Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,368 Yellow Bird Sirocco

"Ye Lin, I heard Lord Lu Fusong say that you tricked her into signing a series of contracts?" Bosem deliberately did not mention the serious matter of the origin of the holy tree.

It's not that she doesn't want to give it, but the beautiful scenery in front of her is so comfortable and comfortable that talking about serious things always seems to spoil the leisurely mood.

Don't always practice cultivation. Appreciating flowers and plants more can help cultivate your sentiment and cultivate your character.


As soon as he heard this word, Ye Lin's originally elegant smile suddenly became a little stiff. At the same time, he secretly complained that the intellectual and gentle flower girl Bosem could actually have a dark underbelly and cleverness.

Although the treaty he and Lufusun signed in Arad could be called "unilateral oppression," Lufusun was completely willing at the time and only wanted to get the light of Tabors.

Now Bosem suddenly used the word "cheat", which seemed to mean he planned to default on the debt~

And the most important thing~ He asked Bosem to sign a series of compensation contracts, including a marriage application form, which was also...a lie.

Therefore, Ye Lin seemed calm with a smile on his face, but he was already feeling a little guilty.

In fact, Bosem just picked a topic casually. From her perspective, the word "liar" was just a joke.

Just when they were chatting last night, Lu Fusong mentioned that he still owed Ye Lin 10,000 tons of Ulimun cotton... which immediately frightened both her and Alexandra.

The current low productivity of Tabols will probably not be repaid in a hundred years.


Ye Lin felt guilty, his eyes a little evasive, and explained: "Actually, it doesn't have to be cotton, other specialties can also be used, such as your ore..."

He generously waived the remuneration contract, but the content had already been shown to Celia in advance, and Sai Fupo was eagerly waiting to make a big fortune using Tabol's specialties.

When he returns to Arad, he won't be able to bring anything out, and he will probably have to compensate Sai Fu Po for the money he is short of. He can't leave the bedroom even half a step without four or five "positive" words.

Bosem was stunned for a moment, then smiled, so beautiful and brilliant that he was in a trance for a moment.

"I'm just teasing you. Your kindness to us, Tabors, even if you supply all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures for a hundred years, we have no objection at all."

The chat topics were very casual and relaxed, ranging from Arad to the Demon World, from the Golden Planet to the Purple Rain Disaster. Unknowingly, the state of mutual empathy was successfully re-established.

Suddenly there was a hint of resonance, Bosem breathed out softly to stop the topic, like the fragrance of orchids, and then tapped the sacred emblem between his eyebrows.

The subtle perception of the mind, no need to speak words, everything is clear and clear.

Ye Lin gently and carefully lifted the bangs on her beautiful forehead, for fear of damaging her smooth and flawless skin like white jade. A holy tree emblem made Bosem's aura become more dusty and ethereal, and her appearance was alluring.

"Um..." He hesitated for a moment, but thought it would be better to confess, and said: "When I was in the Gray Cemetery, I tricked you into signing a series of contracts, including... a marriage application form."

Taking into account Shilok's foreknowledge, when he obtains the origin of Zema Kure, it is very likely that he and Bosem will reach a state of deep empathy, where the spirit and memory are closely integrated and indistinguishable. At that time, all secrets will be completely frank.

Naturally, Bosem would find out that he couldn't hide his little tricks, so it would be better to confess them directly in order to be lenient.

The marriage application form was written in black and white, with the names of the two people written on it and red mud fingerprints, but it did not have the ability to magically restrict both parties. Even in Arad, it may not be recognized by the law of the Principality, because it is just an application form, not Formal marriage certificate with official seal.

Ye Lin was ashamed and a little embarrassed. Although he had always been thick-skinned, in front of his mature and intellectual sister, he would always turn into a young and hungry child, crying for food.

"I'm sorry about the application form, but my fiery heart is definitely hotter than Gadraken." Ye Lin apologized sincerely, and took advantage of the opportunity to express his love for the Queen of Flowers.

Even though a marriage application form does not have binding effect, it is written in black and white and has his own red mud fingerprints on it. Bosem feels that it is a bit subtle emotionally.

I can't say she's angry or disgusted, it's just weird and a bit regretful, because she is very similar to her in every aspect. The cute and intelligent Mailu is indeed not her biological daughter.

Yelin took the application form and was about to fold it, but Bosem pulled it away with two fingers. She secretly thought that she was really careless at the time. What if it was an unfair magic contract?

Suddenly, as if she hadn't caught it, the application form swirled in the wind, floated over the dandelion fields, and then landed somewhere unknown.

Bosem seemed stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly and said, "This gust of wind may have been caused by Tritula somewhere."

"I'll find it!"

Ye Lin hurriedly got up and ran towards the golden field. Beside him were waist-length golden dandelions. When they swayed, their soft down fluttered, flying to higher and farther places with the breeze.

Bosem's red lips parted slightly, and she looked at his back as if she wanted to say something, so she might as well help to find it as well. It would be embarrassing if the application form was blown to someone else.

After about ten minutes of touching, the two looked at each other and smiled heartily. The form that had just flown away was sandwiched between the leaves of a dandelion.

