Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,379 The restless master and servant

"I originally wanted to get a big deal, but you ruined my good thing. If you weren't still useful to me, I really wanted to stab you."

Sirok's slender fingers were covered with sharp metal nail polishes, and he gently lifted his chin, as if he was looking at a piece of art, but his eyes seemed to be quite dissatisfied.

"Is it Zema Kulei?" Ye Lin clenched his fists in shame, but helplessly let go.

His size and height were suppressed by force, and Sirok just kicked the stool he was standing on, which really didn't give him any face.

"It's Tybols!" Sirocco mocked.

Although she has achieved a relatively rapid evolution through the power of Wuxuan on the new planets Yudia and Yelin, she has become extremely resistant to a series of extremely harsh environments such as darkness and coldness that she feared in the past.

But Sirocco's nature still yearns for heat energy. The geothermal heat in the violently rolling planet core of Tabors may be able to promote her second evolution and become more perfect and noble.

My stomach is full for a while, but there will always be times when I feel hungry again.

In the view of the arrogant and indifferent Shilok, Tybols is going to die forever anyway, so it is better to finally use some of the remaining heat to satisfy his desire to take root, instead of just wasting it, what a pity.

Therefore, Shilok, who is more proficient in spatial abilities, actually arrived at Tabors earlier than Isis. He is ready to enjoy a delicious meal and should be able to achieve the second perfect evolution.

However, her arrival was naturally met with the full resistance of Tabors' will, and she did not expect that Yelin did not stop Isis in the demon world, but instead placed the battlefield in Tabors.

So she didn't have enough time to go back and forth, so she simply took her maid to a floating island to rest and relax, trying to continue to squat and pick up something missing, and the fisherman would benefit.

But Yelin disappointed her again. Not only did he fail to stab Isis to death, but he also awakened the genius of Prey.

The thing that I wanted to take root in and absorb the heat energy was helpless and turned into a breeze.

I didn't catch the super large hot star core from the ground, and I could only taste a little bit of the remaining power of the holy tree, just like I didn't eat the watermelon, just a grain of sesame.

Of course, Sirocco was not in a good mood, and his noble and cold appearance was now full of displeasure.

She looked down at Ye Lin shamelessly, swiping her sharp nails on his cheek, then lowered her head to give him an aggressive and deep kiss, and forced herself into a state of empathy to share recent memories.

Without giving her a reasonable explanation, Lin wouldn't be able to stand up and go out tonight.

"Oh, so it was Held who asked you to keep the battlefield away from the demon world?"

Shilok's voluptuous snake-like tongue licked the plump and sexy lips, not aftertaste, but carefully reading and analyzing all his recent experiences.

It turns out that I had never mentioned to him that I wanted to absorb Tybols~

It turned out to be his fault. Sirocco's expression softened slightly, but it was absolutely impossible to admit his mistake!

How could the noble and cool queen admit her mistake to a mere power bank?


Even as strong as Sirocco, with a stable state of mind transformed after all kinds of hardships, he couldn't help but be filled with surprise at this moment, and asked in astonishment: "She is pregnant?"

"Well...two months."

Ye Lin lowered his eyebrows and responded obediently. He tapped his fingers in front of him obediently, not daring to express his anger. He was a little worried that Sirocco would be infinitely angry because of this.

Although in the demon world ruins space, Sirok gave the opponent a slap in the face, which made him look relaxed and feel a little lighter, but he actually had no confidence whether the unforgettable hatred in the Screaming Cave could be resolved.

"Hahahaha... That woman who always looks down on everything is like today."

Sirocco suddenly burst into laughter, almost out of breath, and doubled over with laughter.

Held, who was used to wearing a bikini, suddenly had to wear a loose robe to hide her beautiful figure.

The woman who is always self-righteous, condescending, and has such a calm expression that makes you want to punch her will have to nurse her baby, change diapers, and put her to sleep in the middle of the night... Shilok somehow feels more comfortable physically and mentally, as if she had eaten ice cream in the summer.

