Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,371 Complaints from Prey

The water mist is filled with steam, and the small hot spring pool has a pleasant fragrance of flowers. There are fairies bathing and washing away the gelatin.

With her jade feet stepping on some rough rocks, Bosem put on a dress with elegant and elegant fabrics, and there were crystal drops of water falling from the ends of her hair.

Although this floating island is relatively small, its infrastructure is well-equipped, and the dandelion elves take good care of it.

"We have to go to Lu Fusong's place quickly. We are two days and two nights late." Bosem's face was rosy, his features were bright, and he occasionally showed a hint of anger in his eyes.

The delicate and translucent white skin becomes more delicate and breakable after the flower petal bath. The virtuous, soft and dignified temperament also has a more mature and attractive charm.

"The origin of Zema Kule in your body has evolved. This is a very suitable reason, so it's not too late for us to have something to eat." Ye Lin pointed to the tea table next to him with a smile. He was already preparing Hot tea and snacks are ready.

For two consecutive days, I practiced diligently among the dandelions in the golden fields. I worked day and night. Although I ate a lot, I was not full.

The food Bosem eats is nutritious, and the water he drinks is sweet. They complement each other and seem to be endless, implying that the world is endless and the true meaning of Yin Yang and Tai Chi is supreme and wonderful.

As soon as he lifted it up, Bosem touched his belly, which was as soft as a blanket. It had been two days since he had eaten anything seriously.

Bosem ate the honey-osmanthus cake he brought and casually chatted with him for some time. He often smiled and had a bright and charming style. The whole floating island seemed to be much brighter.

Although the relationship is very close, she rarely has time to talk, and there are many things to talk about.

The floating island in the sky was filled with mist, and fairy silk ribbons hung down. Bosem couldn't help but unfold the beautiful and soft wings behind him, as if he wanted to fly in the wind, his fat body rose and fell, and there was a fairy sound that lingered in his ears.

Ye Lin also devoured it. The ultimate state of empathy is that you are in me, and I am in you.


Lu Fusong, the mother of Qingyan, looked at the vast wilderness. The wind was gentle and the clouds were light, and the earth was green and full of life. She saw the changes in the past two days and was happy in her heart.

However, the two principals, Bosem and Yelin, seemed to have evaporated, without even a trace of them.

She originally wanted to ask Prey to look for it from the highest point, but she was too embarrassed to trouble Mr. Prey who was recovering from such a "little thing".

"I saw the two of them!" Alexandra said suddenly pointing in one direction.

"Where?" Gan Lin was confused, she couldn't see anything.

But Alexandra is the most accurate marksman in Tabors, with extremely far-sighted vision, and although she is a bit fond of pranks and is not frank, she does not deliberately lie.

Sure enough, not long after, a beautiful cloud flew from the sky. Bosem held a flower stick, as beautiful as a fairy descending to earth, and landed gracefully on his tiptoes.

"Sorry, we delayed some time, but it was very fruitful and related to the future of Tabors."

A group of dandelion elves clapped their hands and cheered, but Alexandra and Gan Lin curled their lips and were too lazy to point her out.

Bosem has a gentle and serious temperament, which is very trustworthy and reassuring, and she never shows off her achievements. She usually does not say anything serious like "about the future of Tabors".

Unless there is a real surprise, or a guilty conscience... maybe both.

"It's okay, I'll call everyone." Lu Fusong was relieved.

Lu Fusong spread his wings, and a stream of green flames flew into the sky like fireworks, forming the beautiful posture of a peacock with spread wings, calling everyone who was leaving.

About an hour later, many races with beautiful wings gathered here from all directions, but they all stopped respectfully at a certain distance and looked expectantly towards the center of the venue.

Later, some strange-looking beast races gradually gathered around the edge, often letting out some surprise roars.

The dense forest of Swat between the distant mountains is the gathering place of the dark-seeking race. Even though they don't like the light, they gather silently at the edge and look at it.

Moreover, in the future, the light and darkness of Tabors will be eternal, and the Dark Chaser race will have more time for activities, and all things will be balanced. The originally ferocious faction headed by Beast Sreem will lose the meaning of continuing to exist.

The planting of the sacred tree is related to the entire Tabors. After all, the Swat Jungle is also a part of this planet.

Although Bosem arrived two days later than planned, by chance, more Tabols residents gathered.

Ye Lin has no wings behind him and is not as tall as some flying races. Except for those who are familiar with him, he is quite inconspicuous in the field.

"This kind of harmonious situation among all races must be something that only Tybols now has." Ye Lin sighed, took a sip of refreshing orange juice, and then frowned slightly.

I drank too much luscious toilet water, and the refreshing orange juice gave my sense of taste obvious stimulation.

Suddenly, between the clouds in the sky, there was a chirp that penetrated the clouds. The genius Pule summoned the clearest light, with a majestic and gentle aura.

Prey's appearance immediately ignited the solemn silence of the scene and ignited the noisy enthusiasm.

At least over 10,000 flying races were seen, and they spread their wings and flew around Pulei. For a moment, it blocked the sky and the sun, and the wind roared, but there was a very harmonious beauty.


All of a sudden, all the beasts roared, causing the forest to tremble. Ye Lin was so excited that he almost threw away the juice in his hand. He stared blankly at a khaki wolf next to him, with bone spurs on his back, and he shouted very loudly.

Brother Diao's popularity in Tabers is truly "idol" level.

Moreover, this form can be regarded as a tradition of Tabols. As the highest, Prey has the power and responsibility to assume the leadership responsibilities.

Another well-known tradition is that during the harvest season every year, the dandelion elves will gather to present the most exquisite dress to the Queen of Flowers.

Bosem also complained two days ago that because it is "traditional", the Queen of Flowers cannot modify it arbitrarily. As a result, her own floating island in the sky is now covered with at least a thousand dresses...

