed his sincere gratitude.

Ye Lin walked a thousand meters at a time, and wherever his body passed by, the earth was completely revived, and new green plants emerged like a tsunami, sweeping across the desolate land.

Many native seeds of Tabors that were buried on the ground due to the turmoil and ice quickly took root, sprouted, and grew vigorously.

At the highest point of Tabols, the genius Puri, who called for light, also bowed slightly to express his thanks where Ye Lin couldn't see him.

He will be Tybols's forever friend, even if the identity of the Trial Blade in the future may offend the apostle in the central square.


Behind Ye Lin, thunder suddenly rolled, and deep rain clouds accumulated. The sweet rain began to spread through the clouds, and with the blessing ability of ancient elves, it dropped new rain that nourished all things.

At the other end of Tabors, the Queen of Flowers was elegantly dressed and dancing with the wind, singing a beautiful and charming song, and sowing colorful flower seeds with her bare hands.

Behind her were nearly a hundred dandelion elves, singing along with unorganized but expectant voices, while manipulating gentle breeze magic to blow the seeds in all directions.

Plessus of the New Green repaired his spear in the temple and threw it from a distance towards a lake polluted by purple rain. The turbid water was purified and became crystal clear.

Although things are looking up in Tybols, how the evil purple rain happened is still a mystery that no one knows.

The floating islands in the sky also rose into the sky again, shrouded in clouds and mist, filled with aura, like beautiful silk ribbons hanging down from a fairyland.

Hiatt and the others stayed in bed late to wash up and eat. Although they couldn't fly, the curator controlled Dornier to hang in the air, so they could still enjoy the beautiful scenery of Tabors.

Mo Meizi brushed his teeth carefully. The cool mint washed away the smell of heather. He wiped his mouth with a towel. While tying his buns and twin tails, he sighed with admiration: "Tabbers, the beauty is a bit unreal, Bichmann." The poems are even more dreamlike."

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