The golden and beautiful ocean of dandelions, the elegant and noble queen of flowers, her tranquil beauty is unparalleled in the world, and the stunning golden fields are even less than a ten thousandth.

Overwhelm a piece of golden dandelion, create a clean circular space, and cover it with a moisture-proof fleece blanket.

Bosem was familiar with the knowledge of flowers, plants, and trees, but how to provide him with the original power of the holy tree was an area he had never touched before.

"Just relax your mind and body. Wuxuan is the beginning of all things. The sacred tree affected by the breath will automatically feed back its power. This is a mutual cycle process, which will be beneficial to Zema Kule and you to a certain extent."

He took a pair of slender white Rouyi, and took the initiative to send the pure power of Wuxuan to nourish Zema Kule first, and then the holy tree's affinity for his ancestor Wuxuan would soon feed him back. .

The comfortable energy quickly swam through her body. Bosem twisted her eyebrows and bit her lower lip, almost moaning. The origin of the holy tree in her body was indeed cheering for joy, and the degree of mutual empathy was gradually moving forward. A higher level.

The rhythm of her breathing and the flow of magic power throughout her body gradually came into perfect agreement with Ye Lin's, and her clasped hands seemed to form a perfect cycle.

The moment he reached a deep resonance, the first thing that came to Bosem's mind was the cold and dark Isis, who was full of depravity, wantonly summoning eternal night in Tabols, and the first-person perspective of Ye Lin and Isis. fierce fighting.

Oh my God!

Bosem was completely shocked. Although she had witnessed the treacherous clouds of Tabors when she was in the demon world, she was also amazed by the fight between Ye Lin and Isis. The sky was shattered, the mountains were flattened, the plains were sunken, the lakes were blocked, and the floating islands Falling etc...

But now from the first perspective, she truly understood and deeply felt the immense pressure Ye Lin was under when facing the "greatest warrior". When she looked at him, it felt as if invisible giant hands were strangling her throat, suffocating her heart and lungs. Painful.


His lips parted slightly, Bosem closed his eyes, looking respectful and grateful.

She didn't actually need to speak. Ye Lin, who was in deep empathy, could understand what she was thinking and what she was going to say next.

Soon, Zema Kule's origin responded and began to feed back his evolved characteristics and advantages to Wuxuan.

The silver sacred tree is characterized by its protective nature, the peace sacred tree Yudia enhances the affinity with all things and kills evil, and the flower "Shirok" is domineering and aggressive.

Zemakure lives in the quiet and peaceful Tabors. Apart from the influence of natural weather, it is carefully cared for by Bosem and the elves and does not have any very extreme abilities.

One of its characteristics is its majestic power and incredible magical power. Its branches made Alexandra a sky bow, which was extremely powerful.

Then there is coordination, which promotes the harmony and vigorous growth of all things, similar to the low-end version of the initial Wuxuan, and the richness of the Tabors Wilderness.

As well as the basic characteristics shared by holy trees, the purifying effect on the corrupted atmosphere.

The most important characteristic ability is growth!

Zemakure is like Yuena's divine blessing, which can greatly enhance the original power of the recipient. It is like a mild and harmless catalyst, and does not have the side effects of using Terra Stone as a magic catalyst.

The magic power is connected and circulated, the spiritual depth is shared, and the origins echo each other. In the process of dual cultivation, Ye Lin only gets what he deserves, and his realm is steadily advancing, getting closer and closer to the pure beginning.

But because the cycle is two-way, Bosem got greater benefits from the shock. Not only was his strength elf, but his appearance also became more icy and jade, and his temperament was extraordinary.

In addition to being greatly surprised, Bosem also spied a cold, beautiful and majestic noble woman from his memory. It turned out that he had already done a similar double cultivation with him.

"Sirok, is it also Lavisi?" Bosem murmured this name, as if she had heard it in the devil world.

Like Mr. Prey, he is one of the apostles and can change his form. Unexpectedly, his true form turned out to be a strange flower.

Suddenly, a strange gust of wind blew by, and the marriage application form that had been put aside "happened" to fly into Bosem's hand.

Ye Lin spread his hands to express that he did not do this, and then said thoughtfully: "God's will? Tabors' blessing?"


A small floating island in the sky

Shilok crossed her legs inelegantly and peeled an orange in her hand. The corners of her raised mouth were black and sharp, as if she were smiling but showing off her majesty and dignity.

"She is indeed the noble and beautiful Queen of Flowers. Her plump and proud figure alone makes me inferior."

The charming Hanil, who was waiting respectfully on the side, hesitated for a moment and then asked in a low voice: "My Queen, if you also need the power of the Holy Tree, you can do it when you are in the demon world. Why do you have to go through your male favorite?" Where’s the link?”

"First of all, I just found out that the origin of the Holy Tree lies in the Queen of Flowers. Fortunately, I secretly wandered around Tabors and was almost discovered by Prey."

Shilok threw the last orange segment into his mouth and continued: "Secondly, I can be nourished by other holy trees on his body. Thirdly, and most importantly, it feels good!"

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