If it weren't for the impact of the Purple Rain disaster, which had no choice but to suspend the tradition, there would now be hundreds more pieces of clothing in Bosem's wardrobe. Even if he changed one piece a day, it would take several years to rotate it.

The most important thing is that her dress is specially made according to her body shape, and ordinary people like Alexandra can't wear it.

Therefore, the grand and glorious scene now is actually the restart of the "traditional ceremony", which is why it has such a grand scale.

The curator held up an ultra-clear camera, trying to capture this precious image. The rituals of the flying race from another world are definitely information that has not been recorded by the GBL religion or even the ancient library with 20 million books.

Tabors is gentle and kind, but because of the Purple Rain disaster, he is now highly wary of outsiders.

Maybe, they will be the only ones who can witness the traditional ceremony of the golden planet, which is certainly worth commemorating.

And there may not be a chance to watch it again for many years to come.

Mailu stuffed a mouthful of almond chocolate, then looked up strangely, and Mi Gao spread her holy wings without knowing anything, and rushed into the sky to play behind Pui.

Many flying races didn't recognize this unicorn that suddenly appeared, but its aura was full of nature, holy and pure, and made people feel close to it, so they just let it come.

Astra also spread her wings...and then rubbed against the rock next to her, causing sparks to fly and seeming a little itchy.

Prey took tens of thousands of flying residents thousands of miles away, and then rode the breeze back around. The ability to fly freely was a unique advantage.

Just when Ye Lin thought that the Queen of Flowers would hold a tree planting ceremony next, something unexpected happened...

Brother Diao cleared his throat, showing obvious signs of hesitation. He glanced at where Ye Lin was, and then... showed off his charming singing voice.

Prey's singing voice is full of unique magnetic charm, melodious and beautiful, surrounded by mountains and forests, attracting people to listen up and be surprised.


Ye Lin squirted out a mouthful of juice and almost choked his throat. His face turned red and he waved his hand to the wolf next to him, "Sorry, I couldn't help it... haha..."

Tianjiao Pule's singing voice is not bad, but it is very personal and magnetic. If he were in the heaven, there would be no problem in holding a concert or anything else.

He had heard Alexandra say a long time ago that Tianjiao Prey was not only the tallest and strongest, but his singing voice was also first-rate, not inferior to Lord Bosem.

It just feels a bit weird. The famous third apostle in the demon world, the most powerful man who fought with Kahn for four days and four nights without losing. His majesty frightens the demon world and no one dares to offend the Staten Island area.

And now Prey is bathing in the light and singing heartily. Compared with the cold and silent posture of the otaku Kahn, it is indeed a bit surprising and lacks the majesty of a strong man.

Yelin was silent for a moment, then silently took out the camera...

He didn't understand Tabor's song, and now that Bosem and Alexandra were flying along, no one had time to explain it to him.

However, this kind of ceremony is nothing more than praising the abundance and praising the golden planet.

After about half an hour of touching, Prey's ceremony finally came to an end. As the last note fell, the sky in Tabors was so bright that it was actually a bit dazzling, spreading another kind of warmth that belonged to the light.

Next is the tree planting ceremony in Bosham. Although it has not been done in Tabors before, it does not prevent it from becoming a tradition from this year.

Bosem made an elegant and beautiful appearance, her gorgeous dress fluttering in the wind. Following a group of delicate dandelion elves, she was about to plant a holy tree and completely open up a new future for Tabors.

Just when everyone's eyes were fixed on the graceful Bosem, Pui spread his wings and landed next to Ye Lin who was hiding in the corner.

Strictly speaking, this was his first close meeting with Prey.

The atmosphere couldn't be called tense, but it didn't seem harmonious either... Prey's sharp eyes seemed to see through his psychology and the hands behind his back.

"Give me the camera." Prey stretched out his hand.

"Ah? What did you say?"

Ye Lin was stunned and tried to pretend to be ignorant and get away with it.

However, Pui suddenly punched Ye Lin in the face, and the strong wind blew Ye Lin's broken hair.

Ye Lin showed no fear, because he did not feel any killing intent, but the camera in his hand suddenly exploded into pieces.

"Your uncle, this thing is so expensive! Pay it to me!" Ye Lin's face was full of anger. This guy is too unreasonable.

"I have a hunch that I will go to the Demon Realm again. There is a big secret hidden there, which is the reason why Kahn is stationed there." Prey's eyes were far away, and he didn't listen to the words of "compensation" at all.

He still has a lot of followers in the demon world, and his image in the demon world is also kind, majestic, upright, and very prestigious.

It would be quite weird if Yelin gave the scene just now to Katie and Arthur and the others to watch it...

"Compensate! I just recorded a song."

Ye Lin continued to stretch out his hand, feeling displeased.

"Do you think I like singing in front of tens of thousands of eyes?" Surprisingly, Prey also complained and sighed: "It's a traditional ceremony that everyone is looking for, and it can be regarded as a peaceful gathering."

The size of the planet Tabors is no less than that of Arad. The land is vast and boundless, but because there are mostly flying races, there are no super large cities similar to "Hutton Mar".

Traditional rituals are actually a kind of communication.

In other words, the beauty of the golden planet is certainly dreamlike, but in terms of civilization, including "magic civilization", the progress is actually not very good.

If the influence of the top combat prowess Prey is ignored and the highly combative Demon Realm invades Tabors, it is really unclear who will win or lose.

This is also something that Prey seriously considered after seeing the cruelty of the demon world. He must try to improve Tybols' overall strength, instead of just relying on the natural qualities of some strong men.

Only by being prepared can you be safe.

But he was helpless. He took advantage of the past few days to recuperate and think about it, but he couldn't find a more effective way.

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