She patted Ye Lin on the shoulder hard, her smile still lingering, and she said with a pun: "Well done, well done."

Sirocco gently tugged on the starry dress. Considering his height, just by raising his toes, he could just take a big bite of the accumulated fat.

She knew exactly what Ye Lin wanted to like, and she didn't mind stuffing it into his mouth. She wouldn't chew off a piece of it anyway.

"In another seven or eight months, Held will have to feed the baby like this~" Shilok, who was clicking his tongue with interest, suddenly frowned and scolded coldly: "You try to use your teeth again? Believe it or not, I will feed you one by one." I’ve knocked it out for you.”

After touching her for about half a day, "Aska" stood up carefully, wearing a simple and pure silk dress, a slender and soft body, and a smooth oval face with an intoxicating blush.

"I'll take the first step, my dear brother." Aska deliberately teased, and his voice and look were 70% similar.

Because his origin had been shaken, Ye Lin was unable to use Wuxuan to restore his condition. He held a resurrection coin tightly in his hand, and his eyes were dull and empty.

Shilok is currently the only woman who can touch the origin of Wuxuan during dual cultivation. It is very beneficial to her cultivation progress, but it is very harmful to the body...

"Aska" frowned secretly after taking a few steps. Sure enough, he still had to absorb it first. A bag with a gap cannot hold anything.

Ye Lin lay on the ground for a long time, with tears in the corners of his eyes. Then he silently turned his head and looked at Bosem and Alexandra in the tea pavilion. They were still making strings and adjusting the sound.

He didn't seem to notice the concept that most of the day had passed, and he was still talking and laughing.

Suddenly, a tall woman blocked the light from the sky and cast a shadow on him, with a charming and charming temperament.

"Oh, Your Majesty the Queen is so merciless. It's almost turned into dregs of medicine."


Ye Lin's voice was dry and hoarse. He recognized this beautiful silver-haired enchantress who was looking down at him very rudely. The charming Hanil was born from the beautiful dream that Shilok once constructed for himself.

During the battle in the Screaming Cave, Luxi risked his life just to give Aganzuo one more minute to escape.

That kind of extremely crazy and angry behavior, but also full of deep love, makes Shilok, who has always been a solitary flower, growing on his own, fragrant by himself, and without friends, very incomprehensible.

Why would someone be willing to give up their own life for the life of others?

Is the so-called "love" taste really so fascinating...

After his body was chopped off, Shilok transformed into seven powers. When he sought rebirth, he also constructed a safe dreamland for himself because of his endless pain and despair.

Hanir is also the succubus that Sirocco formed from her scattered power out of strong incomprehension.

However, on the surface Hanil is the product of longing for love, but in fact it is Shilok's need for his own sense of security, and his desire for someone to help him escape suffering and become a hero like Luxi did for Forrest Gump!

Born from Shilok, but with independent consciousness. In fact, Shirok wanted to use Hanir as an energy absorber at first, but the food was a pity and the portion was not much. She might as well stay and be a loyal maid. .

Also because of her special relationship with Shilok, Hanil's favorable impression of him was 100% perfect. When she looked at him, the shape of her pupils turned into pink hearts.

"The Queen has finished using it, so it should be my turn."

Hanier's flexible peach-heart tail behind him curled up Ye Lin's waist and raised it in front of him. He pinched his cheeks and chin with his fingers and nodded with satisfaction.

"With tender skin and tender flesh, and handsome appearance, he is truly worthy of being the male favorite of Her Majesty the Queen, so I won't be polite."

Hanil said frivolous words, but his movements were clumsy and jerky, and the process of setting the mortise and tenon joints was very unsmooth, like a carpenter inserting tools randomly.

"Let me teach you. It turns out that you are just talking on paper but only know that you have to do it...doing it will make you fat." Ye Lin finally stabilized his roots and was full of energy.

It wasn't until dusk that the enchantress Hanil left with satisfaction. The queen's male favorite was really good and he came often.

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